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  1. flowergothic
    I recently heard of the reality show Sister Wives, and that got me thinking about Polygamy.

    For those who don't know: polygamy is the practice of marrying multiple women (Polyrandy is the practice of marrying multiple men).

    So I was wondering, what's your opinion on Polygamy/randy? Would you support polygamy/randy? Would you even practice polygamy/randy?
    I'm not a huge supporter, but I don't really mind if Polygamy/randy is practiced, that's my opinion.
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 14, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. flowergothic
    (I'm not gonna be gone-gone so I'm posting this here)

    Anyway, lemme explain why:
    Remember when I said I was in a college-like camp (for safety purposes, I'd rather leave it unnamed)?
    Next weeks is the final week of that, so that means me and the other campers have to practice the stuff in the perfomances.
    I'm in Chorus and Band, and possibly backstage worker (really depends).
    So I should be on from 6:15-9:30 every day (unless I'm workking backstage, then the times will be waaaaaaaaay different).
    I should get my schedule for next week tomorrow, so I'll update this post tomorrow with a more detailed time of which I'm gonna be on here or not. =)
    UPDATE: Got sched. Should be on from 7 to 9:30 until Saturday. I probably won't be able to get on Saturday.
    Bye for now!
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 14, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. flowergothic


    Today some guy told me that might shock you:
    He said that I'm the only one who cares about Kh these days, and says it's old.

    But I wanna prove him wrong! So I'm creating this so others can reply! ]
    Then eventually I'll show him this thread. =)
    And this is NOT a free-mood-post thing. Please be positive.
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 10, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. flowergothic
    (I started this a few months ago, now on chapter 7. Enjoy! =))

    Freedom From Fate
    Chapter 1- Other Beings​

    "It's almost time to cast our revenge to those two types of beings who banished us to this darkness."

    "Indeed, but who should we punish first?"

    "You idiot, it's going to happen at the same time. I'm older and I know this."

    "Too bad that Nightmare Moon is gone forever, of she would be a great help."

    "ENOUGH ABOUT NIGHTMARE MOON! She's now on the enemy side. I personally wish that Ansem, Vantias, or Xemnas was here to see this. But I don't know where Vantias is and the other two are DEAD."

    "If only there was a plan B."

    "MY PLAN WILL NOT FAIL! As long as Sora, Riku, and Kairi remain on their side of this world and that Princesses Celestia and Luna remain on their side, we'll be OK."

    "Fine, I'll help you."

    "Good, the torture is just getting started..."


    Three friends were sitting on an island bay.

    "Hey Riku, Kairi," the one named Sora started, "I just had the weirdest thought."

    "What?" Kairi asked.

    "What if Xehanort was teaming up with a force that was defeated by another world?"

    "Impossible," Riku shook his head, "The only villains in the worlds we've all been too were either heartless, nobodies, or nightmares."

    "But what if it was none of those things?"

    "There is nothing besides those creatures." Riku said.

    "But what if it was besides?"

    "There isn't a besides."

    "Whatever," Sora rolled his eyes, "just forget I said anything, okay?

    "I believe you, Sora." Kairi told him, "Besides, we haven't visited every world yet, and we haven't rescued Terra, Ventus, and Aqua – yet."

    Riku sighed, "Alright, believe in your little fairy tale while I live in the real world. Oh, and Sora, got you this." He tossed a star-shaped fruit to Sora.

    "A papou fruit?" Sora asked, "Kairi and I already had-"

    "For a happily ever after between you two," Riku grinned, "Am I right about your future together Sora, of am I right?"

    "HEY!" Sora ran after Riku, who was racing back to his house.

    "Other creatures, huh?" Kairi asked herself, "I'll just have to look it up when I get home." So she stood up and walked to her house, behind Sora and Riku still racing.


    Meanwhile, somewhere else, six ponies were chatting near an apple orchard.

    "Well, It's been more than a year since mean ol' Discord's defeat." The orange one announced, "still remember that faithful day?"

    "Of course we do Applejack," the blue one replied, "we'll never forget."

    "It'll be in everypony's heart forever." The purple one said.

    "I guess so." Applejack smiled, "Say, where's Pinkie Pie?"

    "Look... Over... there." The purple one whispered as she pointed to the apple tree in the center of the orchard.

    And there was Pinkie Pie, bouncing around the apple tree like if she was on a pogo-stick.

    "Thanks Twilight," Applejack turned to the purple one and nodded, "Pinkie Pie, what the hay are you doing in that apple tree?"

    "I'm starving." Pinkie Pie replied, "You mind if I have some of your- wow, a note!"

    "A what?" Twilight, Applejack, and the other three ponies ran to Pinkie Pie.

    "Hmm, where did you find it?" The yellow one asked.

    "It just fell from the sky." Pinkie Pie shrugged.

    "Fell from the sky?" The white one got a weird look on her face, "Pinkie, that's not possible."

    "But it just happened Rarity." Pinkie said.

    "I don't believe it," Applejack shook her head, "Tell the truth Pinkie."

    "Really, it fell from the sky, believe me." Pinkie told the other ponies.

    Twilight sighed, "It's not worth fighting for. Can I see the letter Pinkie?"

    "Sure." Pinkie dropped the letter onto the grass.

    "Can I read it?" The blue one asked.

