Hey good to meet you too.
Pretty much trying to make codes that weren't releast like the play as riku codes while fighting leon. Well I gtg it's getting late and I'm tired so cya later XD.
ok hopefully I'll get it right this time.
It might be because it's just simpily the wrong place to do it at. I mean that is the place where you fight cloud BUT you could fight leon while playing as him... It just doesn't make sense. thanks man.
LOL there was no point of me even trying to hack it then lol.
well I made a play as cloud code for the hercules cup in the collosieum but whenever I move it freezes but I can still jump... Kind of like that play as the bird code at destiny islands.
well I guess so until I can figure out what to do with him... But in the mean time can you still give me that dump for traverse town first district?
R U going to reply to my post... not to be an anoyyance.
I'll try it again... EDIT:Yep it didn't work still... hold on let me try one I think may work. EDIT:Never mind... ok one more chance at this... EDIT:Never mind... that one doesn't work too. Now I know what you did wrong... those digits were soras moveset model but you have to keep the first set of digits... like- 20e5e464 20e5e468 your not supposed to put the moveset digits in that place... at least that what i'm kinda sure of.
Yea... It froze i mean it BSOD.
20e5e464 00dc8d00 20e5e468 00dc8d20
well what is it?????
yes... I just said yes.
yep i have my own ps2 and kh1.
If your talking about ps2dis... I searched in CLOUD... then I keep pressing F5 untill I came to this adress- 00e5e5cc 00dc8d00 00e5e5d0 00dc8d20
GO HERE http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2888520#post2888520
HOLY SH**T I made a play as cloud code in that dump you gave me fruit loops. its 20E5E464 00DC8D00 20E5E468 00DC8D20 I feel so... so BLASTS OF. BUT it freezes when you move. ISTRUCTIONS:go to collessium enter the hercules cup, then go to ENET ALONE if you enter with your party it will freeze. but it will freeze reguardless but i'm so proud of myself.
do you know any other hacking tutorials instead of the one Janamine6 made froot loops.
hey I gtg I'm gonna take a break and go play call of duty 4 *being lazy* so bye.
Are there any other tutorials?