I'm playing Kingdom hearts series for the first time . What should we did in order to get the old secret ending ? For fighting ES , does we need to complete RE:COM ?
I got it when i drive into wisdom form . But make sure you have at least 5 drive bars . You can get it after fighting Roxas.
O.O congrats to you . I don't have much time to play it because my examination . XDD...i havent beat Sephiroth yet ...damn slow
I annoy halloween town because the bosses are quite ******ed . >__<
Both . I have been waiting it for long time XDD
My least favourite world could be Halloween Town and Atlantica . .
The BHS looks like Roxas . Thanks for the video anyway^^
Hello to all the members. I'm new in this forum . I join because i love KH very much ^^ Nice to meet you all . :)
That guy is awesome . How does he guard from not damaged by E.S ?