    "Sure Rainbow Dash." and Rainbow started reading the note, with Twilight holding it.

    "Ponies of Equestria," Rainbow started, "It is I, Catrina, who was defeated 2,026 years ago. Yes, I am back, but my powers are stronger than ever.

    But this time I am not alone.

    I have teamed up with a keyblade master named Xehanort to take down your world and another using the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses of Heart. I'll be back real soon. Just you wait.

    -Witch Catrina."

    "OK," Pinkie started, "Who is Catrina and Xehanort , what is a keyblade, who are the Princesses of Heart, and what does the witch mean by 'another world'?"

    "Hey," Twilight suggested, "Let's go to my house to look all of this up?"

    "Sure." the other ponies said.

    "Okay then. Come on Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity."


    Later that night, Kairi was up in her room, trying to find "other beings".

    "Let's see: unversed, spirits- ah, here we go: ponies.

    "Ponies are smaller and magic versions of horses that live in Equestria (Formally called Ponyland). The current types of ponies are earth, unicorn, and pegasus. There also used to be flutter and sea ponies, but they vanished four years after the witch Catrina's defeat. After that, the ponies rebuilt over Ponyland and called the new world Equestria. The current leader is Princess Celestia, who rules besides her younger sister Princess Luna."

    Kairi sighed, there were other beings (besides the heartless and the nobodies) on other worlds, but nobody could realize it. Sora was speaking the truth, Riku wasn't.

    "I must show Sora and Riku, they'll be thrilled to know." Kairi grinned.

    "Kairi, bedtime." A voice said from Kairi's doorway.

    "OK mom, goodnight." Kairi sighed, then went to bed.


    "OK, so did you find the meanings yet?" Pinkie asked.

    "Spike, hurry up with those books!" Twilight called to her assistant/roommate Spike.

    "I'm working on it Twilight." Spike called up from the bookshelf he was digging through.

    "OK," Twilight turned to the others, "but for now, I'll tell you about Witch Catrina."

    "Alright," Fluttershy nodded, "even though it sounds scary."

    "Witch Catrina is a human witch who is dependent of her power: Witchweed potion and was defeated by her assistant Rex. It's weird story, if you ask me."

    "FOUND IT!" Spike shouted and tossed the book to Twilight.

    "Thanks Spike." Twilight looked at the cover: The Timeline of Kingdom Hearts, this was the one.

    "Kingdom Hearts?" Pinkie started, "What's that?"

    "I'll tell you, come." Twilight, Spike, and the others surrounded the book while she opened it.

    "Kingdom Hearts," Twilight started, "is the 'heart of all worlds'. It keeps the purest light and stores it, but people wanted the light for themselves.

    "So that's why the worlds remain separate from each other, so the light won't go all around with greed. But three people still wanted Kingdom Hearts: Ansem, Xehanort, and Xemnas."

    "Hey, Xehanort was in the letter!" Pinkie stated.

    "OK," Twilight nodded her head, "Continuing, the three tried to get Kingdom Hearts, but failed thanks to the Three Legendary Keyblade Masters: Terra, Ventus, and Aqua."

    "Can we meet them?" Fluttershy asked.

    "But since Xehanort's defeat, the three keyblade wielders vanished."

    Rainbow gasped.

    "But ten years after that event, Ansem rose, and their abilities were transported to three friends: Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Who were able to defeat Ansem and Xemnas together."

    "But what about the Princesses of Heart?" Pinkie questioned.

    "Well," Twilight paused to catch her breath, "the seven Princesses of Heart are girls with the pure light in their hearts."

    "Their names?" Rarity said.

    "Oh, that's easy: Aurora, Snow White, Cinderella, Alice, Jasmine, Belle, and-"

    "And who?" Applejack asked.

    "-Kairi." Twilight finished.

    "OK." Fluttershy shriveled a bit.

    "So that answers your questions, right?" Twilight asked the others.

    Everyone nodded.

    "Should I send a note to the princess?" Spike took out a sheet of paper and a quill.

    "Sure, give me the quill." Twilight said.

    And she wrote a letter and sent it.


    I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 8, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. flowergothic
    ...and I think I'm ready!!! =) Thanks repliers from for the advice

    Link to where it's gonna be streamed (if you wanna join in): =D
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 1, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. flowergothic
    (sorry if I posted this in wrong section)

    Hey guys.
    As you can see on my siggy, I'm a member of the blog Lunar Republic, yeah. =)

    And tonight We're doing something on our livestream, and another staff member (who's not on kh-vids) was supposed to host it, but something came up and she's unable to do it. And I volunteered to be the back-up host (but I thought the original host could do it).

