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  1. Tiagossj3
    YAY!!!!! it got 3 more new themes, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, hope they make FFVII one
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Dec 12, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  2. Tiagossj3
    For people who didn´t saw that, square-enix made some custom themes for the PSP (FF I,II and III themes) and they are on dissidia website, at downloads.
    Thread by: Tiagossj3, Dec 6, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. Tiagossj3
    Profile Post

    yes, i´m ok xD

    yes, i´m ok xD
    Profile Post by Tiagossj3 for Finale, Dec 5, 2008
  4. Tiagossj3
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Tiagossj3
    i don´t know if that it´s the fixed code (i think i made two cause the other some of digits were wrong) but it should work
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Tiagossj3
    it looks awesome, i hope it comes to america and europe
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Tiagossj3
    a Clue "DM"
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Tiagossj3
    go very pages (veryyyyyyyyyyy) back and you will know
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Tiagossj3
    the characters textures complete list:

    alt meant as alternative costume:

    Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World .bin Model List

    75. Android 16
    77. Android 16 alt

    82. Android 17
    84. Android 17 GT copy alt

    89. Android 18
    91. Android 18 Imperfect Cell Saga alt
    93. Android 18 alt 2

    98. Syn Shenron
    100. Omega Shenron
    102. Syn Shenron alt
    104. Omega Shenron alt

    109. Dr. Gero
    111. Dr. Gero alt

    116. Babidi

    119. Bubbles

    121. Green Scouter

    123. Bardock
    125. Bardock alt

    130. Super Buu (Gohan absorbed)
    132. Super Buu (Gohan absorbed) alt

    135. Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed)
    137. Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed) alt

    140. Super Buu (Kamikaze Ghost)

    143. Super Buu (Piccolo absorbed)
    145. Super Buu (Piccolo absorbed) alt

    148. Broly
    150. Legendary SSJ Broly
    152. Broly alt
    154. Legendary SSJ Broly alt

    161. Majin (Fat) Buu
    163. Majin (Fat) Buu alt

    168. Super Buu
    170. Super Buu alt

    178. Kid Buu
    180. Kid Buu alt

    185. First Form Cell
    187. Imperfect Cell (Android 17 absorbed)
    189. Perfect Cell
    191. First Form Cell alt
    193. Imperfect Cell (Android 17 absorbed) alt
    195. Perfect Cell alt

    206. Cooler
    208. Final Form Cooler
    210. Metal Cooler
    212. Cooler alt
    214. First Form Cooler alt
    216. Metal Cooler alt

    222. Dabura
    224. Dabura alt

    229. Frieza
    231. Frieza (Form 2)
    233. Frieza (Form 3)
    235. Final Form Frieza
    237. 100% Final Form Frieza
    239. Mecha Frieza
    241. Frieza alt
    243. Frieza (Form 2) alt
    245. Frieza (Form 3) alt
    247. Final Form Frieza alt
    249. 100% Final Form Frieza alt
    251. Mecha Frieza alt

    273. Fat Gogeta (Veku)
    275. Fat Gogeta (Veku) alt

    278. SSJ Gogeta
    280. SSJ4 Gogeta
    282. SSJ Gogeta alt
    284. SSJ4 Gogeta alt

    290. Adult Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    292. SSJ Adult Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    294. Mystic Adult Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    296. Adult Gohan (Goku Costume)
    298. SSJ Adult Gohan (Goku Costume)
    300. Mystic Adult Gohan (Orange Suit)
    302. Adult Gohan (Great Saiyaman Outfit)
    304. SSJ Adult Gohan (Great Saiyaman Outfit)
    306. Mystic Adult Gohan (Great Saiyaman Outfit)

    312. Teen Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    314. SSJ Teen Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    316. SSJ2 Teen Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    318. Teen Gohan (Saiyan Armor)
    320. SSJ Teen Gohan (Saiyan Armor)
    322. SSJ 2 Teen Gohan (Saiyan Armor)

