How can I make it show how old I am on my profile? All it says is my b- day :[
I eat them all the time. At school throughout the day, at home, and at my Dad's house. I can't stop... I'm not getting fat or anything, I just don't wanna eat them anymore I eat them all the time, and I know it's bad, but I can't stop eating them- the little ones, I hate the big ones. What do I do?
Isn't the theme song for Two and a half Men one of the best sitcom theme songs ever?
I need help with my homework alot... not answers, just help... ok, not gonna lie, answers too Dx But I was thinking about it the other day... And I think it's a pretty good idea...
I ALWAYS chew on ice... It's like, I can't help it (i know I can, but it's so hard to stop). And my parents, my teachers, and even some of my friends keep telling me to stop D: But it's a hard habit to get out of (hence the fact that I haven't stopped yet) The feeling of the cold, hard ice cubes turning into slush against my teeth feels so good... and now I just chew ice all the time D: But I rly need to stop... Any1 have an idea to help me with this?
I wanna join... but I don wanna be dubbed a nerd cuz alot of ppl who are in it are... especially since I'm rly popular... plz don't feed me all this crap that if they're my friends they wouldn't care... >. > I'm talking bout the ppl who aren't my friends... some ppl can be rly mean hearted... And I actually do care, so plz plz don't tell me I shouldn't :[ Every1 tells me that...
Can't figure out how... It's frustrating meh :[
I think the Comet staff for Donald and Falling Star shield for Goofy were the best looking ones, but I think they're ultimate weps are the best (duh). But Comet Staff and Falling Star are my favs :] [I searched and didn't find this, so 4give me if the thread has aready been made]
I haven't been on cuz I was grounded, so plz forgive me friends... I am still grounded until I get my grades up... so... I'll be off for a while :[
i gots the new inheritance book 2day!
I heard rumor like, a year- 2 yrs ago that there was going to be a Final Fantasy VII remake coming out on ps3. So I went and bought a ps3. Then I hear that there's not gonna be a remake, then I hear it's unconfirmed. Then I hear they are. Then i hear that they are wanting to finish a few current projects first. Then I hear that it has to be a unanimous decision from all of the original game creators to agree on remaking it. Then I hear they're remaking it. THEN I HEAR that they will think about it @___@ It's all a massive headache... Does any1 know for sure if there's gonna be one or not?
I personally really like it. I'm a lvl 54 Ice/lightning mage and I think the characters look so cute :] Broa is the server I play on. it's pretty kewl :]
I used to really like anime, and I was SO obsessed with it... i keep thinking though, my sis made me start watching Bleach(URAHARA FTW), and I rly like it. most ppl I know who watch anime are totally obsessed. I don't know a single person who isn't... I really don wanna get over- obsessed... Especially since I found new interest in House and Bones, cuz I really like those shows now... I kinda quit anime after 7th grade cuz every1 made fun of me for liking it... idk if that's bad or not, but my life is a hell of alot bttr now :]
Now my mom won't let me eat wheat, rye, barley, or anything good :[ Is this allergy uncommon? It really sucks....
Texas -where I live- was hit pretty hard by Hurricane Ike. my fence was blown over and totaled, was any1 else here stuck in it?
I can't choose, but my friends are having a HUUUUGGGE headache argument over it, so I was curious at what you guys thought.
Ok, I feel like a noob, but in KH1 I can't figure out the puzzle that is tarzan :] I'm completely stuck, and I can't figure out what to do :] I can't even figure out how to tell you where I'm AT in the Tarzan world... sorry... T.T
So, a friend of mine made this AMAZING video, it's not KH, but I really think it's so amazing, and it's a great video. Show: Bones Song: Guardian Angel Artist: Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Plz tell me what you think I really love it <3
I really love the show, Bones, ESPECIALLY David Boreanaz, so I felt like putting this up :]