    I never did this before, so any advice on how to run a successful event on Livestream?
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jul 1, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. flowergothic
    I haven't been writing short storie in a while. So here goes...
    Girl of Weather​

    “Oh my god, I can’t believe she did that- in front of people!â€
    I stare at Selene Rethaw and her friends gossiping while trying to find a seat in the cafeteria, then settle at the table across from mine.
    “Such gossipers, right Regan?†Lydia, my best friend, whispered.
    Allow me to introduce myself:
    I am Regan Winslow, a 12-year old girl who’s in 7th grade at a middle school. Selene Rethaw is one of the most popular girls in 7th grade, just saying.
    “Yeah,†I replied to Lydia’s question, “They should really consider going to that mental institution down the road just so they can be cured of their Bieber Fever.â€
    I look out the window and, to my shock, a thunderstorm just started without explanation. Then I turn to Selene and see that she’s angry. “Did she hear my little comment?†I thought, “I whispered it as soft as I could.†Then I notice that Selene got up from her seat and is walking toward us.
    “Run!!!†Lydia shouts while she drags me out of the cafeteria.
    I wake up to the sound of rain trickling on my window.
    “This is odd,†I told myself, “the news said last night there was only a 16% chance of rain today. But oh well.â€
    I notice that Selene is crying as hard as the rain is pouring, though I had no idea why.
    “Two days in a row weather acts like Selene’s moods,†I thought, “That’s unusual, but I’ll carry on. Maybe the rain will stop tomorrow.â€
    Fourth Period.
    As I am working, my intestines start to feel weird, like if something was trying to come out of me.
    “Ms. Peterson,†I start, “Can I use the restroom?â€
    “Yes.†My teacher replies from behind her desk.
    “Thanks.†I grab a hall pass and walk out of the classroom.
    As I walk in the bathroom, I hear mumbling coming in the last stall. So I decide to go in the stall next to that one to hear what that girl was saying.
    While in the stall, I hear a familiar voice saying, “Make it thunder. Make it thunder. Make it thunder. MAKE IT THUNDER!â€
    The voice belonged to no other than Selene Rethaw.
    I slowly walk out of the stall, seeing this being written on the mirror (by someone invisible) while I do so:
    “Heck yes, I can control the weather. I control it a lot around the area. You heard me in the bathroom, now you know. Don’t be afraid; open the stall farthest from the door.â€
    I run to the stall the writing told me to go and jerk open the door. There I see Selene, of course, but her hair is moving in every direction possible. And I notice wings on her too.
    Selene laughed, “So now you know, huh?â€
    “What are you planning to do?†I ask impatiently.
    “Don’t you see? I’m trying to take over the world, and maybe the universe with my power,†She started, “I took this school already. Now I take Sacramento. Then California. Then the U.S. Then, the most awesome of them all: THE WORLD!â€
    “I’ll then free this school, and spoil your plans!†I never thought about saying those words, yet they come out.
    “Go ahead and try.†Selene sneers.
    I feel my feet sprinting, yet I didn’t ask them to sprint. But I decide not to tell them to stop anyway.
    I tackle Selene and attempt to flush her head down the toilet, but she resists, and tries to push me into a nearby trash can (we were in the handicapped stall) and succeeds.
    “You’re powerless against me, Regan Donna Winslow.†Selene stated.
    While in the trash can, I discover half of a pair of scissors and decide to use them. I aim them at Selene (not looking at Selene though) and say, “That’s where you’re wrong, monster!â€
    I step out of the trash can and turn around. Now I see ordinary Selene Rethaw, her hair still in all directions though, and still with her wings. Her chest is soaked in blood, that piece of scissors deep in her chest. I try to catch her as she fell.
    “Thank…†Selene starts, “… you.â€
    As her eyes close, the rain stops, little by little.
    And when her chest stops moving, I notice the first glimpse of sun in one day and nineteen hours.
    “Now Selene has her wings for good,†I think, “she’s not an angel now, but a goddess. Selene, the goddess of weather. Brainashed by evil to come down here and try to take over the world.
    “Now Selene Rethaw is free.â€

    I hope you enjoyed it! =) (Why yes the main character in this is Pamela Winslow's younger sister. Thank you for asking)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jun 20, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. flowergothic

    Based on the book Divergent​

    Five years before Divergent, a Dauntless named Richard McClancey started wondering about the world beyond the society he resided in. So he left to explore.
    And he hasen't been seen or heard from since then.
    Two months after Richard disappeared, Candor Xavier Adams decided to set up a search party to find Richard and discover what's beyond the society once and for all!

    The Rules:
    2. If you are leaving for a while or having someone play your character for a while, PLEASE PM ME.
    3. You CAN use your characters from other RPs you're a member of (as long as they're OCs). But they will be disarmed and not have superpowers.
    4. Characters MUST be original
    5. I'M the one that will be controllong Xavier. (Oh yeah, the max. amount of characters you can have is THREE (3))
    6. Have fun!

    The Facitons (provinces):
    Abnegation: The Selfless
    The Abnegation faction focuses on being selfless in all things. Because of their focus on serving other people instead of themselves, they run the government and make all political decisions. This faction teaches to never stand out, so each member dresses plainly in gray clothes, eats plain food (usually canned food, nothing really fresh), and rarely looks in the mirror.

    Erudite: The Intelligent
    The Erudite faction focuses on the pursuit of knowledge. The main building of their faction is a library, and the faction produces teachers, librarians, and record-keepers. Members of Erudite must always wear one article of blue clothing at a time because it is said that the color blue calms the mind. Most Erudite wear glasses.

    Amity: The Peaceful
    The Amity faction values peace and harmony above all else. They provide society with caretakers, counsellors and artists. Members of Amity always wear red or yellow. They are responsible for growing food for the whole city.

