Guys... My Latin final... WAS A GLADIATOR BATTLE! IT WAS FUCKING AWESOMEEEEE! I died though, so I got a 50 on it... BUT STILLLLL! Jeebus.
This may be a little minor to go in the Help With Life section, but I'm curious as to why, well, you see, I gauged my ears today, and when I put the gauges in, my right ear took it just fine, no pain at all. I'm curious as to why, when I put the other one in my left ear it hurt like a mofo. It still does, and I'm wondering why my right ear didn't hurt like that. I've never gauged my ears in the past, and I've done nothing that I know of to stretch it out. Basically, I thought stretching would hurt. It does, but only in one ear. Does anyone know why?
Using a shotgun in Metal Gear Solid on The Fear is stupid. The end.
And we're gonna have a Pokemon party on our Nintendo DS's's's!
My band is pissed at me ; ;
About... 7 months ago... I think. Roughly. I had a boyfriend that cheated on me. ALOT. It really hurt me, and since then I've been pretty scarred. Right now my new boyfriend(fiance actually[been dating 6 months]), has been hanging out with ALOT of girls, and I know he would never cheat on me, but it bothers me a little bit, and I don't want to sound like a jealous bitch by telling him it upsets me, but it does, mostly because we hardly get to hang out at the moment. Am I being a jealous bitch? I keep trying to force myself to chill out, but I can't. What do you think I should do about myself? I don't blame anything on him, and I'm really not upset with him. I think. I'm not sure. Help me please :[
I'm always depressed when I'm at my mom's house, and then my stepdad started threatening to beat the shit out of me if I didn't start doing chores, homework, going out with my mom and sis, and stop staying up in my room all day. The thing is, I do my chores, and I do my homework. I keep my grades to AT LEAST passing at all times, and I don't go out with my mom and sister because they won't want me with them. I stay up in my room all day because I'm afraid of my stepdad, and I don't want him screaming at me. Things only got worse when my boyfriend and I got engaged(don't lecture me on this. I'm not pregnant or anything, I'm just graduating from school a year early, and we love each other). Basically, I went to live with my dad for a couple weeks, and I called my mom today to see when she might want me to come back home, and she told me that she doesn't want me back because everything is so much more peaceful without me there... How should I react to this? I like being at my dad's better, but... knowing that my mom doesn't want me back makes me feel... Very upset. I don't know what to do.
Nova(Dark Sorrow) feels sick and tired and grumpy. Rawawr.
I know there's probably been hundreds posted about on this forum, but damn, neither of us wanted to break up. We loved each other, but certain events happened, and we both felt it was best. It's been a week, and I'm still crying about it, and what hurts me the most is that sometimes I see him crying too, and... It hurts me knowing that it was my fault that we had to break up in the first place, and that I hurt him. I just don't know how to move on... What should I do?
So... I saw the Black Eyed Peas in concert yesterday... I don't like them that much, but HOT DAMN THEY'RE GOOD IN CONCERT! Even I was up dancing, and I don't usually do that xD Actually, I never do that. Ever. It was so awesome!
My God! I have never heard a band that made me so happy to be alive! Their music is like... Positive energy filling your ear canals. I just love them. My favorite songs by them are: Flannel is the color of my energy So Hot and You Sweat on it It Must Really Suck to be Four Year Strong Right Now What the Hell is a Gigawatt Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Hell Bada Bing! Wit' a Pipe! and Beatdown in the Key of Happy Their lyrics are so awesome, and the band rocks live. Four Year Strong is the greatest hardcore pop punk band evar!
The word "bed," actually looks like a bed 8D Like... the shape! LOOOK! D< bed <----- *mind blown*
Anybody with even a passing interest in Star Trek should know this one rule: Never, ever, ever wear a red shirt- not under any circumstance. Don't do it. Pick any episode. Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, a series regular like Uhura and some guy you've never seen before are standing on the transporter pad. If the guy is wearing a red shirt, he will not live past the first commercial. Somewhere on the planet below certain death awaits. I've watched these guys be shot, be blown up, be disintigrated, have all their blood drained, have every cell in their body explode and otherwise the most painful and horible deaths imaginable. The endings aren't even especially heroic. First a guy beams down, then he's dead. At least it's usually quick. Nine times out of ten, the poor fellow doesn't have a clue what hit him. Within seconds, Bones examines the fallen crewman with a tricorder, turns to the captain and says, "He's dead, Jim." By the next scene it's as if the guy never existed. There's no wake, no funeral, and most of the time his name is never spoken again. I wasn't thinking one day, and I bought a red bathing suit, and I went diving somewhere in the Cayman islands, and my regulator(For non-divers, that's the thing you breath with) broke apart ninety-five feet underwater. I managed my way back up to the surface, then I went back to my hotel room, and threw it away.. Another time, I was taking a driving test, and I wore a red shirt. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY a drunk driver slammed into the side of the car I was driving, and put me in the hospital for two days. This most recent time, I wore a red shirt to school, and someone riding a bicycle(badly), ran into me with it, and I fell straight into a puddle, first thing in the morning before school. My ride already left. Wear red if you want to, but I won't. Thoughts? Please don't tell me I'm crazy, I already know that. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for/predicting this would happen.
Last month, I was walking down the street in France(my family was on vacation) with my Uncle who just happened to be wearing a Darth Vader helmet. I was upset at the time because I happened to trip and fall into an enormous puddle just a few minutes before. We began to find amusement in the many stares we seemed to be getting when a cop car pulled up next to where my uncle and I were walking. The cop parked his car, came up to us on the sidewalk, and proceeded to ask my uncle if he was my father. MLIA
I feel so accomplished.
I lost the game.