like pretty much every code
mmmmmmmm... that sounds sexy, lol jk but cool.
sorry i've been gone for a while but can anyone give me updates??? -too lazy to go back-
It's perfect... I don't have anything else to say about it. Loved how you used smudging.
that is great awsome gob but that red is kind of annoying at his face(could've not made it as bright). but other than that great. the colors work great together too.
well I'm hoping to make more codes similar to that if I can get more dumps, but I gtg going to see a tutorial on how to make a dump.
I thinks that usually for normal model moding.
o.O, thats a really good question. All I can say is that when I saw cloud and Sora's model, I made sure that the first few digits match up, like:...
play as riku (soul eater) first district 10e0dc86 00003531 10e0dc88 00003036 10e0dca6 00003531 10e0dca8 00003036<-- You missed the d lol.
I used Ps2dis... But Wasn't that hard, just normal model modding. XD
just put that code, the code is already in there, and yes... you play as cloud all the time XD.
Whats up people... well I made a play as cloud code a while back but whenever you would move it would freeze. But now I found a way around it. Play as Cloud flying in the Hercules Cup 20E5E464 00DC8D00 20E5E468 00DC8D20 E002FDFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 INSTRCTIONS: go to the Colloseium, then enter the Hercules cup the MAKE SURE TO PRESS ENTER ALONE or it will BSOD. Then when you see yourself as cloud, press R2 then he should be floating around in that same position but can still attack. P.S.(The R2 is the fly anywhere code).AND YES I TESTED THIS CODE SO IT DOES WORK.
Oh... and that press L2 to land didn't work for me.
No... not for me... I tested it... all you have to do is keep going to the ground (Keep pressing square) until you land.
you jokered it wrong... it's supposed to be E003FDFF 004DD49C. the other one is for kh2.
This is a beast... I'm gonna try it out with the play as dark soul eater riku code.
first you would make a flag for it... then I think you use a dump for that flag to make the code.
well the first shared ability you get is high jump in monstro... when you have to chase riku into it when he steals pinokio.
I think someone will make one someday...
it doesn't work... nothing happened.