    329. Kid Gohan (Piccolo Costume)
    331. Kid Gohan (Saiyan Armor)
    333. Kid Gohan (Piccolo Costume) w/ short hair

    339. Giru

    342. Goku (GT)
    344. SSJ Goku (GT)
    346. SSJ3 Goku (GT)
    348. Goku (GT) alt
    350. SSJ Goku (GT) alt
    352. SSJ3 Goku (GT) alt
    354. Goku (GT) - Battle Damaged
    356. SSJ Goku (GT) - Battle Damaged
    358. SSJ3 Goku (GT) - Battle Damaged

    364. Green Scouter

    366. Ginyu
    368. Ginyu (Goku Costume) alt

    372. Green Scouter

    374. Goku
    376. Kaioken Goku
    378. SSJ Goku
    380. SSJ2 Goku
    382. SSJ3 Goku
    384. SSJ4 Goku
    386. Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    388. Kaioken Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    390. SSJ Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    392. SSJ2 Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    394. SSJ3 Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    396. SSJ4 Goku alt
    398. Goku - Battle Damaged
    400. Kaioken Goku - Battle Damaged
    402. SSJ Goku - Battle Damaged
    404. SSJ2 Goku - Battle Damaged
    406. SSJ3 Goku - Battle Damaged
    408. Goku w/ Scouter
    410. Angelic Goku
    412. Kaioken Angelic Goku
    414. SSJ Angelic Goku
    416. SSJ2 Angelic Goku
    418. SSJ3 Angelic Goku
    420. SSJ4 Angelic Goku
    422. Goku - Battle Damaged (Darker Colored)
    424. Kaioken Goku - Battle Damaged (Darker Colored)
    426. SSJ Goku - Battle Damaged (Darker Colored)
    428. SSJ2 Goku - Battle Damaged (Darker Colored)
    430. SSJ3 Goku - Battle Damaged (Darker Colored)
    432. SSJ4 Angelic Goku alt
    434. Angelic Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    436. Kaioken Angelic Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    438. SSJ Angelic Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    440. SSJ2 Angelic Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    442. SSJ3 Angelic Goku - End of DBZ Costume
    444. Goku - shirtless
    446. Kaioken Goku - shirtless
    448. SSJ Goku - shirtless
    450. SSJ2 Goku - shirtless
    452. SSJ3 Goku - shirtless
    454. Goku - (Roshi Symbol Costume)
    456. Kaioken Goku - (Roshi Symbol Costume)
    458. SSJ Goku - (Roshi Symbol Costume)
    460. SSJ2 Goku - (Roshi Symbol Costume)
    462. SSJ3 Goku - (Roshi Symbol Costume)
    464. Goku - (King Kai Symbol Costume)
    466. Kaioken Goku - (King Kai Symbol Costume)
    468. SSJ Goku - (King Kai Symbol Costume)
    470. SSJ2 Goku - (King Kai Symbol Costume)
    472. SSJ3 Goku - (King Kai Symbol Costume)

    483. Great Sayaman 2
    485. Great Sayaman 2 Trasformed (?)
    487. Great Sayaman 2 alt
    489. Great Sayaman 2 Trasformed alt (?)

    494. Great Sayaman
    496. Great Sayaman - non-helmet alt

    501. Goten
    503. SSJ Goten
    505. Goten alt
    507. SSJ Goten alt

    512. Gotenks
    514. SSJ Gotenks
    516. SSJ3 Gotenks
    518. Gotenks alt
    520. SSJ Gotenks alt
    522. SSJ3 Gotenks alt

