HEY jokering it worked... first:is dark soul eater riku supposed to have that awsome outfit? because riku still looks that same but he has that sword... second: the second district and third district don't work when I joker them but the first district does. And I tested the all abilities and it worked.
well this my last time because i gtg... mom want's the computer... I hate my mom. anyways i'll try but my last try.
same results.
it still didn't work.
I'm on it *runs to go get a sheet of paper. Did you change the first four lines?
Oh snap *Snaps fingers*... what is it?
UUUhhh ok XD.... you sure have alot of dumps lol.
well you never know until you try... you have a dump?
I'm thinking the end of the world (the world). what did you have in mind?
Well that sucks big time that means that playing as him is pretty much impossible.
Oh. Have you tried a dump for hallow bastions? when you first enter the castle. (When you fight Dark riku first or the second fight when you fight him).
two questions: 1: Is the tutorial here or at kh2codes.com? 2: How did you find dark riku's model?
alright let me go look up the tutorial.
Would this model of sora be any better for the first two line digits? 10e77db4 10e77db8
let me see if I can find out if you hacked it right...(I have to pull up VMware fusion so this might take a while.)
with second district it froze but just showed a little purple light... which might be a good thing since soul eater riku is purple-ish.. but ill try and joker it... wait a sec... I'll try that other codes you gave us jokering it would be too much work to re-write the code again.
oh yea alright be back with the results.\ EDIT: with second district it froze but just showed a little purple light... which might be a good thing since soul eater riku is purple-ish
Well I can't get to second unless I get through first and I can't get through first.
It BSOD when I went to the third district from merlins house but it put me really high in the air looking down at the first district when I went to the first district.
I'm testing it now. EDIT: Well that was akward... it put me really high in the air looking down at the first district.