Search Results

  1. Nova
    Bad gamefreak, bad. Stop making Pokeymanz.
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 11, 2010, 80 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Nova

    Help me KHV

    I have to stay awake 'til 4pm! D:
    It's only 9:17am where I'm at. I've had 4 cups of coffee, I still feel exhausted, and now I'm jittery AND exhausted...
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 9, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Nova
    I just can't decide x3

    I love them all <3
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 9, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Nova
    Forgive me if there's already a thread for this. I searched, I really did.
    Close this if there is though x3

    Mine are:

    Armageddon- Great movie. Awesome effects. The actors(Omg Bruce Willis, Ben Afflek, Liv tyler!) are amazing, and the screenplay(by JJ Abrams) was spectacular- directed by Michael bay.

    Law Abiding Citizen- Awesome plot. Intense effects, and Gerard Butler.

    Contact- Jodie. Foster. Great plot, and the story was pretty deep.

    Apollo 13- Intense, based off a true story, Tom Hanks, and NASA.

    How to Train your Dragon- Which does not belong in the group? Just kidding. I loved this movie. I was giggling at Toothless the entire movie. And again; Gerard Butler.

    What are yours?
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 9, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Nova


    Seriously, just stop arguing with everyone. Your life would be so much easier. You don't sound smart, and you just piss everyone off.

    That's my 2 cents.
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 9, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Nova

    So my dad

    is locking up all of the laptops in his room tonight at 10pm B|

    Apparently 12 hours a day on the computer is bad for me...
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 6, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Nova
    Let's be bad and stuffs.
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 6, 2010, 60 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nova


    I just watched this movie the other day. It was pretty intense. And heart-wrenching. Has anyone seen it? I liked the complexity of it. the actors were good, although some of them I didn't recognize. I was surprised by it.
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 6, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Nova


    So, I was listening to the radio for the first time in awhile, and I heard the song hey, Soul Sister come one. Now, I never really liked the song to begin with, but then they said that the artist was Train.

    What happened to Drops of Jupiter, and Calling All Angels? Their good songs? I mean... seriously? The shallow pop route was not the direction I ever thought they would go. Thoughts?
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 6, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  10. Nova
    Whether you like The Original Series, read the books, saw the movies, prefer The next generation, or even the vomit-inducing Deep Space Nine, you are all welcome here. So come, talk about those crazy Star Trek things, adopt a Tribble, or just chat about random shiz :]

    Oh yes. there is finally a Star Trek family. Now bow down before me for being awesome. Jk, please don't. Trekkies need a home too ^^

    I love you c: And I realize this is creepy and has nothing to do with Star Trek.

    But seriously, if you want to join, post your favorite captain, your favorite series/book/movie, and what character you would like to be overall

    1 No trolling. Only I can do that. Actually, you can troll Deep Space Nine fans if you want. I'll turn my head, but don't be too mean, or I'll step in.
    2 If you want to join, fill out your entry form like this:

    (Forum ID)/favorite captain/favorite series, book or movie/character

    If you don't, you can't join.

    3 Don't troll me, or I will stun you with my phaser gun. I mean it :B|:
    4 I love you guys, but don't take advantage of that(I dunno how you would, but don't).
    5 So that I know you read the rules, but the words "Blue Dino" with your signup. I will reject you if you don't.
    6 Unless you are Fayt-Harkwind or DPwolf, no using red text. I am colorblind. I can't see the red text.
    7 I would say to try to keep Klingons out, then I remembered that The Next Generation has a Klingon crew member(Which, imo, was ridiculous).
    8 Live Long and Prosper.