    525. Gotenks - (Kamikaze Ghost)
    527. SSJ3 Gotenks - (Kamikaze Ghost)

    529. Fat Gotenks
    531. Fat Gotenks alt

    542. Janemba
    544. Janemba alt

    549. Krilin
    551. Krilin - w/ hair
    553. Krilin - Saiyan Armor

    558. Blue Scouter

    560. Nappa
    562. Nappa alt

    567. Pan
    569. Pan alt

    574. Piccolo
    576. Piccolo - (Nail Costume)
    578. Piccolo - w/ turban and cape

    584. Pikkon
    586. Pikkon alt

    590. Green Scouter

    592. Raditz
    594. Raditz alt

    598. Green Scouter

    600. Recoome
    602. Recoome alt

    607. Super Android 17
    609. Super Android 17 alt

    614. Saibaman
    616. Saibaman alt

    620. Hercule's/Mr. Satan's Hair

    622. Hercule/Mr. Satan
    624. Hercule/Mr. Satan alt

    634. Kid Trunks
    636. SSJ Kid Trunks
    638. Kid Trunks alt
    640. SSJ Kid Trunks alt

    645. Adult Trunks
    647. Adult Trunks ssj
    649. Adult Trunks - jacketless
    651. SSJ Adult Trunks - jacketless
    653. Adult Trunks - (Saiyan Armor)
    655. SSJ Adult Trunks - (Saiyan Armor)
    657. Adult Trunks - (Saiyan Armor) alt
    659. SSJ Adult Trunks - (Saiyan Armor) alt

    665. Tien
    667. Tien alt

    672. Videl
    674. Videl - (w/ long hair)

    679. Super Baby Vegeta 2
    681. Super Baby Vegeta 2 alt

    686. Vegeta (GT)
    688. SSJ Vegeta (GT)
    690. Vegeta (GT) - (w/ leather vest)
    692. SSJ Vegeta (GT) - (w/ leather vest)
    694. Vegeta (GT) - Battle Damaged
    696. SSJ Vegeta (GT) - Battle Damaged

    700. Red Scouter

    702. Vegeta
    704. SSJ Vegeta
    706. SSJ4 Vegeta
    708. Majin Vegeta
    710. Vegeta - (Android Saga Armor)
    712. SSJ Vegeta - (Android Saga Armor)
    714. SSJ4 Vegeta alt
    716. Majin Vegeta (Android Saga Armor)
    718. Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Armor)
    720. SSJ Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Armor)
    722. SSJ4 Angelic Vegeta
    724. Majin Vegeta (Saiyan Saga Armor)
    726. Vegeta - (Namek Armor)
    728. SSJ Vegeta - (Namek Armor)
    730. Majin Vegeta - (Namek Armor)
    732. Angelic Vegeta
    734. SSJ Angelic Vegeta
    736. Angelic Majin Vegeta

    746. Vegito
    748. SSJ Vegito
    750. Vegito alt
    752. SSJ Vegito alt

    757. Yamcha
    759. Yamcha - (w/ yellow coat and pants)
    761. Yamcha - (w/ long hair)

    Credit to PGV for fiding them
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Tiagossj3
    well, i know how to mod budokai 3 but infinite world got the same tipe of textures files so it´s like budokai 3, but a list haven´t been made yet and the programs you need are, game graphic studio, photoshop, AFSexplorer and the BGM program i don´t remember the name
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Tiagossj3
    well with this game there´s more things to mod that to hack xD (since it got the same files as Budokai 3)
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Tiagossj3
    WOW, wisdom form it´s now the powerfull form xD, great vid
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 2, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  13. Tiagossj3
    ok i will make

    i download Lonesomeazn´s KH mugen, here´s the link:

    and marluxia it was made by Xata of organization 14 the download is in the video, here is his Youtube account:

    i´m seeing if i can find orochi and nightmare ssj3 v3
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 2, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  14. Tiagossj3
    DW roxas (me) vs Sora (CPU):

    Marluxia (me) vs Sephiroth (CPU):

    i accept requests
    Thread by: Tiagossj3, Nov 2, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Tiagossj3
    yes, it works, i use it alot of times
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Tiagossj3
  17. Tiagossj3
    you are Xatoku on youtube right, well your chars look good if you want to make sephiroth (FF7 style) ask me i´m making a sprite of him
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Tiagossj3
  19. Tiagossj3
    they look good (espacially model size mod) but i don´t understand what some codes do (like heaven or hell but i think that code it´s to kill them with one hit or you be killed with one hit right?
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Nov 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Tiagossj3
    oh, maybe with a "command mod" (i´m not talking about command menu mod) for example give terra the things sora should do (like press O to attack)
    Post by: Tiagossj3, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault