*dies laughing* where would we all be without ppl like mari i ask you this ppl where would we be
omg its almost too good to be true *dies*
probably where yours is what is theFIRST orginization member to apear to SORA in KHII
light i have to say light but light makes me sneze (dont ask plz)
heartless are the hearts consumed by darkness they go around turning other hearts to that darkness when they are killed by the keyblade the hearts are released and they weave together to form the fabric of kingdom hearts itself
hey im kaira welcome to khv hope ya have fun here ^_^
no dialog and this is short it was a match (im on varsity bowling) and i was up i go throw the ball....and fall flat @$$ not fun i have to say i looked like a ****** 2
...i realy dont like to talk about it ...-_-
im in easy mode ...my health bar is still low
LOMG Kaira reveals!!!! the only good pic i have ever taken in my life
nah its fun i dl it when i was out of the houes and i love it im in mia and my name is Xayira
i know you would never think it but ya gotta admit its kinda scary
that was the most moving biograph i have ever read *tears* can i get an autographed copy!
so i was looking through my picture file in the computer when i noticed that kiriyama from battle royale looks soo much like Reno from advent children take a look see what did i tell you
god u ppl r god ya got another one of my secrets now im gonna have to be more careful
couldent agree more dident you get banned already?!?! jk your the best gotta love n00bs who dont know what the magenta means XD
i love Kazuo Kiriyama
Username: kairisorakeyoflight Name in Book: Kaira Age: 16 Attitude Towards Game: resistant will try to hide with maybe one good friend like twi but will not hesitate to strike if threatened (or to protect another) and will probably feel bad about it after Interests: likes computers speends most of her time around the forums also is on school bowling team likes watching anime and writing stories in her spare time Married To:Tallian (does it count if the forum member is banned?) Description of Looks: brown hair in a half up with part of it hanging in front of her face wears jeans and a sweatshirt or t-shirt warn out converse
i use IE7 *ish in school* XD! i does it again
hmm that reminds me of something i saw on youtube once LOMG I KNEW IT you watch naruto abidged! love thoes vids! omg Sora:"kairi i hate you i never want to see you again" kairi:" good demyx is way hotter and braver than you are" sora: uhhh kai, hes dead kairi:*kills sora*