    Candor: The Honest
    The Candor faction focuses on honesty, even when it is inconvenient or hurtful. Their standard uniform is a black suit with a white tie, symbolizing the way they see the world, which is in black and white (no gray areas). Members are expected to tell the truth at all times.

    Dauntless: The Brave
    The Dauntless faction values fearlessness and bravery, and test this daily by attempting death-defying feats. They protect the city from threats within and without, with their main task to guard the fence that surrounds the society. Members are tattooed and pierced, wearing mainly black clothing.

    At the age of 16, children are sent into a simulation so they (and some tohers) can deem which faction is for them. The day after the simulation, the children get to pick which faction they want to be in and then go through an initiation. If they fail, they become factionless (homeless).

    And there are also children thsat are Divergent. This means sthe child is not suited for just one faction, but at least two. Divergent people are threats to society, and never say if they're Divergent or not.

    The Application:

    This is the form you post on this thread:
    Name: (First & Last)
    Age: (Between 18-27)
    Home Faction:
    Current Faction:

    This is the form you PM me:
    Is this character Divergent?:
    If so, what Factions was he/she suitable for?:
    Home Faction:
    Current Faction:
    Secret:(Ignore this if you're character's divergent)

    I'll use my other two characters for examples (the one you're posting only):

    Name: Irene Alios
    Age: 24
    Home Faction: Candor
    Current Faction: Erudite
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Bio: Born and raised in Candor, Irene learned that everything is black or white, and to be honest. At the age of 16, she had to accept her simulation results and choose Erudite.

    Name: Darius Snoseas
    Age: 19
    Home Faction: Dauntless
    Current Faction: Dauntless
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Bio: Always living in Dauntless, Darius knows what it's like to be brave. But he has a tattoo of an angel with the name of his sister, Miku, on it. Miku accidentaly chose Amity, and didn't pass initiation.

    I'll just use a character that's not gonna be in this roleplay as an example to the form you PM me:
    Name: Randolph Edwardson
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Is this character Divergent?: Yes
    If so, what Factions was he/she suitable for?: Amity and Abnegation
    Home Faction: Amity
    Current Faction: Abmegation
    Secret: Divergent

    OK then, happy entering (if you want)! =)

    Xavier Adams
    Irene Alios
    Darius Snoseas

    (PS: We'll begin when I have two other users join. We won't begin the search immediatley. I'll explain more when what the first sentence says happens.)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jun 18, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. flowergothic
    Allow me to explain... (If you read my most recent spam zone thread, you may know what's going on already)
    This afternoon, I'm leaving to go to a hanging-out-like-college camp, and I won't be back until the 21st of July. Then I'll be back for two weeks, then I'm going to camp until summer's end.
    I'll miss you all... =(
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jun 1, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. flowergothic
    ... for some reason. (I just have the feeling for some reason).
    Well, I don't blame myself. The last day of school for me is tomorrow, and I won't see a few of my friends until the next grade.
    And I won't see you all until late June (because of some college-like camp). Then on July 4, I have to go back to that camp (June 29-July 4 is my break).
    So yeah... that.
    But still, I need to be cheered up for some reason (the stuff I said above might be why). =(
    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section moderators, feel free to move this if you have the need to.
    Thread by: flowergothic, May 30, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. flowergothic

    Years Ago

    Years Ago​

    It's the year 2657, and Earth is recovering from decades of bloody wars. But the people aren't suffering, they're just moving on. Everyone's working together to create nations. The most developed of them all is Shankara, the "Country of Dreams"; while the least developed is Sable, The nation where "Everyone's worst nightmare come true".
    But lately, some people are reliving the past, and discovering the truth about the history of Earth, and trying to return it to its former glory (avoiding "moving on").

    1. No godmodding
    2. Three Characters per user, NO EXCEPTIONS.
    3. Keep everything at a PG-13 rate
    4. Characters must be YOUR creation.
    5. You MAY use characters YOU created for other RPS, but they cannot have powers (If they had any)
    6. Have fun! =)

    Character Forms (Post them in this thread):
    Name: (First and Last)
    Age: (Keep it in between 16-31)
    Homeland: (See Worlds for help on that)
    Anything else to be said?:

    (The higher rank a world is, the more developed it is)

    I'll start when I get six characters. Sign up today! =)

    Current Characters:
    Username: Flowergothic
    Name: Mika Baudin
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Homeland: Anzo
    Weapon: A sword called Onoka
    Personality: Friendly but Stubborn, rule-follower but a rebel.
    Bio: Mika isn't an Anzo native: Her mom came from Sable and her dad from Griselda. But she was raised normally.
    Anything else to be said?: No

    Name: Mathias Ljung
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Homeland: Griselda
    Weapon: His old rifle
    Personality: Laid back, friendly
    Bio: Born and raised in Griselda, Mathias spent a lot of time with a man from Anzo named James. That's where he learned about the past
    Anything else to be said?: Can get out of control sometimes
    Thread by: flowergothic, Feb 17, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. flowergothic
    Welcome to my poem corner! This is where I will post my (original) poems!
    Let's start:

    World of Sadness
    Sorrow is the sun
    Tears are the rain
    Heartbreaking is the thunder
    Joy is a sin

    When entering, the happiness and glee of a soul drips out
    And what's left is nothing but a cold,
    ball of sadness

    There is no fun
    There are no carols
    There are NEVER any celebrations
    Because this is sadness

    This is your welcome
    This is your ticket
    To empty the kindness of your soul
    So welcome to the world of sadness.

