So I have to search it differently?
oh yea I know tht but I just wanted to make sure i was doing the right things... like it doesn't say "SORA" on the side when I searched SORA.
No thats how i took the tutorial.
its asking me load from and has a whole bunch of numbers and adress from then a whole bunch of numbers and they are all zeroes. and another thing... Do I do the same thing janamine told to do in that tutorial?
Does it matter which level you are on as long as your fighting cloud at the collosieum.
Thanks a bunch. XD
ok I'll take anything.:sleepy:
No I'm not I just need to test some theories and start hacking more so I can learn.
!!!WOOT WOOT today is my birthday XD!!!. Anyway I just had to tell you that but anyways. Don't you have a dump for the first district that I could maybe use fruit loops?
lol good thing you told me that now.
Hey fruit loops... can you make a code that lets you play as riku with that blue and red sword thing that he first has... (kind of like a code request) and I don't want to make you do it I know your busy enough. I can start hacking now but I don't know how to transfer the SLUS file on to my VMware fusion(Where I can run PC's on Windows). But is there anywhere where I can download the SLUS file for kingdom hearts 1? EDIT:Never mind... I fugured it out BUT. Does anyone have a save dump for traverse town first second and third district. (Thinking of a code I can make) I took the tutorial and everything... now I think i'm ready to make codes. so yea like I said... If anyone has a dump for those three areas please tell me.
Thanks for making that. OH AND GUESS WHAT... I LEARNED HOW TO GET PC'S RUNNING ON A MAC SO NOW I CAN START HACKING. -feels overley exited-
Well here I am... Leaving... Not forever but I will be checking from time to time to see how everything is going. And as you can see school has 99.9% to do with it. because i'm just starting out my school year and i'm a freshman in the high school. And i'm doing R.O.T.C in my school so I won't be on alot of the time. But on the weekends ill probably be here but for now. I'll see you peeps later. For the second time lol bye.
Oh now this is awsome XD. But I thought it was still DMA. Hhhmmmm must be because I was out so much.
HOLY SH!T. This is awsome. I can never smudge like this... Or get the colours like that. you should make a tutorial. Not kidding.
WOW that is truly a great job. I like how You perfectly lightened and darkened all of the right parts. Looks awsome nice job.
Render- Dimensions : Default Text : ReebokR32 Color : Yellow and Black
I can give you another if you want.
Not to be an anoyance but are you still working on my sig?
Hey peeps... I'm back... can someone update me?