it gives BSOD, sorry, porting DMA stuff it´s stupid
yes, i am (sort of) anyway if you have a msn i can teach you the basics
nope, because porting DMA stuff it´s stupid :stupid: i have to make the code for NTSC
i need someone to test the codes that i ported to NTSC Sora mod 20e0dc86 393X3X3X 20e0dca6 303X3X3X goofy mod 20e0dcc6 393X3X3X 20e0dce6 303X3X3X 20e0dcea 65736d2e 20e0dcee 00000074 donald mod 20e0dd06 393X3X3X 20e0dd26 303X3X3X 20e0dd2a 65736d2e 20e0dd2e 00000074 313030 - Sora 343030 - Donald 353030 - Goofy 313031 - Riku (Destiny Islands) 333031 - Leon 343031 - Yuffie 393031 - Maleficent 353131 - Cloud 363131 - Dark Riku (Soul Eater) 363531 - Riku (Soul Eater) 383531 - Dark Riku (Keyblade) 333631 - Ansem + Guardian 303033 - Sephiroth well the 3 it´s not with the X because all digits got that 3
i think it´s better do not test it, it seams the model freezes in the ps2
strange the code it´s correct
if you want to learn how to hack i can teach you the basics
it´s model mod work everywere
it was my fault xD i need to sleep more Beast with his prince clothes E002FDFF 0034D45C (R2) 01c958b0 00000048 01c958b5 00000032 01c958b7 0000005F 21c958b8 52555354 01c958bc 00000055 fixed
11ce0b68 0000005e
Use play as beast code
can someone test this code i made Beast with his prince clothes E002FDFF 0034D45C (R2) 01c958d5 00000032 01c958b7 0000005F 21c958b8 52555354 01c958bc 00000055 this shoud don´t give mushball but i´m not sure
WTF?! one of the rikus it´s weilding a big sword O.O
you use too much the menu xD good video i think i can :D
he show me too xD, i wonder how he make all 4 models playable
cool, every boss work, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh... well alot of freezing of course it´s annoying xD
hm... no, because it freezes alot with model and moveset mod it wasn´t test it with model and anim. mod xD
i think not, carey fix that, but it freezes alot
OMG!!! cloud you almost kill me of a heart attack with the code and with the musics xD, good job ultimate KH coder