check this out I worked 18 hours on it (no I"m kidding) please rate and commit on it.
Here's a awsome new shop here you can request sigg of weapons of favorite character from any thing as long as you have a pic here's some places you can get them or D-art <---- must ask permission for art fill this out to get one Username: pic url: (please make link if possible) Pre-set Text: (yes or NO) Text: (if picked no Pre-set text or want extra text) background color: border: (yes or no) Staff: KHchick Bugerking Fate pre-set text: wepon of choice
I need pather for a shop I'm opening beacause I don't have a compter with Photoshop evertime I log on, so if you'd like to, I'd be delighted. Should have PS 5.0 or greater (or any other program like it) It's a shop where will be make stuff like this And This
I'm in this video if you really close you see me jumping up and down I'm on the farest right of the stage i have a really skinny arm so try to find me!!! Video
What do you think, please rate If you want one? give me the pic and I'll make you one
ON the Island Of EDit out many friend,rivels and conflicts have been found here we left roxas as he returned to his favorite spot. Now the story continues from here. Because in the ruins there is a evil brewin and this evil Darkshade a strange Creature that can take the form and power anything as long it touch it. It came from a meteor that fell from the and killed most of edit Island strongest now they the saviors and newcomers must this new threat This is how you sign up: Character Desigered: Weapon: (pic unless with Character) Apperance(only if made up chacter) Why You Want To Join
here some vids I made please wacth, rate and commit layers kingdom hearts life
here's some of muy latest and greatest kh random files plezse rate and reply to how you like them
okay here's what happened ysterday and today at school in math yesterdy: me: man, this a hard!!!! (i suck at math) girl: go ask the teacher me: no way she scares me!! girl: i'm telling * goes and tell teacher* teacher: roar!!!! me: (squills like a little girl) today: me: here grade my work girl:no i don't want me: but you have too!!!! girl: fine!!!!!*grabs paper ripping it* me: look you got a pimple girl: you don't say that to a girl!!!!!!!!!! me: i waz kidding girl: shutup!!!! me:...sorry.. girl: *ingnores me*...*tell everyone not to talk to me* me: hey can i check ur anwser with mine? ( not cheatin checking) girl:... me: hey did you hear me? girl:.... me: aaww man i got a D-
i've been thinking and on the edge of leaveing here...its weird i don't want to go but also... i want leave..i mean why is there a anime section if what we post about them is limited..i'm not just kingdom hearts..i'm lots of others things too. i can't post anything not related to kingdom hearts now..(and if that's really true this thread is my death wish)..i'm really confused and don't know what to do
-Edited by Misty- This is NOT allowed.
looking for a good naruto rpg? try here its really fun!!!!! never mind
bleach sig vid!!!!
well guess what i changed my name and most of you know who i am so try and guess hint 1: i'm good friends with DR
here's my first vid roxas will never die here's the re-mix roxas will never die re-mix
the epic struggle begins as i find myself but at the same time destroy -when the world was kind and many thing were fun and where invisable people talk to you and you cherished many dreams as grow the they become real, you were a super hero who could fly and you beliave anything could happen
this is where i'll post the winner
to make it short and sweet u post who you want to be king and queen and then i'll make a poll and we'll finally choose who it will be's a thread to post funny vids since i'm not good at finding any plus post anything you find funny