    I hope you enjoyed my 1st poem in my poem corner! =)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Feb 5, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. flowergothic
    Nation of Genesis OOC Thread
    The year is 2125, and the earth has been destroyed. The survivors came together and formed a nation called Genesis.
    But nobody could agree on a thing, so four women took order.
    These women -Thalia, Ivy, Joann, and Marlo- made a law that when a child that lives in Genesis turns twelve, he or she must come to the capitol and be tested to find out which element is he or she worthy for.
    But the fire element consumes its followers, they are never seen again.
    OUR MISSION: To free the fire followers and defeat Marlo (The Fire Queen)


    1. Follow the usual forum rules
    2. Max. 3 people per character
    3. No killing off other users characters
    4. Keep things at a PG-13 level
    5. If you're gonna leave, PM me in advance.
    6. Have fun! =)

    Age: (Keep it above 12 but under 40)
    Element Following: (Don't choose fire, or we'll have to rescue you!)

    Sign up today! =)
    You can see others on the regular RP thread.
    Thread by: flowergothic, Jan 6, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. flowergothic

    The 5th Heart

    I started writing this a bit ago... enjoy! =)


    It's almost time for the hearts to combine.

    The 5 kindest of hearts, they are the key, but only 1 is needed to take over the world.

    Only the Anti-Hearts can possess the needed one, though.

    Butwhere are the Anti-Hearts?The last of the real ones died off after WWII.

    Wait, maybe that one, he must know where the new Anti-Hearts reside now.

    Ah,here we go,the new Anti-Hearts,the only beings alive heartless:Thalia, Brian, Nina, and Will.

    The Anti-Hearts, after the heart needed to take over.

    The 5 Kindest of Hearts, but I only know the names of 4 of them.

    Bethany, Jay, Anna, Mike, and another…

    But what is the name of the 5th one?

    And where does she reside now?

    What should I do to find her?

    But for now, I wait,I'm patient.

    Patient, still waiting for something that'll help me find the 5th one…




    And Really…



    CHAPTER 1:

    The time was 3:21.

    At Catamaran High School, Liza Whitstone was glancing at the clock, waiting for Friday to be over, and for the weekend to begin.

    "Come on," She mumbled to herself, "Make it 3:30 already."

    The other students were trying to enjoy themselves as well, waiting for the school day to finish. Some read books, others were doing homework from other classes, but the rest were staring right at Liza.

    Liza looked like one of those girls who could attract any boy around: Hip-length chocolate hair, crystal-blue eyes, amazing curves and other body features, it was no wonder she was the most popular sophomore in school. But, unlike the other popular girls, Liza had something different about her that made her sweet.

    It was no doubt, Liza wasn't just popular, she was a soul made by an archangel, sent down to Earth to bring kindness and peace to the world.

    "BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP!" The Dismissal Bell was loud for sure, but a sign for the students that the day is over and for the better memories to begin.

    As Liza was getting her things from her locker, her best friend, June, came up to her and asked, "Liza, you know what's gonna happen on Saturday, right?"

    Liza turned and said like she only used the emotion 'Sorry', "Yeah June, The slumber party."

    "And can you come? Raina is coming, and so are Suzanne, Renee, Julie, Margaret, Aiko, and Lisi." June looked at her like if they were really tight friends.

    "Sorry, but I can't." Liza answered, "I have to sit my younger sibs' while my parents are away for the weekend."

    "But what if you said you had to do a project and let your brother Isaac be in charge while you are away?" June offered.

    Liza shook her head, "Isaac will get suspicious, and my parents said they will call us every hour, from sunrise to sundown, to make sure that everything's OK. So yeah, can't do it."

    June looked at Liza suspiciously, "Eventually, you'll go down to the dorks and someone like Beverly of Carl will take your place. Get real Liza; call me if you change your mind." And June walked away.

    Liza thought for a moment, and then she just got her books and headed home as if nothing ever happened.

    But all of that was about to change.

    When Liza got home, she saw Isaac first, watching Regular Show.

    Isaac Whitstone doesn't look a lot like his sister Liza (As a 13-year old). Isaac's Ginger hair is flat; he has elf-like ears, and is covered in freckles. The only physical appearance Isaac has in common with Liza is her Crystal-Blue eyes.

    "Hey Liz, s'up?" Isaac almost immediately asked Liza.

    Liza stared at him like if she was going to yell at the TV, "Stop calling me that Isaac. It's embarrassing. But I was okay today. You?"

    "Nothin' much. Noel gave my homeroom the link to her new vid. Flynn also challenged me to a round of Halo 3 at 7. Otherwise, nothin'."

    "Ok," Liza started, "Where's Emmie?"

    "Up in her room, calling Tyrana."

    "I'm gonna be up there if you need anything Isaac." And Liza trotted up the stairs.

    Emmie Whitstone looked just like a mix between Shirley Temple and Lady Gaga with her bob-style the color of butter, an innocent face, and odd style (That day Emmie was wearing acid-washed highwaters with a blood-red top.)

