It's been maybe over a year since I've been regularly active on a forum, mainly because my old one is really really low on activity and I'm struggling to find another forum to call my home. This isn't an introduction, just an honest question on how to become more involved in this community. Because from first impression the people here seem genuine and nice and that's perfect for me.
Happy 15th, make the most of it.
Favourite sport? Are you single? Are you eccentric? What are your views on Jaguars(the animal)? What consoles do you own? Favourite game? Are you free tonight?
She was just randomly chosen I guess. Although I heard rumours of Master Xehanort wanting her to be one intentionally as part of his "Master Plan".
Her being a Princess of Light is a pretty significant thing.
Why not, they're already making a lot of (imo) useless games anyway.
My curiosity is getting the better of me but.. who's that in your avatar?
Avatar: 8/10 Sig: 7/10
Melbourne, Australia.
I've got 3 DotA 2 invites if anyone is interested. If LoL is too easy for you, DotA is a good test. Otherwise most of the LoL players I've tried converting found DotA too hard. Also you're free to add me; Lycalen.
Just stalking, you?
Okay so this one is 11kb over the max limit, is that gonna be a problem?
Yeah I've been waiting for someone to say something. I'll work on resizing it.
I can't think of a reply because of my lack of empathy. I'm a nudist.
Okay well, not that big xD The sugar in that thing would make me so bipolar. I think normal/bright red is easier to read. For me at least.
The lava game is fun until the couch falls backwards.
Yeah, pretty much. I think they may be an Australian product..
Yeah, life is great. I finished my snakes... I should really hire a butler to bring me more.
I'm such a terrible person then. Kill me now.
Pretty much..