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@ mish: XDDDDD i was just about to say there is no point if naruto's been banned @ misty: i wish he would stop being all .... not if u get what i mean (and u probably dont im dont realy have a way with words)
awwww pooor rissy my vcr at my sisters pooh video when she was five she is now 10 and is still mad she never got a replacement
its laced with poison and this game already exits here
Tallian i miss him he never comes on aim anymore and after he got banned he turned all weird and never talks to me anymore ><
im soo happy i wasent able to b here when he wa leaving and it made me mad so this sets myOCD little mind to rest
well where i live its big..then again so is a stray bear but thats lastyears news it ended up being nothing just some dumb*** kid writing "a bomb in the building" on a whiteboard somewhere idiots and they didet let us go home we had to hide but now going home >< there may not have been a bomb in the school but there ARE snakes on a plane
o,0 well this is a little out of hand .... i like it ^^ (i feel so out of the loop these days) and i did know cin was a dude from the start no idea how but i did
*sits in normal sweet all alone wishing my (ex) husband hadent been such an @$$tard* *is very bored* *watches Battle royale on laptop*
as nessicary as it is it can b rather akward in some situations trust me i know
there was a bomb scare at the middle school today its right next to my school and all the little kids invaded us and it was rly scary cuz nobody had any idea what was going on and they almost sent us home...couldent get that lucky and on the first day back from break 2 what a day!
This is y i never take the subway alone...well if i lived in the city i wouldnet but u get the idea thats rly sketchy
I live in the state of denial but guess New York will have to do for now
tisk tisk mishy what ever will we do with you (MAN i missed u ppl sooo much)
LOMG! *grabs flashlight and a body bag* "hope we dont need this!"
Name: kaira Suite: normal Mate:...its a long story aka nobody
haha i have a snow blower! SNOWWWWDAYYYYYYYY!!!! ROTFLMFAO! XD
my life IS complete Khv and yotube r unblocked on my computer!!!!
*parties* ooh yeah!!!
demyx has a better salad choice my brother is like roxas marly is just marly