Word be spead, Cap'n! lolz pirates. *post* ooh look that's two in one day for this club
;D I see. Lolz sweet
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Yeah, I figured XD Why'd you change it?
I love all the nicknames..so cool..but my fav would have to be Demyx--the Malidious Nocturne. ^^
thank for the invite :) Starkiller..? New name?
True that. XD Lol @ caramelldansen
Candy where?! lol. I'm not gonna dress up and go around. I'll raid Walmart for all it's candy >:3 iFishy dressing as roxas! that's cool XD
^^' Tell I would, if I knew how we could.
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Yeah they are. I think you could find enough werewolves around here to enlarge the pack
Lol. ... We could do a group shoop da woop ... XD
Um. I don't really know ^^' all I've seen is vamps and moogles and kittens haha. piratekingluffy was a werewolf..I remember that from one of the thread we used to chat in the spamzone. but other wolves? hm. we'll hafta look around
Yeah, I finished it and was wondering where the rest was. This is the kind of story that I think can go on and on.
Lol thread starter! *sigh* the 5th book. It'd be nice to read that one. You know, if it was published 'n all haha. Bleh, no fights. Oh wells. There were soo many vampires!
:3 we pretty wolves
Lol ...-.