hi there. i don't know ya, but i'll give you a double high five
He's like, made of awesome XD
Thank u thank u XD and yesh darkcloud, u speak truth
XD that's funny. pwnage
*raises hand* older. 15 ^^
A wonderful thing to live for. I wish i had an older brother like you ^^'
XD; hiya. i join. shoop-da-woop!
content removed
Haha wow! ---
Oh you PMed me lol there it is i'll check it
Hey there roxas, hercules, reiss and jettie! let's see we need a conversation starter..ok! why do you like/love roxas? easy
O.o? lawlermuffins
XD I get it lawls
Yesh. lol good one
That was kind of one of the questions that a student asked the 3 soldiers. About being away from home and all. The captain said that in all honesty, it sucks. Not being able to see your family and if you have kids, watching them grow up. But he said that despite that, it's their duty and calling to be out there, doing what they can and getting support from everyone here.
True ^^' not so current but it still effects what's going on now. So you heard that Bush was going to do that? I guess we'll see. @ advent: I agree with you. I'm sorry for those that you knew who died as well
Lost the game.
Too late, spilt lol
Seven years since the unbelievable 9/11 attack on US grounds. I'm submiting this thread as a tribute to those who were killed, and those who are fighting for this nation in the war that was the result of 9/11. My class got the opportunity to go to a local college today and join in a live conference call with US soldiers stationed around Iraq. The students there got a chance to ask almost any kind of questions to the soldiers. I loved it. It was so neat, seeing them there and being able to talk to them, wave, and them respond. They had so much to say, and I want to thank them again for doing what they do.
So Monica is moving?? after all that?? sheesh. I'm sorry man. But now there's another girl in the picture? a very pretty girl it seems.