    When Liza peeked in the doorway to her sister's room, Emmie was there, talking with Tyrana (As Isaac said,)

    "No Tyrana, I swear if Julie put that note in your locker, I would've told you by now. What? I just did? No I didn't! Whatever, it was Simone, ok? Happy? No? Ok, forget it. See you Monday." Emmie hung up. "Hey sis, what's new?" she asked Liza.

    "Nothing. Where's mom?"

    "She's picking up Jay from school." Emmie replied immediately.


    "At work, duh!"

    "Ok," Liza replied confused,

    "We're home!" Liza's mother, other brother, and father came back.

    "Anyone here?" Jay asked to practically no one.

    Now Jay is a mini-me of Liza (Except that he's a boy and is only 9). His milk chocolate hair down to his shoulders, diamond-gray eyes, and skin like Edward Cullen's to finish him off.

    "We're here, and alive." Emmie replied upstairs.

    "Your mother and I are leaving to our vacation in a few minutes. You got plans for dinner?" Liza's father asked,

    "Yes." Liza replied,

    "And our and the neighbor's numbers if something happens?"


    "Ok then, bye!" Liza's mother said, and they left.

    But they didn't know what was going to happen.

    4 cloaked figures stood at a crystal ball the size of an oven.

    "What? She's not going with them?" One of them asked,

    "Of course not Will. It's their 2nd honeymoon." Another replied with some sarcasm.

    "A honeymoon?" The 3rd one started, "Sounds romantic."

    The 2nd figure looked at the third with a nasty look,

    "Shut up Nina, no time for romance."

    "Give her a break Thalia. She's only 10." The 4th said to the 2nd.

    "Fine! But we have to find a way to drag her in our trap." Thalia told all of the figures.

    "But how?" Nina asked.

    "We have to-" Thalia purred, "Take someone she loves."

    Chapter 2 and the rest coming soon! I'll add more when I finish them!
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 24, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. flowergothic
    Nation of Genesis
    The year is 2125, and the earth has been destroyed. The survivors came together and formed a nation called Genesis.
    But nobody could agree on a thing, so four women took order.
    These women -Thalia, Ivy, Joann, and Marlo- made a law that when a child that lives in Genesis turns twelve, he or she must come to the capitol and be tested to find out which element is he or she worthy for.
    But the fire element consumes its followers, they are never seen again.
    OUR MISSION: To free the fire followers and defeat Marlo (The Fire Queen)


    1. Follow the usual forum rules
    2. Max. 3 people per character
    3. No killing off other users characters
    4. Keep things at a PG-13 level
    5. If you're gonna leave, PM me in advance.
    6. Have fun! =)

    Age: (Keep it above 12 but under 40)
    Element Following: (Don't choose fire, or we'll have to rescue you!)

    Sign up today! =)

    Current Ones:
    Username: Flowergothic
    Name: Faith Neilstone
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Element Following: Water
    History: Faith lived with her mom and her sisters Hope and Joy. She got water, Hope got air, but Joy got fire and is consumed. So Faith must rescue her.

    Username: Flowergothic
    Name: Darius Greson
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Element Following: Earth
    Appearance: anime teen/Arazon/BlackHair-1.jpg
    History: Darius has nobody to care for -His parents died in a fire his consumed-brother started-. He wants to save his brother before something really bad happens to him, before it's too late.

    Username: FallenHero15
    Name: Mikealla Marynn
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Element Following: Water
    Appearance: Dark, curly red hair that falls to the middle of her back; light green eyes, fair skin, freckles; slight and skinny frame, short for her age.
    History: Mikealla is the only one in her family to have Water instead of Earth. Her best friend disappeared along with the rest of the followers of the Fire element, and she hopes to rescue her.
    Other: Spunky and sarcastic, witty and with an ironic, dry sense of humor.
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 18, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. flowergothic
    Eons ago, there was a battle between angels and demons. One angel named Darius was once bathing during the war, and when he came out, he suddenly had great strength. Darius showed the other angels the lake, and with the strength, they were able to defeat the demons for good. And since then, that lake has been known as the Angel Waters.

    But one day, a little girl named Florence was walking, and she saw an odd being that looked like one of the demons. They were back. Florence rushed home to tell her older sister/guardian, Iris, and she vowed to find the Waters to kill them. But after leaving to hunt demons down, she never was seen again.

    OUR MISSION: To find the Angel Waters and Iris to defeat the demons.

    1. Follow the forum rules.
    2. Don't try to take over this thread in ANY way.
    3. Nothing too inappropiate.
    4. Only one, and ONE, person per user.
    5. No killing of anyone else's character.
    6. If you're gonna leave this RP adventure, PM me in advance.
    7. Do not make a reference to ANYTHING that has to do with pop culture. This is an original story.
    8. Have Fun! =)

    Name: (Your character's name)
    Age: (Your character's age, make it above 13)
    Gender: (Your character's gender)
    Appearance: (Describe or put in a picture (You can do a website link) that shows your character's look)
    Personality: (Your character's personality)
    History: (Your character's history)
    Weapon: (Your character's weapon)

    Here's mine:
    Name: Ebony Pine
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Ebony is smart as she can be, but sometimes doesn't know the answer to things. She is a skilled swordswoman, and fights for her sisters, Annie and Olive.
    History: Ebony was born in a place known as Briarbrooks, and is still haunted by her past. When she was 8, her eldest sister, Annie, died at the age of 10 in an accident. Just 3 years after that, the rest of Ebony's family dies off in a fire at a friend's house. One month after that, she ran away from her foster home and ended up in another world named Absent Life, where she learned how to handle a sword and learned about the Angel Waters. Nowadays, she devotes her life to find the waters.
    Weapon: A sword called "Last Breeze".

