:) congrats. seems like things are looking up
lawls. how's monica, kev?
i give joo hug!
Oh cool. Hah art just rulz.. *true that. XD woo spam.*
I don't know if our class is doing painting this year..it's more like sculpting or something which isn't really my strong point but oh well. Aha yea that's true can't get in trouble for that *realizing how far off-topic this is compared to the actual topic lol*
I have art 3rd period. yayz!! we just did some cool project..we had to draw our hands, and write some sort of story. Like what our hands do. I ended up writing a poem kinda thing but yeah art is pretty much my favorite subject!
Yep all that..well I don't do the chats lol. And well school..that takes up a lot of time and keeps my mind off things lol so that counts
True, well spoken. Haha sounds fun. There's always things to do while waiting! i draw ^^
Wow that's really cool lol! Aw well it's ok. There's someone out there just for you, whether you've met them already or not
16 on Friday? happy early birthday. I'll be 16 in a few months..National videogame day i've heard that before lol is it real?
Good dating advice. I was all my life until last year..and is again..but i'm cool with that lol. so how long is ''all your life"? well how old you are
Yeah, he is. That's nice though; they're hanging out
Sorry ^^' and really? oh wow that's great!
*is back* so her name is monica? that's so pretty and sounds nice as Kevin & Monica. @tdgw: btw charles is a cool name too! a 5 yr crush?? wow that's a long time ^^
a pwnage limit move, might i add lol. ^^ towa..that's cute
*nods* thanks ^^' it's ok..sure he broke up with me, but now i can see he was kindof a jerk sometimes. i got friends though so i'm happy ^^ edit: thanks darkcloud i lol'd
Haha yeah. Relationship advice comes natural XD 'Speically since my relationship just ended recently
Definately don't do that. Lol. Or start talkin' like that..well anyways, it takes awhile to get something going. Don't expect her to want to go out with you next week. Take your time, and if you two end up together, still take it a little slow. But let's see..oh yeah a girl likes a guy who's confident. Someone who she can talk to about anything and know he'll listen; trust it the biggest thing in a relationship, which is why being friends first is so important
Haha yeah don't worry I'm not so great in spanish either after all these years XD
Writing is the best way to get emotions out..don't think it's terrible. I like seeing this kind of writing, because it has heart. Something going on then? I hope you're feeling alright