:glomp: for everyone XD hellooo~ extra glomp for Darkrequiem0 cuz ur avvy makes me lawl XD
Ah you're leaving?? One month..okay..get back right when that one month is over!
Hey there ''your majesty''! This place rocks. It's a little dead because everyone is going back to school, but yesh it's still the awesomest place to be. Stay active and post a lot, you'll make a lot of friends. Respect the other members And follow the rules Other than that, go crazy! PM me if you have questions, or just wanna chat and be friends! See ya around~
lol shweet. *hugs for OnlyTwilight!* hey DemoN:IID@ys it's ur birthday today?..happy bday *hug*
u serious? whoa. XD *tries to not laugh from being tickled* *glomps joo!*
XD Oh right. .. HoD! Ah he was heeere. And hmm hug!
Spanish and French only. Our school is so small XD Totally agree with the whole ''schools don't have languages you want''. Or classes in that matter hah when it comes to my school..
Yep I love song lyrics in sigs and stuff..so i think im gonna do that somehow lol.. Oh I wish our school would offer japanese as a class, i really want to learn it. *hug*
Ha you should. And now that i think of it, I need a new siggy...mines pretty old..
lmao what a funny thing to compare patience to
Rain. ...
xD dr. cox? lol. *sends kisses and tells others to*
Yea we got to chose whether we wanted to take spanish or french this year.. I'm sick of taking spanish, because our teachers were never really good.. And I'm part french, so i figured it was a good idea to learn the language XD *hug*
Well we haven't really had real classes yet XD But I really like art, and french seems pretty cool. The rest of the atcual classes are boring but whenever we have free time it's fun. :glomp:
Hugs for everyone! It'll be rare that I'm online now days.. :,( XD but you guys are great. My friend starts school on monday too, roxasissomebody. I'm in 10th grade but it's not volutary like daxma XD School is a pain..but so far pretty intersting. :D
haha i heard that before, i guess im a wise fool then. xD no, our school is tiny. verry tiny. it's pretty much a new school. oh wells. high school is hard lol ><
xD haha So you start school monday then? :glomp:
You all are in school already? Wow. Hug for all of you! And roxasissomebody has a best buddy on this forum that's so cool (well i knew that already lol..) and emobunny has her sisters. I don't know anyone in real life on these forums XD it's sad :glomp:
*smacks head* hah duh. hmm hug pweez? i start school tomorrow -.-
i hate these things XD 58 wpm