    Oh yeah, almost forgot, You CAN kill off other characters, but ONLY with the user's permission.
    That's all.

    Link to original thread is in my sig.
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 18, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. flowergothic
    Kingdom Hearts: Combined Destiny
    One Month before the events in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, a woman knew the universe was in grave danger. She chose six Keyblade wielders to come and save the world before it was consumed by the unversed.
    The six didn't know each other, they all came from different worlds, but they all had a shared destiny, which was powerful enough for them to be together.

    1. Follow the usual forum rules.
    2. Don't try to take over this thread in ANY way.
    3. Only one person per character.
    4. Keep everything at a PG-13 rate.
    5. If you're gonna leave for a bit, PM me in advance.
    6. Have fun! =)

    Worlds the heroes came from:
    Destiny Islands (Taken by Master of Keyblades)
    Traverse Town (Taken by Marushi)
    Radiant Garden/Hollow Baston (Taken by Flowergothic)
    Twilight Town
    Make your own:
    Sunset Eve (Flowergothic)

    Path following:
    Path sacrificing:
    Back Story:

    Path of the Warrior:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You have more power and strength. Your starting keyblade is Mark of a Hero, and your starting magic is Fire.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You have less power and strength.

    Path of the Mystic:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You have more skill in magic. Your starting keyblade is Genesis, and your starting magic is Thunder.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You have less skill in magic.

    Path of the Guardian:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You will start off with more defense and more HP. Your starting keyblade is Kingdom Keeper, and your starting magic is cure.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You will start off with less HP and defense.

    THERE WILL BE MINI-QUESTS! The woman will give us the quests. They will either be alone or with a partner.
    The easy quests are given to the people levels 1-10, the normal quests will be given to people levels 11-30, the hard quests are given to people levels 31-59, and the critical quests are given to people levels 60+.

    If you give up the mystic path, please be aware that you might not be as strong in magic at first, just FYI.
    You can control up to 1-2 characters. NO EXECPTIONS. (And no, if you choose to control two, they cannot be related.)
    NO HELPERS!!!!!!!!!!

    Start signing up! I will choose the five soon!

    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 16, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. flowergothic
    Another KH poem, enjoy! =)

    Forever in my Heart
    The name spreads through my empty chest.
    But who is she now?
    And what impact did she make in my life?
    The only thing about her I remember is:
    Her name.

    Is she the one who gave me the charm?
    I thought it was Namine.
    But the star changed.
    Changed from being a plain gold star,
    to a green start with a face that keeps smiling at me.

    Namine says that she took Kairi away from me.
    But something still doesn’t seem right.
    I still think that Namine gave me the charm,
    but Riku denies.
    I just hope I figure this out.

    I’m about to fight the mastermind who forced Namine
    to take Kairi from me.
    I’m losing her.
    What’s her look? What’s her personality?
    What impact did she have on me?

    Marluxia, the mastermind behind this, is dead.
    Namine is putting me,
    and Donald, and Goofy,
    into pods.
    She says that I’ll regain my memory while in the pod.

    My pod’s about to close.
    I shut my eyes.
    And try to remember,
    That girl on the islands with me.

    I still try to remember.
    I now know my friends,
    Selphie and Wakka and Tidus.
    But what about Kairi?
    Where is she in my life?

    Now I remember.
    Her Lucky charm, her look, her personality.
    Her impact on me.
    Now, I promise to her,
    That she will be forever in my heart.

    Review please! I hope you enjoyed it! =)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 7, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. flowergothic
    I wrote this a few months ago- enjoy! =)
    (Told by Kairi's perspective)

    As I saw you, Sora,

    I just didn't know:

    I saw you, but only

    To watch you go.

    As we stood on the rocks

    And watched them shatter,

    We thought to ourselves,

    "Does it even matter?"

    While stretching without pride,

    We held tight

    But then Sora told me

    Something in might:

    "Kairi, remember what you said?

    I'm always with you too.

    But, instead of a lie,

    That sorta seems quite true."

    "Anyway, I'll come back to you,

    I promise! I swear!"

    But as we lost our grip,

    I just couldn't bear.

    I should've known.

    Sora lost his grip

    And we let go.

    I wanted to cry,

    But I held it back.

    Even though it was a pain,

    Like sitting on a thumbtack.

    But as we parted further

    Our own dreams did collide.

    Stars started falling

    Only circles, it was a surprise.

    We both gasped

    It was an amazing sight.

    The Island was returning,

    The beauty and the light.

    As we watched, Sora said his final words to me:

    "Kairi, I'll come back,

    Riku will too

    We won't lack!"

    "All of us will be together soon!

    Riku and I have the might to-"

    He was gone.

    Out of my sight.

    The portal was closing

    My head tilted down

    But I knew I would see Sora and Riku again.

    What was next was not to cause a frown.

    Comets, all around.

    Sora did this to ME,

    I knew it,

    I almost shouted out in glee!