    Member's list:

    .:Nova(Kahlan Amnell)/ Captain Picard/The Original Series/Mr. Spock

    .:Arch (Coyote Starrk)/Captain Picard/The Next Generation/Data

    .:demonchick25/Captain Janeway/Next Generation and Voyager/B'Elanna Torres
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 6, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  11. Nova
    I wish this happened, because I don't want my groups to die. ]:
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 5, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. Nova
    ~Edited for advertising~
    Thread by: Nova, Jul 1, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Nova
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 28, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Nova

    KHV c:

    Would you love me if I looked like this? O:

    Thread by: Nova, Jun 28, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Nova


    In the year of 2024 there was an agreement, an agreement to stop all crime, purging it from society completely. The government had grown sick of putting up with the nonsense of human imperfections. Bills were passed; first and foremost, punishments were tripled in severity, having anything from stealing to murder as an automatic sentence to death row. Then programs were implemented and all forms of media found a way to promote a peaceful society, although it was more on a subliminal, mind controlling level. However, even this could not be of use. Humans were just too fond of the feeling of crime, the ultimate rush, the instant adrenaline. This thought sparked an idea among the world's superior powers. The only and most efficient way to purge crime forever was, strangely enough, to let it happen!

    It all began within a small, solely owned, company known as Inquisitive Incorporated, founded by Michael J. Monroe. The head officials of this company agreed that eventually humankind would see the error in their ways, and stop the murder, rape, robbery, threats, terrorism, and above all, just stop being a bad person.

    But boy were they ever wrong. There were no more consequences, nothing to stop bad intentions. There was no more need for government. Crime spiraled out of control, and it never stopped.

    The year is now 2081. It has been 57 years since the agreement was made. People take what they want, do what they want, and kill who they want. Some people want nothing to do with the world anymore. Suicide rates are higher than they’ve ever been. People leave and go hide out in places, unsure of who to trust anymore. The majority of humankind is now evil, corrupted, and untrustworthy. There are, however, good people in the world still, the ones that don’t kill or terrorize. The ones that hate everything the world has become. Then, there are the ones that would do anything to stop the constant violence so they could live free, and not have to fear everyone around them.

    The story is this:

    There is a group of terrorists constantly raiding villages, towns, refugee camps, cities, and going and destroying everyone and everything in their path, including each other. They enjoy doing it. It’s almost as if they can’t stop.

    There are a group of radicals who would do anything in their power to stop the terrorists and all people from killing and terrorizing others, but they don’t realize that they’re just as bad as the people they’re trying to fight, and they are just making matters worse.

    There are several hidden camps for people that seek refuge from the evil that envelops the world. Some are in the mountains, on islands, or in abandoned buildings.

    A lot of people live on the streets, constantly having to be aware of their surroundings, sleeping with one eye open, never dropping their guard. Ever.

    The story starts on an island refugee camp where people thought they were safe and living happily amongst one another. One day, a man turns up, stabbed to death. There was a note pinned to his body saying, “We’re coming. Get ready for some turbulence.” Everyone knew him. He was friendly, and a hard worker. He always treated people well, and with respect. No one knew who did it and made the threat, or why, but one thing’s for certain. It had to be someone on the island. No one knew who to trust anymore

    No ships had come ashore in months, and this man was last seen two days ago. Everyone on the island is worried. The only method of transportation is a raft, and it certainly cannot hold everyone. Most people lose hope, and decide to just wait for their inevitable fate, while a few don’t want to wait, and those few are trying to raise an army to fight against the threat.

    1 Keep it PG-13 please. I wouldn't normally care, but this is KHV.
    2 No spamming.
    3 No cybering, autohitting, etc.
    4 You may say that your character had sexual intercourses but no description of what happened then. Okay? If you REALLY want to you can take it to PM’s.
    5 In profiles, you must fill out every section. If not, I will send you to fill it out.
    6 You may have more than one character, however, please do not make more than 3.
    7 Type your posts in size 2 font like the one I used on everything other thn the rules.
    8 Please don't be a one liner person. It bores everyone on an RP.
    9 Don't use * for actions.
    10 For thoughts, put it in italics. For dialogue use " please.
    11 If people stop posting as their character, I will fill in for you if I feel your character is relevant.
    12 No quoting.
    13 Please indicate that you are going out of character when you go out of character by putting double brackets around your text, putting the text in a different color, or saying 'OOC:'. I don't really care what you do, just as long as people can tell you're not talking as your character. :]
    14 So that I know you read the rules, please post the words "blue dino" With your character description.
    15 If you don't follow EVERY rule, I will reject you. That is final. You can PM me if you want to try again, and if you fill your form out correctly, I will let you back in.
    16 Grammar and spelling are great little things. Use them.

