Nice to meet you too ;DD Sparkly profile *u*
i knoow <3 when I told her this she got excited xD
One Day ~ Charice
inoriteeee DD8 -sobbing hard- btw just found out your birthday is the same as one of my bff's <3
YES. D8 They made especially a LOT about him. hnhnhn
lol destiny. & thanks for the app too :D How's you todayy?
I think yes D8 omg idk why It involves my dad & he works overseas and he never came back for 4 years ;;
Ya. D: Like they made gifs off the ending scene and stuffs. And most of them are all asdfghjkl -is spoilered-
Sure sounds excitiiing ~;oo Wish I could see it toooo and yet Tumblr's had alot of spoilers for the movie already D;
lol I'm good too, just had a really strange dream in my sleep D: Left my eyes all teary for some reason ;-;
Try Thanking Katichan for this <3
Party Rock Anthem ~ LMFAO
My part; :]
Hey, thanks for the add ;D How're you today? :]
Avi: 8/10 Mightyena? 8D Sig: 7/10 Cute ;D
Avi: 8/10 Cool 8D Sig: 8/10 lol cute.
Avi: 7/10 Siggy: 8/10 Cool contrasting :3
Lol I'll use this one then 8D Will post the DL link here later. And what's that? You want me to teach you? D8< I believe its the other way around cuz I just have this feeling that you're an amazing editor >3
Wow.. D8 Got a heart attack when I saw my video. Thank you so much! Didn't expect this coming ;D Also I love the 2nd one. Nicely done crossover <3
At 1st I was expecting slow video cuz of the title, blame me Nice choice of clips ;D Watching this makes me start to take a liking to the song too~ As for the WMM crashes, have you tried unchecking some of the boxes in Tools > Options > Compatibility? Back then when I was still using WMM it kept trolling by crashing on me too, but after I did that it certainly decreased the amount of crashes like almost to none. I love your dedication. I hope you can get a job soon and fetch Sony Vegas! :D