hey always good to see a new face...well you get it ^_/^
hey ya know i havent been here from the start but have i proven myself worthy enought not to be considered a noob i dont want to have a rubber chicken as my weapon and die a painfunl and ebarasing death *cough*vivi*cough*
beating kh1(TIWCE) and kh2 (once) ib one summer and now my mom lost my mem card so i have to start all over again
eh idunno dosent seem very likely to me and if i where to make fruitsnaks i would put a few more charys in maybe riku micky donald and goofy but hey thats just me
XD hm idk driving is pretty fun then again this is coming from a 16yr ols just learning how to handle a car but w/e alot of stupid things bother me i just get over it
hmm well u just mutated a bunch of my friends pic's i saved off of facebook muahahahah anyway i have a pic i COULD post but im not gonna not yet at least ....... and in response to twi's coment well my husband wen and got himself banned four days after the wedding what kind of a stunt is that and tallian if ur lurking looking at this hi! ^_^M *wave* XD
only axel and xemnas you fight in more than one game so marly does not make a return apearence thought that would be cool
o.0 *dies* god help us all nah actualy it looks realy funny animal crossin rulz cant wait to c da movie!
my parents have scared me out of EVERY dream i have ever had and because of something they did i lost a friend who i was VERY close to and i regret it to this day
eh twi ur pix r better on facebook ppl look realy weird when they take their pix w/ a mirror XD
my mom always makes fun of me and tells me im not good at stuff and well i guess sometimes she encorages me but it seems like most the time thats not the case and now i have no self esteem my parents r always tellin me im not gonna go to colledge and i will never have a life so yeah i pretty much wanna die now
im right handed i heard that most left handed ppl started out as twins but on twin failed to develop and therefore there was only ever one baby and if you think about it most identical twins one is right handed and one is left handed (or so i am told)
hmm kh making it to blu-ray would be very interesting and i do belive that any future instalment in the series (leaving for yet MORE spectulation) may infact make it to the ps3 infact i thinkit would be cool (IF i ever managed to get a ps3) however i have heard that any future kh game will not be released for quite a few years and it is impossible to say maybe there will be something better than blu-ray by then who knowa?
well xemnas is nothing ness as for the CoM question the limited graphic capabilities of the GBA platform wouldent alow for them to add that effect most likely maybe in Re:CoM we will see them use the portal to transport them selves it is impossible to tell right now
Kairi second and i soo want her dress
can i b in khvr II ( please *puppydog eyes*) where can i find chapters above 38
hmm that would be interesting.....
aww vivi i love ya to man lol XD
zomg deathspank in the spam zone!!!
i have a gaia account but it confuses me i just lik making them realy i use them sometimes but mostly i just delete them