I like it overall but the only thing I don't like is that there are too many colours.
I really like V2 the most because it's really clear and has more colors. the other ones are just a bit too dull for me but they all look sweet XD.
I love the one with the KH1 sora in 3D running on the Island. but the rest of there are a little too bright but I still like them.
I'm gonna have to say Xaldin. those blades are beastly.
yep i do well i gtg so bye. 1,000 post good job
Xemnas... He has good fighting tacticts.
I can't use it because for some reason I can't find a way to open rar files.
Oh ok btw are you hacking now?
I would be that giant one at the begining of KH1 but a bit lighter.
Overall I like them all but I don't know the difference between the originals and how you made them different.
OOOOOO this is a good one... we couldn't play after we beat the game In other words we would have to reset the game and start where we were before we beat the game to play again... Like I wish we could've ran around on the Island on KH2 or doing what we need to do on KH1. It would've been awsome.
they look really good I like how they contrast in each avatar. It's akward how little you have to do to a picture to make it look awsome, cause I know I've seen these pictures somewhere.
I can speak a little Spanish. But then again who can't. :stupid:
Some times Naruto if I don't have anything to do on a Saturday night.
lol zoming in on goofys mouth and nose. it looked like a hot dog.
Oh My Goodness Iv'e seen some really good artwork here but this one really takes the case. But what is the dude doing I can't really see the picture as much but it still looks awsome.
Oh yea I'm gonna go outside and get some super powers and fly out into the mist of the dim light when the solar eclipse comes. lol jk but I can't wait to see it IF it does come. although most of the stuff we havepredicted in america has come true lol.
I Don't know how to convert it to RAW.
OMG this is the easiest question cause you know what everyone will pick... Video games.