    Kahlan Amnell
    Name: Kahlan "Kay" Marie Moretti
    What side you're on: Refugee
    Job: She cooks for the people living in their camp.
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Other: An islander. She's part Italian. She loves coffee and singing. The caffeine in the coffee relaxes her, and singing makes her feel like she's actually good at something. She's stressed all the time, and the death of the island man freightens her more than anything else. She has only been at the island for about a year, and she finally felt safe until now. She has scars from a sentence being carved into her back with a knife. It happened a couple years before she came to the island. It read,"I will always find you. You can't run. Love, Dakota." She has snake bite piercings in her lip, and a vestral piercing. Her family is dead, and she often has nightmares about what she saw happen to them.

    OC FORM:
    [Your Forum ID]
    What side you’re on: (radicals, refugee, terrorist, etc.)
    Job: Please note that they are on an island. There is no extensive technology(video games, cell phones, robots, etc.). Most jobs are work. There aren’t any office jobs.
    Appearance: REAL LIFE PLEASE! Not anime. If you put an anime picture, I will reject you. I don't care WHO you are, friend or not. I am NOT RPing with animated people. You may describe your character if you would prefer it.
    Other: (Oh, post here if you want to be the one trying to raise an army, or if you’re the island’s killer, or if you have any other things to say about your character. )

    Name: Nicole "Nikky" Lynn Hanner
    What side you’re on: refugee
    Job: learning to be a care giver for the sick and injured
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Appearance: (in the attachment)
    Other: An islander. She is more out going than most of the people on the island. She is also one of the best care givers on the island even though she hasn't finished her training yet. One of her closest friends is Kahlan even though she's been on the island longer than Kahlan. She never liked coming to the island with her parents and her yonger sister and brother (age 8) who are twins.
    blue dino

    Blue Dino

    Username: Daxma
    Name: Adam ???????
    What side you’re on: Refugee
    Job: Cook
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: This a pic of myself, but just imagine that the knitted jumper i'm wearing is a trench coat XD
    Other: He's Irish. He was born an Orphan as his mother died at birth and his father had died of cancer 5 months before his birth. No one knows his second name because while people see what seems a friendly kind exterior, people fear to get close to him because he seems to have a air of darkness about him, the darkness felt from the life which he endured before he came to the island. He intends to fight the terrorists straight on once they come because While he had been training as a Cook in a special Mountain side school for Cookery set away from the chaos, before he had come to the island he was part of an improvised Police squad in which a group of people attempted to restore order in which he had face much hardship from as low an age as 7. Under his bed he has a large sports bag in which their is a mini-gun that regenerates bullets before they enter the chamber which allows for no carrying bullets, made by a company called Fenfir in the year 2045. It remains there unless it is needed which he hoped he wouldn't

    Coyote Starrk
    Name: Xander Grey
    What side you’re on: Refugee
    Job: Acts as the island's "law enforcement".
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Other: Xander had only moved to the island two years ago. Until then he had spent his life doing what he could to protect those in his neighborhood. His parents were not supportive of it but they let him do as he pleased...anything was better than watching their son become a theif and cold blooded killer. What made him travel to the island was when he returned home to find it in ruins as well as the entire neighborhood burnt down. Xander figured it must've been retaliation for his acts at being a vigilante. Taking his two pistols, he traveled towards the island for hopes of a new life. Many were uncomfortable with his arrival, he openly bared his weapons and was thought only to bring trouble with him. He's tried setting up a good image for himself despite having already admitted his best skill was fighting...Now with the dead body having turned up, he believes it's only a matter of time before someone tries to put the blame on him.
    Blue dino! D8 I was planning on putting it but I completely forgot. ><
    Midnight Star
    Name: Hannah Moon
    What side you’re on: refugee
    Job: Helps with cooking and grows herbs/vegetables
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Other: Hannah is normally quiet and hardworking. She keeps her ears open and listens to everything, sometimes finding out more than she should. She's been on the island just over a year and likes it there. She hates fighting and dislikes anyone being hurt, she came to the island to escape from the world outside and try to do some good.

