i would go into naruto and kick some but what if i was your evil neighbor that was lame dude
my hatred for sunderland goes back to the days when when tallian roamed the fourm sunderland and i got in a fight and i have hated him ever sense and cin wth was that
awww i dont have a date to the formal and its commin up realy soon!!! sooooo... who wants to be the lucky guy to take me to the dance oh and cloufinalfantasy im not going with you get that through your head i dont like you in fact i depise you my list of least favorite members goes like this Sunderland cloudfinalfantasy see that now leave me alone
i would kill myself what would you do if... tallian came back
NONE OK!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE *crys in corner w/ nra*
i gree w/ that statement *thinks of kid in my bio class, drools* (only kiedran will ever know) u ppl r weird.....i feel at home here
my wishlist Wii FFXII FFIX paintshop pro i got WII!!!!!!! FFXII twilight princess a new memory card for the ps2 cuz mom lost mine(with ONLY MY data on it) and socks i gotst candy 2
if you're still free kuroudo i will go w/ u !
damn i think i lost kurudo
hey ppl just cuz my hustband is dead (in the forum reality sense) dosent mean we cant get votes!!
hey read them and if youtube wasent blocked from school i would link ya to somenthing funny 2
i love staying up late its so fun but somethimes kinda lonely...
my fav is yondaime lomg i <3 him ^_^ yeah i have issues i know