"GO DIE IN A HOLE!!!!"~ my catchphrase I did marry the 360, but I felt I was missing something in my life. We divorced...............xD =P ~ Tallian
me (kaira) and kiedran at school on tuesday jules(our friend) (refering to clan macleod forum family) Keidran:hey! remeber when we found he duckie! Kaira: OMG yess!! SOO CUTE!! Kiedran: omg i know! Jules: Wait keidran you got a duck?!?! Kaira and Kiedran*laugh turn our backs and begin to walk outside* Kaira: yeah shure did we tell ya about the psWii60 she got 2 Kaira and Kiedran:* more laughter walk outside* jules: HEY COME BACK HERE! Kaira: Ki-chan RUN!!!! *we run a bit then hide behind a tree laughing hystericly* kaira: the psWii60 should have been a hint do ya thing she reized there never was a duck? keidran: probably not *laughing* Kiedran: oh man we got to tell the other macleods about this
sex before marrage is risky imoral and i just dont see a point to it in my mind sex it something special between you and the person you have decided to spend your life with think of it this way everytime you have sex with someone you are giving part of yourself away, part you can never get back so be careful who you decide to give it to and then there is always the risks unwanted pregnancies and std's there is now definate way to prevent them is it REALY all that worth it for me the answer is no and while i cant make decisions for anybody else i would strongly encoruage them to wait relationships are about love not sex ppl
aww come on mari everybody deseves a good bit of fun like the spam zone anyway its a cycle this place isent dyin its just becomming less of the n00b zone and back to the way it used to be
0.o ok then thanks sara hmm this is getting kinda booring what can we do about this
i know i dont even pay much attention to it anymore ....if tallian was still here things would be different, man i miss havin him around here these n00bs r makin me SICK i cant stand them The_darkness ur not allowed to post here without aproval so stay out !
can i join? i will b sakura and naruto
me and misty on aim me: omg when i was little i mean like todler little my favorite treat was frozen peas Misty: like the ones you get in a bag Misty: EW! Me: still love them now Misty: That's disgusting. Me:no its Me: its frozen veggies Misty: Call me picky, but that's just plain nasty. Seriously... Do you eat them frozen? Me: yup Me: not w/ a meal Misty: O.O ME: but i will eat them for a snack sometimes Misty: O.O Misty: Next thing you're going to say is "I Love Spinach!" Me: um.....no comment Misty: ... Misty: You like spinach? Me: loved that sense i was little 2 Me: i like all vegies even the ones kids r sposta hate i have ALWAYS liked Misty: O.O Me: i dont like raw spinach in salad idk y i just dont Misty: *Gags* yes ok i like vegies! get over it
i live realy close to the city and rarely ever go there i am the only one in my family who hasent been there in the past year my bro and dad saw spamalot and my little sister's 4th grade band played at carnegie hall CARNEGIE HALL!!!!!0.o we ALMOST when to see the tree but y mom said no XP but the city rulz nuff said
no joke i had a dream like this once well all went to a hotel in NYC and alot of ppl where there and we all got cool shirts with our name our usertitle and thenames of all the other ppl that went on it and i met all my friends and it was realy fun and i sharded a room w/ hissora ris and rikku and it was soo much fun i was realy sad when i woke up
dude all this dum stuff is makin us angry! 1 Tallian got banned from this forum 2 My stupid little brother told on me for being here and now i have to be realy careful about it
this sux i hate formal ocasions like this has anybody even seen kiedran OR MY DATE tch whatever *falls asleep in chair*
*crys* i dont know where my date is im alone
ahhh my momn made me go shoping for pants and i missed everything!!! 4 PANTS!!!!
eh they got this covered so uh HEY HI WELCOM3!!!
im here! ohh i just love the dress i got !
ur realy out of the the loop and i would rather die but omg tallian says he might come back and then i would HAVE to go w/ him and ahhhhhh y meee!!
Ohhh this looks fun!....hmm can i be vexen?
oooh yess!!! *does uber happy dance* *edit OH i might not be able to now damn fudge monkeys!*
i do that ALL THE TIME