    Kahlan Amnell
    Name: Jenson Andie Zorus
    What side you’re on: Terrorist.
    Job: She takes care of babies at a local nursing home on the island. She also was a bomb and weapons technician for one of the world's largest terrorist organizations.
    Age: 22
    Other: Island killer. She killed the man. Nobody would suspect her. Everybody knew her, and thought they loved her, but they didn't know her at all. No one had ever been to her house. If they had, they would have seen weapons of all types and sizes, ranging anywhere from knives to bombs. Blue dino.

    Blue Dino

    Name:Xenophelius "Neil" Black
    What side you’re on: refugee
    Job: Scavengers whatever he can from ruins and tries to fix them for everyone else.
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (My Avatar)
    Other: After both his parents became apart of a sucessful suicide pack he developed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,He needs a litle looking after at times but with proper medication he is fine.

    Coyote Starrk
    Name: Thomas White
    What side you’re on: Terrorist
    Job: Fixes and constructs most of the houses on the island. Due to this, he's gained quite a bit of muscle.
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Wears a pair of worn out black cargo pants and a short sleeved green shirt and pair of brown work boots. He's also one of the island's tallest and biggest "refugees" standing at 6 foot 7 inches. He has short dark brown hair.
    Other: Practically one of the nicest people on the entire island, he's saved more than a just a few refugees from a variety of incidents and has helped several of them even adjust to their position on the island. He's been there longer than just about everyone...He knows Jenson very well and in the past has been paired up with her due to his own extensive knowledge of architecture. A single bomb set in the right place can bring anything crashing down... At "home" he keeps a shotgun and a machete for what he calls "protection".

    Username: Daxma
    Name: Jack Hanson
    What side you’re on: Terrorists
    Job: Terrorist Co-ordinator
    Age: 23
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Wears complete black operation gear employed by the American Black Op's. He has red iris' due to an accident as a child with spiky white hair also an effect of a childhood accident. He has a European Long Sword on his back in a black leather holster. He also has two bowey knives is leather pouches off of his right hip.
    Other: He grew up in a family where they fought for the freedom of others but in doing so the took away his. This justice also caused him to be mocked by his so-called friends of the time due to an accident where the terrorists had captured him and poured chemicals over his head causing his unusual eye and hair colour and his parents refused to give in. Only on Jacks on initiative did he escape. His philosophy is that freedom is not limited by the law enforced by the people but the will of the individual. This Philosophy carried him through his life from the age of 14. He joined the terrorists at the age 17 after seeing the terrorists who captured him exerting their right to freedom upon him but he soon found them and made them his subordinates by exerting his freedom upon them and quickly went up through the ranks due to his ability to use a european long sword the same size as himself so efficiently. By the age of 20 he had become in a position of authority. He is now leading an armada of terrorists to the island receiving transmissions from a woman named Jenson.
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 28, 2010, 91 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nova
    The thread is extremely spammy when people don't post pictures. It's a bit irritating. Will it get moved to the spamzone eventually?
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 27, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Nova
    Has anyone SEEN this show? O:

    It is great.

    The acting is a little overdone at the beginning of the show, but holy crap it's amazing. I've read The Sword of Truth series it's based off of, and the show is very loosely based, but I could care less. It is amazing, mind blowing, orgasmic awesome. If you haven't seen it, you should. It comes on The CW at 4:00 and 5:00 on Saturdays. Sorry O: But STILL! It is so awesome. The actors have such good chemistry.
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 25, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Nova

    I realize that I made grammatical sense whatsoever. BUT STILL! fujrhirethgi;hgtruufaubgfgruigru;gbu ANGER D:<
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 24, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Nova

    Blue October

    Christ... I love them so. Their music is relatable, dark, and really good... I love them. My favorite song is Hate Me. What are you guys' favorite songs, if you even like Blue October.

    And Christ... in concert... they are amazing. I actually starting crying. They are such a good band.
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 23, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  20. Nova
    I can't see you. D:< I need to highlight to understand what is being typed! D:<
    Thread by: Nova, Jun 20, 2010, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone