... That the KHV Awards coincide perfectly with the Olympics?
Jamba Juice 1: "We're not hiring, but we are taking applications." *hands completed application* Jamba Juice 2: "No, we're not hiring, but if you go online there's-" *hands completed application* "Oh. That works." Jamba Juice 3: He actually looked through my application, asked a few questions, talked about some stuff, and then "I'll make sure the manager sees this." Sanrio Store: "Actually, we are accepting resumes." *hands resume* "Awesome. Could you do me a favor and write your availability on the back?" The Melt: This one was having a job fair. I filled out the application, handed it in, a few minutes later I got an interview. I think it went pretty well, because the interviewer asked if I could stick around for a while so he could get someone else to do a second interview. I don't feel very confident in the second interview, though. I feel like I stuttered a bit too much. To summarize: High hopes for Jamba 3, Sanrio, and The Melt.
I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so I can't give a whole lot of details, but... HOLY SHIZ I WAS AT APPLE TODAY OMG
Just got my food handler's certification. Now all the food places will want to hire me! ... Right?
DF's coming over in 7 hours. I should probably get some sleep.
... and I miss a change in the rules and a huge drama storm. From what I can tell, staff made rules, people objected, long discussion/people yelling at each other, storm calms down as actual negotiations and compromises take place. Sounds like fun. Is there anything resulting from this that I should be made aware of? I don't mean to sound lazy or rude, but I'd rather not have to look through several threads with several pages worth of super long posts. I really just want to know the end result.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
How long can a dog go without... going? I'm pet-sitting for someone in their apartment. It just so happens that the management of the apartment complex is doing inspection and maintenaince today, which is making loud noises in the surrounding apartments. Every time I try to walk this dog, she gets scared off by a loud noise outside and runs back inside without doing her business. If I'm trying to avoid having her have an accident inside the house, should I be worried? The loud noises she's scared by won't stop until 5 PM, and she hasn't gone since around 6 or 7 PM yesterday.
I'm livestreaming my kitten sleeping. Sometimes she wakes up a bit to play before going back to sleep. It's adorable... EDIT: Never mind, my mom came in and woke her up. D: *link removed*
... that it wrapped around into actual morning and you realized that the only socially acceptable thing to do was to continue staying up until a more reasonable sleeping hour? Removing the size=1 part of my post template because I don't want to read something that tiny at 6 in the morning, and neither should you.
I think I might have anxiety issues. Well, I know I have issues, I just don't know how to classify them. The reason I suspect anxiety is because both my mom and my older sister have been diagnosed with anxiety. I've never been diagnosed with anything because I've never seen a therapist because I've never asked for one because I'm afraid it costs money and I feel like it'll put unneccessary stress on my family because even if insurance covers it they'll have to worry about driving me to my appointments and all that other stuff and it just seems like it should be something I should deal with on my own. I first noticed it near the beginning of my senior year, though looking back, there's evidence of it back as far as I can remember. Every time a teacher would assign something that I felt would be difficult, I would start freaking out inside. Sometimes, it got so bad that I would actually cry in the middle of class. I would start panicking because I would think about how that project would make life more difficult, and how if I didn't do a perfect job, I would fail the class, drop out of high school, never get into college, and be a bum for the rest of my life. Most of my anxiety attacks came from school, so I assumed that once I graduated, they would stop. I was wrong. Now, I tend to freak out about the future. I got into my dream college, but now, I worry about paying for it. I didn't get nearly enough scholarships, and now that the state of California cut the Cal Grants from private colleges, there goes most of my funding. Every time I think about going to college, I think about how to try and pay for it. I obviously can't pay for it out of pocket, but I'm terrified of entering into a student loan because of all the horror stories I've heard about someone's student debt following them around for the rest of their lives and ruining their chances at a successful life. I think, "Maybe if I was a better person... If I wrote a better essay... If I volunteered for something other than running an anime convention (which took a lot of work, but because it's "just cartoons" and not saving puppies or feeding homeless people, scholarship committees don't care)... Maybe I could have gotten more scholarships... Oh well, you ruined your life, have fun being a hobo crushed under student debt!" I also freak out when it comes to social situations. I want people to think the best of me to maximize my chances of being successful in life. I want to be the best person I can be. But unfortunately, I don't know how to convince people that I'm awesome. I always feel like I'm being conceited or something. Even now, while writing this, I wonder what you, the reader will think of me. "Look at her. She shouldn't care what people think. She should be her own person. Also, she should feed homeless puppies. Otherwise, she's a horrible person." Anyways, I guess the point is... How do I cope with this? As I said before, I'm scared of involving my family or a doctor because money is tight and we need to save money so I can go to college and not be a hobo. Is there anything I can do on my own, or should I just accept that I'm completely bonkers?
