-trying my luck- ..this, maybe? ;o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrFFWBOJMfs It's my most disliked video xD
Your part also dazzles me ;] <3
lol no probs ;D But I still think it's better there than here on certain ways. I'd go anytime if I had a chance to study abroad <3 So how're you...
Can't think of a word to describe this. Epic is even underrating.. 8'D I love it ♥ Everyone did an amazing job ;D
Avatar - 8/10 Siggie - 10/10 simply gorgeous. Love the coloring so much <3
LMAO. The Pokemon universe had been turned upside down by this.
That usually happens to me too back when I'm still using WMM. Perhaps try going to Tools - Options - Compatibility and uncheck the boxes? I left fairly small amount of it and it reduces the crashings to almost none.
Does anyone know where I can download high quality OVAs/Animes for free? I've been wanting to download Black★Rock Shooter and Howl's Moving Castle (also Summer Wars and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time if possible [I ask alot I know]) but I'm blind at this. All my friends are giving me are the ones that are either low quality or in unacceptable format in Sony Vegas such as .mkv. D;
It ranges around $60-599; the Vegas Pro 10 is $599.95. You can always try the 30-days trial version for free :3 And yes it is, the songs are interesting. <3
Oh goodness, that be like so so so awesome. 8D I think Bug's Life would be cool, considering Sora would have to shrink and all. Other than that imho would have to be Tangled, Monster Inc, or maybe the Incredibles.. they make cool party members. I'd also love if they add more characters from other SE games like Parasite Eve or more FF <3
That's a quite high level you got for the first time in the elite 8D Training him becomes a definite hobby I guess? xD lol bubyeeeee. C ya when I...
I saw your post on the latest Top 5 thread. Maybe you can try using Pinnacle, or Sony Vegas? :3
Thazzzzzz what I'm saying <3333 Empoleon = love. He's powerful too. And omg 100?? D8 You're good at training!
Lol I like his appearance, especially his glare and his head held up high xD I picked Piplup too 8D I thought Empoleon's better than Torterra and...
D8 Thanks so much again :* I never thought it'd came out on first since it's a pretty old video. I love the 5th place song, and the 4th place is awesome ♥
-is pulled out of doom- You my lifesaver. Now where had we left again? /surfed by Wailord *throws out Magikarp* *splashes*
Thanks ;D And yes it iss. Could see that from your profpic 8D It's Serperior, isn't it?
Btw you forgot to change it xD > Shooting Star; LMFAO David Rush ft. Kevin Rudolf & Pitbull
If It Means Alot To You - A Day To Remember <3
I'd go for Kingdom Hearts 2. As the guys have stated above, the improvement is really good, especially the combat style and the camera handle. The camera handle. It's faaaar easier to control than the one in KH1, and albeit I hate Atlantica what with the songs and dancings, at least I don't have to wander too far in it and fight enemies like in KH1 ~