STORY: Eons ago, there was a battle between angels and demons. One angel named Darius was once bathing during the war, and when he came out, he suddenly had great strength. Darius showed the other angels the lake, and with the strength, they were able to defeat the demons for good. And since then, that lake has been known as the Angel Waters. But one day, a little girl named Florence was walking, and she saw an odd being that looked like one of the demons. They were back. Florence rushed home to tell her older sister/guardian, Iris, and she vowed to find the Waters to kill them. But after leaving to hunt demons down, she never was seen again. OUR MISSION: To find the Angel Waters and Iris to defeat the demons. RULES: 1. Follow the forum rules. 2. Don't try to take over this thread in ANY way. 3. Nothing too inappropiate. 4. Only one, and ONE, person per user. 5. No killing of anyone else's character. 6. If you're gonna leave this RP adventure, PM me in advance. 7. Do not make a reference to ANYTHING that has to do with pop culture. This is an original story. 8. Have Fun! =) HOW TO DESCRIBE YOUR CHARACTER: Name: (Your character's name) Age: (Your character's age, make it above 13) Gender: (Your character's gender) Appearance: (Describe or put in a picture (You can do a website link) that shows your character's look) Personality: (Your character's personality) History: (Your character's history) Weapon: (Your character's weapon) Here's mine: Name: Ebony Pine Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Ebony is smart as she can be, but sometimes doesn't know the answer to things. She is a skilled swordswoman, and fights for her sisters, Annie and Olive. History: Ebony was born in a place known as Briarbrooks, and is still haunted by her past. When she was 8, her eldest sister, Annie, died at the age of 10 in an accident. Just 3 years after that, the rest of Ebony's family dies off in a fire at a friend's house. One month after that, she ran away from her foster home and ended up in another world named Absent Life, where she learned how to handle a sword and learned about the Angel Waters. Nowadays, she devotes her life to find the waters. Weapon: A sword called "Last Breeze". Oh yeah, almost forgot, You CAN kill off other characters, but ONLY with the user's permission. That's all. One more thing, make sure that you are controlling only ONE character. So no helpers, pets, etc.
Did anyone read the series? I'm a fan of the books. :)
Hey everyone! I was browsing around the internet yesterday, and I ran to this article: It's about a transgender (Not the G or L word) boy. Enjoy. :|
We FINALLY get to do RPG! Yay!!!!!!!
Off to Kansas for a Wedding, I'll be back on Sunday. No comment here :|, but I'll miss you all.
Not sure this is the right place, but I found this video today. It's a 16 year-old soul stuck in the body of a toddler: TRUE STORY PEOPLE!!!
I'm going to camp tomorrow and I won't be back until the 20th, so todays my last day here. So I just wanna say goodbye.
For the members, which master do you perfer to be?
We know the 3 BBS story modes. Which one do YOU perfer?
We all should know about KH3D, so, what new worlds do you want to see in this game? What do you expect for Sora and Riku's new clothing? What do YOU expect?
After reading a few comments in another one of my threads, I decided to make this. Now, the four choices are: Final Fantasy, Kingdom hearts, Dragon Quest, and Parasite Eve.
There are 4 video game series I like. Their names are Kingdom Hearts, Katamari Damacy, Legend of Spyro, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Which one of the ones I like do YOU like?
We all remember the Portable game releases for KH. If you haven't (I hope you have though), the 4 portable Kh games are Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and Re:Coded. So anyway, if you had to choose between one of these games, which one would you want? PS, If you are gonna go for BBS for the poll, select None of these. Sorry I forgot to add it.