I noticed the old one was locked, most likely due to inactivity and me leaving and everything. I could ask for it to be unlocked, but... If I'm going to bring it back, I'd rather start off with a fresh thread. Lend me your votes and your thoughts. (If anyone who wasn't here before wants me to explain what it is, I can write up a quick short description.)
So I recently got my AP Score Report in the mail. ---2012 Micro Econ - 4 Macro Econ - 4 Eng Lit - 5 US Gov - 5 Comp Gov - 3 Stats - 4 ---2011 US History - 4 Eng Lang - 4 ---2010 World History - 3 They're scored on a 1 to 5 scale. 3 is passing, 5 is pretty freaking amazing. Anyone else want to share their scores? :3
So the entire three days super duper long time I've been back, I've been using the khv4.0v2 theme. Not on purpose (at least I don't think so), but when I switched to KH-Vids 5.0 Dark Fluid Width, I was like, "Wow, the UI just improved like, a lot. Also, BLUE OMG YES THEY LISTENED TO ME THEY FINALLY LISTENED TO ME YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" I am pleased.
http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20...ersity-sues-student-graduating-too-fast.shtml Really? Really? I mean... I did the math, and €3,000 is about $3,714. That's a little more than what my dorm costs per semester. Is that really worth suing over?
Thank you, KH-Vids, for all that you did for me. Four years ago, you helped me through a difficult time in my life. My younger brothers have Autism, and it had gotten so bad that my own family was pretty much ignoring me. I was homeschooled, so I didn't have many friends anyway, but what friends I did have were never allowed to come over because my parents were ashamed of my brothers' disability. Long story short, I REALLY needed someone to talk to. So I made friends on the internet and created an online persona as a way to "escape" from my real life. I created my own "Magical Cookie Castle ~For All Cookie Lovers~" to give myself a place that represented innocence and simplicity. A place that I had control over when I had very little control over my real life. I know it sounds weird to say that a forum had a huge impact on my life. But it did. "But Amby! If we had such a big impact, why did you leave?" I went to high school. I made real friends. My brothers were taken to a group home that would take better care of them than we ever could. I needed to focus on rebuilding myself. (Plus my "forum posting time" was replaced by webchats with a certain member...) Anyways, sorry if I bored you. I just wanted to say thank you. Also, I wanted to apologize for being a complete noob back then. I read through some of my old posts, and... *shudders* Oh yeah, and in case anyone's curious? DF and I are still together. A lot of people doubted it would ever work out, but it looks like it has. He drives down to see me almost every week now. :) Sorry for the sappy post. Just feeling really nostalgic and whatnot.
Hey guys, have you heard about Kingdom Hearts 3D? I hear it has Neku in it!
Spoiler I wanna see how many people care that I posted this thread. This isn't an offical return or anything, I was just showing my friend some stuff DF wrote and felt like posting something. If you don't know who I am, you suck. Go away. Edit: That's what I thought. Buh-bye. Sorry.
Pick the month you were born: January-------I kicked February------I loved March----------I karate chopped April------------I licked May------------I jumped on June-----------I smelled July------------I did the Macarena With August--------I had lunch with September----I danced with October-------I sang to November-----I yelled at December-----I ran over Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1-------a birdbath 2-------a monster 3-------a phone 4-------a fork 5-------a snowman 6-------a gangster 7-------my mobile phone 8-------my dog 9-------my best friends' boyfriend 10-------my neighbour 11-------my science teacher 12-------a banana 13-------a fireman 14-------a stuffed animal 15-------a goat 16-------a pickle 17-------your mom 18-------a spoon 19------- a smurf 20-------a baseball bat 21-------a ninja 22-------Chuck Norris 23-------a noodle 24-------a squirrel 25-------a football player 26-------my sister 27-------my brother 28-------an iPod 29-------a surfer 30-------a homeless guy 31-------a llama What is the last number of the year you were born: 1--------- in my car 2 --------- on your car 3 --------- in a hole 4 --------- under your bed 5 --------- riding a Motorcycle 6 --------- sliding down a hill 7 --------- in an elevator 8---------- at the dinner table 9 -------- in line at the bank 0 -------- in your bathroom Pick the color of shirt you are wearing: White---------because I'm cool like that Black---------because that's how I roll. Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy. Red-----------because the voices told me to. Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want. Green---------because I think I need some serious help. Purple---------because I'm AWESOME! Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. Yellow---------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars. Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway. Brown---------because I can. Other----------because I'm a Ninja! None----------because I can't control myself! Do it. I dare you.