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  1. SuperHodzic

    Truth or Dare?
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. SuperHodzic
    Nobody... yet. Hopefully.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. SuperHodzic
    I'd still play the games, the new Pokemon don't really appeal to me but I play it anyway. My days of actually watching Pokemon are over, though.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  4. SuperHodzic
    I put the rubber snake on the ground, cover it in enough dirt so that they can't see it too well and think it's real, as they get close to kill it or just investigate it, I come from behind with the plank of wood and knock them out.

    You're in the middle of the ocean on a little wooden raft and suddenly you see a shark fin on the surface of the water. You have a dagger that you use for fishing, it's being territorial by bumping the raft. What do you do?
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. SuperHodzic
    I think that since the whole theme of KH 3D is "trust" I think there would be no reason for them to fight unless the trust is between them and their Keyblades. Although like someone else said, Riku still has Darkness so who knows. Personally I hope they do.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. SuperHodzic


    Thank you and it depends on what you mean by annoying xD But my mum thinks I'm cool so there should be no problem.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. SuperHodzic



    And no worries, they seem legit just like any other forum, I should be fine.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. SuperHodzic
    My neighbor actually brought the game over to my house and we started playing it. Later on I borrowed it from him since I didn't actually have a save file of my own. I played it up til Halloween Town until I decided to just get it myself cuz he still wanted to play it. So I've played every KH game since, finished all but CoM and Re:Coded because they bored me lol.
    Post by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. SuperHodzic


    It's been ages since I've made an introduction thread and I'm quite a lazy person so I'll keep it short.

    Thread by: SuperHodzic, Dec 20, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures