is talking to me on msn right now owns kairi killed sora in an rp once ....yeah
i nominate misty mish and roxas
ooh when i was grounded i made a starteling discovery THERE IS A WORLD OUTSIDE MY COMPUTER!!!!! i thouhght it was justa legend but its true!! lolz
sox roxer helped create the magic button game had a burping contest w/ me on skype was the first(and last) person to ever talk 2 me on skype is very overprotective of axel
^_^ i feel better now and kyle ur definatley a cool member *remembers the button game* ahh good times ...this is what happenes when i dont see any of my irl friends for a long time..... i turn emo......just ask kiedran.....i blame my mom
*sniffle* i used to feel so loved on this site but after i came back from being grounded i dont fell that way anymore *cries* Love me again!!! please *sob*
ur not suposta double post but uh yeah i needs friends 2
man i havenrt even goten that far yet my brother keeps hogig the ps2 GRRRRR!!!
*sneaks burger* ahh good times, GOOOD TIMES
*pushes mr bob to the ground* "you have no right to be here kid u aint tough enough to be one of us read the rules no pass no post"
.,. *sobs*
slap u acrost the face what if i died and it was your fault
im going to the city this week....sometime i think...but i don have 2 go very far
ur bit off Mr.Bob .... but tallian did own the resses shop
i feel sooooo alone!!!! ehhhh im bored there is nobody to talk to T_T
well mish you would be very hard to turn down idk if i could...but your taken so whatever
*glares* i will not!
NO!!!!!! read and its Kaira btw
even if tallian wasent bannenated i haven't been able to talk 2 him in like 4 ever he is rarely on my site and NEVER on aim ......(and he is sposta b working on an rpg inferno hack for me -_-) this sucks i wish he hadent gone and got himself banned like that