    The next day,

    I was in the caves,

    Exploring the drawings,

    When I saw Sora's crave.

    It was us, together, like we left it.

    But something changed

    Sora was giving something, a papou fruit, to me,

    Right there, my heart really banged.

    I imaged Sora,

    Drawing the piece,

    I cried a bit,

    But it was still an amazing masterpiece.

    I drew again,

    The same type,

    But instead I was giving a fruit to Sora.

    One that was ripe.

    Well, I last saw him there.

    Three months have past.

    And I still remember,

    The lucky charm I gave him, still in his grasp.

    And I know his promise

    That he will come back.

    And I still don't believe it's a lie.

    Not a fib, not a tack.

    To end this poem;

    I say that I now know,

    I saw Sora, but only

    To watch him GO.

    I hope you liked it! =)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 6, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. flowergothic
    Kingdom Hearts: Combined Destiny
    One Month before the events in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, a woman knew the universe was in grave danger. She chose six Keyblade wielders to come and save the world before it was consumed by the unversed.
    The six didn't know each other, they all came from different worlds, but they all had a shared destiny, which was powerful enough for them to be together.

    1. Follow the usual forum rules.
    2. Don't try to take over this thread in ANY way.
    3. Only two people max. per character.
    4. Keep everything at a PG-13 rate.
    5. If you're gonna leave for a bit, PM me in advance.
    6. Have fun! =)

    Worlds the heroes came from:
    Destiny Islands (Taken by Master of Keyblades)
    Traverse Town (Taken by Marushi)
    Radiant Garden/Hollow Baston (Taken by Flowergothic)
    Twilight Town
    Make your own:
    Sunset Eve (Flowergothic)

    Path following:
    Path sacrificing:
    Back Story:

    Path of the Warrior:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You have more power and strength. Your starting keyblade is Mark of a Hero, and your starting magic is Fire.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You have less power and strength.

    Path of the Mystic:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You have more skill in magic. Your starting keyblade is Genesis, and your starting magic is Thunder.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You have less skill in magic.

    Path of the Guardian:
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THIS PATH: You will start off with more defense and more HP. Your starting keyblade is Kingdom Keeper, and your starting magic is cure.
    IF YOU CHOOSE TO SACRIFICE THIS PATH: You will start off with less HP and defense.

    THERE WILL BE MINI-QUESTS! The woman will give us the quests. They will either be alone or with a partner.
    The easy quests are given to the people levels 1-10, the normal quests will be given to people levels 11-30, the hard quests are given to people levels 31-59, and the critical quests are given to people levels 60+.

    If you give up the mystic path, please be aware that you might not be as strong in magic at first, just FYI.
    You can control up to 1-2 characters. NO EXECPTIONS. (And no, if you choose to control two, they cannot be related.)
    NO HELPERS!!!!!!!!!!

    Start signing up! I will choose the five soon!
    Username: Flowergothic
    Name: Aiko Tuzuki
    Path following: Guardian
    Path sacrificing: Warrior
    Gender: Female
    World: Radiant Garden
    Age: 17
    Personality: Sarcastic but friendly, Aiko is up for anything.
    Back Story: Born and raised in Radiant Garden, Aiko has leaned about the keyblade from a man named Braig, and is glad to finally wield one (Kingdom Keeper). But, she still has a troubled past since she lost her older sister, Yuuna, when unversed first came to her world. Aiko never recovered from watching her sister be taken away.

    Username: Marushi
    Name: Miki Takaki
    Path following: Guardian
    Path sacrificing: Mystic
    Gender: female
    World: Traverse Town
    Age: 19
    Personality: Quiet and cool-headed, Miki always has a plan, in any situation. She cares for the others and would give her life to protect them from harm.
    Back Story: Miki never knew her parents, her mother showed up in Traverse Town, pregnant and alone, gave birth to her, and then left her. No one knows who she was, or why she abandoned her daughter. But the village raised her, she had no specific guardian, but she was taken care of by all. When she was sixteen, she had a dream of a beautiful lady, who gave her a keyblade and taught her to fight. When Miki woke up, she had it. She kept it a secret from the rest of the town until now, when rumors of Darkness are spreading. She still hasn't told the townsfolk, but practices daily, to keep them safe if this Darkness should reach the village.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Kira
    Path following: Warrior
    Path sacrificing: Mystic
    Gender: Male
    World: Destiny Islands
    Age: 18
    Personality: Fun loving and energatic most of the time. Eventhough he can be careless sometimes, he hever seems to give up hope.
    Back Story: Growing up in Destiny Island, Kira often spent most to his time lying on the beach staring at the clouds. It didn't matter what his was,or supposed to be doing. He could always be found looking up at the sky.

    Username: Flowergothic
    Name: Mathias Osaki
    Path following: Mystic
    Path sacrificing: Guardian
    Gender: Male
    World: Sunset Eve
    Age: 16
    Personality: Mathias is kind, but he's looks like he's holding a deadly secret.
    Back Story: Born and raised in Sunset Eve, Mathias has learned the difference between dark and light by his father. But, when he was 13, the world was attacked by the unversed and was destroyed. Mathias survived, but his family didn't. So he lived upon the ruins until he found out about his destiny (Which was 3 years later).
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 4, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home