maybe not, i think we can use .Mset mod to make them playable(if in KH1 works), not sure it will work, and if it works it will be only work with hooded roxas
Maybe it´s because some of that room are connected
you mean the beta trailer when sora, donald and goofy are fighting neo shadows and then sora attack ?xemnas? maybe if we use room save mod that erkz made we can enter on the debug room
you mean modding programs, there´s alot but no one works on KH
now that i remember i was fighting xigbar in the same place you fight 1000 heartless and he teleport me into 1000 heartless battle and then it freeze, but i think i saw a behemoth there, maybe he teleport me to "beta" 1000 heartless battle but i don´t know maybe it was only my imagination
cool a debug room, it is scary like the debug room of FF7 xD Behemoth it´s on before 1000 heartless cutscene too
oh, cool xD
debug room, you mean the all mess up room, full of events that happens on the game and some beta enemies?
i don´t know what it is but i will test
it seams i was wrong marluxia and all others appears, but maybe roxas joined when ansem died and organization discovered the way to they get heart but they will need someone to defeat the heartless and then it was when roxas join that what i think
well we can play with all organization 13 (14) members and i think marluxia only appear at wirelless (or Wi-Fi) mode in the trailer and i think it was already said that the story happens when roxas join the organization, after COM
maybe i will maybe i will not, i will just wait to see
WELL... no and yes 3D model can never be ripped right and i don´t make mugen chars i make sprites and for mugen sprites PWN 3D model
you ask spriters to make terra...that will take at least 4 mouths or more, terra armor it´s too dificult to make, i know someone that it´s making terra and roxas (hooded up), well for now i´m making yuffie, sephiroth and anti sora yuffie it´s 30% done
i´m a spriter but now the only KH2 sprite i´m working it´s anti sora (COM (chain of memories) style) lol, use 3D models as sprites, well i nver think about that i use model viewer it´s to help me make sprites, BTW cloud do you want to rip me anti sora on COM size since i don´t got model viewer in this computer and if you rip terra maybe i will do his sprite since now i´m a little stock because of sephiroth
you are premium now O.O, lucky 8D
did he said O.o, man i´m really sleeping, even on the computer xD
well you forgot the 4th code xD, but i think that code have to do with ??????? ??????: ?? ???? ?? ?????? so you will not show i think BTW cool codes, it´s possible with save room modifier, save in a battle (xemnas for example) and then when i load the save appears in the map i choose (room of sleep for example) and the flag of the battle be in that map?
play as Boss roxas E006FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = modelmod/various 21c954f0 58455f4e 21c954f4 5f303238 21c954f8 004c5442 11ce267c 009400DE 2036d8c0 61786f72 0036d8c4 00000073 E008FBFF 0034D45C................................... L1 = Effects Glitch 004f9458 00000042 204f945c 2e303933 204f9460 6d662e61f 204f9464 00000000 004f94a8 0000004e 204f94ac 5f303238 204f94b0 2e4c5442 204f94b4 6d662e61 E026FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods 2081cc44 00000347 20e67644 00000101 2081cdb8 00e91130 2081feb8 01038f20 2081ff38 00fe12e0 2081ff78 00fe5c60 2081fef8 00efd300 208200b8 00e7d430 2081f218 00ff3a10 2081db18 01080f60 2081cef8 00e9b910 2081cf38 00ea9280 2081cf78 00eb6fb0 2081cfb8 00ec33e0 2081cff8 00ed10a0 2081d034 00edc350 2081d078 00ee6e40 2081d0f8 00efd300 2081da58 010556b0 2081cc58 01023820 2081ffb8 00fea5b0 2081fff8 00fea5b0 20820038 00fea5b0 2081f998 01041d00 2081f9d8 01041d00 21106598 00fea5b0 210fe868 00f28be0 210eb708 00f28be0 210f3348 010ae000 210f6f98 010ae000 211dfe48 0108c180 2081d6d8 00f12b60 20820078 00e68660 2081d678 00fd4030 2081f518 0104a2d0 2081f558 010de3c0 2081f798 01080f60 1032f228 000002A3 200FE000 8C820004.........................Last 4 lines not necessary, but reccomended 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 i don´t have the instructions but i know how to do it go to GOA press R2 entring into limit cut roxas battle press L1 during the cutscene to active the effects (it freezes alot if you active them but you don´t need to active them) and in the battle press L2 any time you want to active the animations
you mean real boss ally code i made that code long ago there he is: boss Roxas (ally) it´s replaced by donald E004FDFF 0034D45C 01c957f0 0000004e 21c957f4 00303933 01c95810 0000004e 21c95814 2e303933 not suure it will work and and for anti try this Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms E006FDFF 0034D3C0 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029 or this: Anti form in the drive menu 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF