The battle system looks cool, damn no news about birth by sleep :(
Yeah, Parasite eve 2 and Resident evil 2 are my favourites
xD. it´s an old Square (now square-enix) survivor horror game
Play something xD, Did you got Parasite eve?
I´m good, Playing Resident evil DS, you?
Hiya, nightdream :D
Is there a code to fight Dante in vergil story (instead of Vergil "red version" battle one)?
Character One: Leon Reason: Because he have one of my favourite swords Character Two: Cloud: Reason: because angeal he´s very mad because he didn´t take care of his buster sword Character Three: Roxas (boss) Reason: very dificult to counter attack Character Four: Sora Reason: Main character of the game (duh =) ) Character Five: Groundshaker Reason: the biggest boss in the game
Tidus, jetch and their Zanarkand was a dream by The faith and Shuyin is Tidus from the real world, i whould like to know how tidus returned on X-2
sorry the DP but Gabranth (lvl 34) vs Jetch (Lvl 40) added
Final fantasy VIII, i always liked the storyline and Parasite eve 2 because Aya Brea it´s one of my favourite Square Characters :D
i´m playing Dissidia, my old save was deleted so i have to lvl up again ._.
Cool, my Dissidia save was deleted when i updated M33 ._.
A global release, that whould be cool, it´s possible :D
well, keytotruth fix Riku code, he dosen´t T-stance nowand he made color mod and boss model size mod
Hiya Razor, i don´t see you for months, about the code i don´t know, i already try to fix that but no luck
i decided to make a topic with my dissidia battles: Cloud vs Squall (both lvl23) AC Cloud vs cecil (both lvl25) Squall VS Onion Knight (both lvl4) Squall (seed) vs Garland (both lvl5) (with Maybe i´m a lion) Gabranth (lvl 34) vs Jetch (Lvl 40): Squall vs Cecil (both lvl100) Zidane vs Onion Knight (both lvl100): Tidus vs sephiroth (both lvl100) (requested by chargedcloud):
i uploaded some battle videos too: AC cloud vs cecil: Cloud vs squall:
YAY!!!! new themes, FF VII, VIII, IX and X
i already got dissidia and i got cloud on lvl21 and cecil on LVL17 xD when i saw that battle scene i O.O BTW anyone know how to use the alternative clothes?