I've heard of zoids before. Never seen them. They're really interesting.. I love the quality of the photo and how you blur out part of the background photo and focus onto the main area.. I would say you're either a complete photography genius or I suck at it. Probably both. (;
It would definitely have to be either "Letterbomb" or "Poprocks and Coke" by Green Day. ....Or "Lead Me To the Cross" By Chris and Conrad.
Real Life: I am extremely klutzy, gullible, naive, and pretty stupid most of the time as well (with words). I speak before I think. I walk before I plan my path. I do things at the last minute possible. I try and get out of things I don't want to do, not even trying them, not even considering it might be an absolute adventure. But I'm still good in heart and I'm funny. I have many friends who love me. I try my best to love them back. To encourage and help them like they have to me. But I always end up hurting their feelings and apologizing later, stupidly. I'm shy. I don't talk much unless around people I've known forever and ever. Hard to believe if you're a friend online. Online: I am cunning, I can figure someone's true intentions out just by one conversation with them. I can make or break your heart with words. I'm still a bit clumsy and shy, but I'm a lot braver and smart online than I am in real life. I am extremely talkative. I can chat until I drop. Unless I'm drawing, of course. Then I need alone time and I don't want to be bothered. Otherwise, I'm on my laptop ALL DAY. I try and buy as much time as I can on the internet as possible. It's something vital for communication for me. Without it, I can't be social. Although I still have some trouble choosing words on the internet, I'm still persuasive, and can figure you out from head to toe. I know if you're hiding something from me. I know if you're depressed, or happy, or just plain bored. I can read your words like a psychic lady reads hands. I like talking like old people like chicken. There you have it. Me being talkative IRL is like a snowball's chance in hell. And I, also, have a lot of name changes on sites. Actually, a lot more than probably anyone here. O.o Bulbagarden. I have maybe over 70 different names I've gone by on there. But most people recognize me as either "Aurawave" (my first forum username that I've used for just about every forum I've joined) "American1D10T" (big Green Day fan is me. People abbreviate it as A1.. lol I'm a steak sauce) and "Keyslinger" (duh). Yeah. I have no life. And I'm also very stubborn. And emotional.
Serebii: Aurawave http://www.serebiiforums.com/member.php?u=156641 Pokecommunity: Zoroark-nightmare...
Yes! Especially the ending. *shudder* =S It had a great impact on me. I had no idea that it was coming.
Even I applied. And I'm relatively new. xD I know I won't make it though. Good luck to others.. I wonder how many people they'll accept for each job..
Gaawwrsh, thanks. =P For Daxa's rating, anywho, Avatar: 9/10 <3 Signature: 10/10 <3 I love them ;A;
This was creative and hilarious at the same time. xD The dude in the poem thingy sounds like a total player though.
I've only been a fan since last year. O.o Anyhoo, welcome! I hope you'll have a good time here. The members here are lively and kind, and I hope you'll enjoy the company and the forum. =)
Oh, I didn't see that! Thank you. I was wondering how my post ended up back here. =P Dry writing? I thought it was just depressing.
Oh, well then I'm not alone~ =P You're just in time, Serebii upgraded not too long ago. It runs much faster now. Heck yes I play Pokemon! =D I'll...
I read it in 6th grade.. O.o Seriously? At MCDONALDS? Whoah. They must really want you to buy their burgers. Also, has anyone noticed that "they" used the shop with old items and rarities as a lure?
I agree, it does make you think about things. I actually got creeped out at one point and started wondering.. "what if the government really DOES watch us?" O.o But again, it's a book. And come on, you gotta admit O'Brien's creepy.
Oh, thank you! I have no eyes, I'm terribly sorry for not seeing that earlier. Again, thanks for being so helpful. =)
I must disagree with those who think that we're afraid of God. I'm Christian (Presbyterian), and I do NOT follow my religion out of fear God will punish me. In my mind, God loves everyone, He created every one of us for a reason. He has forgiveness within His heart and will relieve you of sin as long as you ask for forgiveness and are truly sorry. I believe a good Christian should live next to God. Treat Him as Father, as He is. Love Him, He'll love you back.
One of the best books I've read is "The Invention of Hugo Cabret". Another's "The Hunger Games", "Catching Fire", and "Mockingjay". <-- They're making movies for those. Another one of my favorites would have to be "George Orwell 1984" though.
George Orwell - 1984 George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four (1984) is by far one of my most favorite books. If you've read Animal Farm, that one is very similar to 1984. The book is based on communism (mostly), and how the community's "Big Brother" is "Watching You" at all times. People live in silence most of the time because they are scared of being taken away and killed or vaporized because of their disrespect or rebellion to the government. There is surveillance everywhere, and no one goes unseen. I suggest you read it yourself. Be warned though, if you're extremely uncomfortable (and or immature) about sexual things, I don't recommend you read this. Some parts of the book include mild sexual talk and or actions, but nothing too bad, nothing descriptive. =P But I really do think this is a great book. To those who've read it already, any comments?
Avatar - 8/10 Signature - 8.4/10 Not a big fan of those dudes. Aren't they "Big Time Rush" or something? :O
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. It's one of my personal favorites.<3
I'd probably be a Wyvern because I do enjoy randomly swooping down and scratching my opponent's face until he/she dies...