^ Can't think of any other at the moment. I'm just a bit disappointed Atlus didn't make it better on P4 than in P3/FES. P3 succeeded on making me obsessed to it to the point I played it to more than three hundred hours of total playtime, but P4, while the variation of the dungeons is better, the other thing is just.. nnn.
If It Means Alot To You - A Day To Remember ~
Just downloaded one too and it's a cool quality imo. It's not pixelated, but perhaps the sharpness made it look like that.. you know, sharp. D: -or maybe not-
I'm forever doomed D8 -jumps off bridge- You know you're awesome for that, don't you. *uses Mightyenas to leer* >D
-le gasp- You knew D: Lack of regret is a bliss. We should be grateful for the Trainer we are. *pokes a hoard of Zigzagoons* 8D
Ditto. They're addictive. D:
You too :D though I haven't played Black/White, I've seen Chandelure. Looks pretty cool ;D That's really lot compared to me xD I like Sinnoh the...
Wow, these are really cool <3 And subtitle-free just makes everything perfect. Thank you so much Mixt ;D
8D You play Pokemon?? -rolls around- Thanks <3
Yes, I love Pokemon <3 And I'm liking Dialga for the moment ;D Which Pokemon series do you play?
Sorry for the late reply - kinda got busy lately :x And yes, I go to an all-year-around school :] Sucks because we got no summer vacation here D;...
Thank you ;DD I'm thinking I shouldn't work out the texts too much too since my friend said the same as you. I managed to do the rest of the video as well earlier today, so maybe I'll be able to upload the full version sometime near.. though my Vegas despised this project hnnn Thanks again for the comment, I appreciate it <3
hiii, doing pretty good here :3 Just got back from school <3 How's you?
Well, I just found out about this.. Spoiler http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7075624/1/DARK_MEMORY_The_Truth_of_Vanitas_Behind_the_Game Am I late or I don't care.
Lights - Ellie Goulding ~
[video=youtube;hOmnh8mvVD4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOmnh8mvVD4[/video] Because I suck at masking. And my Vegas decides to be a troll and won't let me render without glitches. So this is a project I've started about weeks ago; contains the crack pairing shown on the thumbnail :3 Song's After the Sirens by Arietta. & I need your opinion. I'm thinking to fix the lyric texts on the beta vid and in the actual video because most of them looked awkward lol. But I'm wondering if I should let the coloring raw like that or add more color to it. Also what do you think about the masking? I'm planning to fix the one I had around Namine at the beginning of the video, particularly around the back of her head - but idk what I should do more to the kissing scene after to make it look more natural. And I'm a bit blank for 0:15 onwards. Can't add video loops, my Vegas hates it these days. Have any idea how I should do it? Any more addition - post them. I'll really appreciate it :]
This thread rocks. /what
ikr? D8 Annoys me how my brain has such a short term memory hnnn Thank you, and sure! ;D I'll add youu. You a fan too? 8D Okay, thanks, & lol it's because I wander around the forum alot I guess xD
Love your vids <33
Aw, thank you <3 I sure hope so too :]