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  1. Sacredlith

    Sand Art

    So amazing. *__*
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 10, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sacredlith


    Nope. :/

    But now I can access Youtube, Google and Blogger again for some unexplained reason o.o
    My friend who has been threatened by the guy has her channel invisible though. When I went to look it up, it says 'channel is unavailable'.
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sacredlith


    Lol Tiger.

    No, I can't get to the site at all, I can't even view any Youtube videos embed here. ;x I'm thinking to report him.
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Sacredlith


    I can't get on the site and I don't think I know there are other ways to contact him :/ I bet he won't even consider if I talk to him anyway lol.
    And I don't know where to report it since I can't get on Google too :(
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sacredlith


    It's ridiculous ;x She (xskymelodyx) didn't even do anything wrong to him. And now he hacked her and me.
    Awesome --
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sacredlith


    I can't get on either Youtube, Blogger or Google.
    And yesterday I got this in my Youtube channel:
    A hack threat, basically.

    Can you all access those sites or is it just me? :/
    Thread by: Sacredlith, Sep 9, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sacredlith
  8. Sacredlith
  9. Sacredlith
    Fairy Harp is a bit short. But I won't say it's the ugliest-
    I think it might have to be Metal Chocobo xD
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 7, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Sacredlith
    Thanks ♥

    And thanks too <3 Lol keep being a thief, it makes me happy ;D /shot
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 7, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Sacredlith
    Mine. I don't know.
    Okay I know, but yeah.
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 7, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. Sacredlith
    Would be nice to see Demyx's, but I'll have to go with Luxord.
    I'm just curious how his human form would look like and his attitude ;D
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 5, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Sacredlith
    First time editing with Disney caps. And it's Tangled, why.
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 5, 2011 in forum: Competitions
  14. Sacredlith
    - Even though he messed up at first, he sacrificed himself to save his friends in the end.
    - Of his seemingly crush on Kairi. And that if it is, it's unrequited ;;
    - Of his looks, charisma, strength and attitude. 8D
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Sacredlith
    Ah, I've watched the first place vid before ;D It's really amazing and sweet. Love the song - not to mention the quality is so beast D:
    Congrats to everyone who had won <3
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Sacredlith
    Thanks everyone ;D I didn't expect anyone to like my avatars >< I appreciate it.
    No I don't mind :3 Go ahead.
    I found the render off Deviantart. && oh that sounds like a good idea, thanks so much <3
    Post by: Sacredlith, Sep 3, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Sacredlith
    Mostly icons I did in boredom..

    150 x 150
    100 x 100
    ..because they're spelled RAWRZ. You get meh
    Axel is supposed to be included, but for some reason I can't find a decent render of him ;-; and "W" is for.. idk, Winnie the Pooh?

    And this is the Youtube background I'm planning to use after I upload a new vid.. sort of to announce that I'm back /whowantsyouback?D: /pouts
    Click to zoom?
    Yes, the "returning?" is supposed to be hidden behind the featured video because I don't want it to be seen as easily D< Gotta switch it to grid view in order to view.
    Thread by: Sacredlith, Sep 2, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Sacredlith
    KH1: Definitely the ending scene, especially that last part when Kairi went to the cave and Sora vanished then then the tear flew down and and she drew her hand on the wall returning the paopu fruit to Sora D; The song added so much to the moment; it gave me chills and made my eyes watery at the same time.
    Also a little earlier than that, that part when Sora and Riku had to close the door and Riku was behind the door, telling he had to, and then he told Sora to 'take care of her' T___T I went omg Riku.

    And as for KH2.. I guess I have few, but these two are the ones I remembered at the time:

    The scene in Hollow Bastion when Sora met up with Saix when he was chasing Xemnas and Mickey went through the hole, leaving him outside. I felt sad when he fell and hit the ground with his fist, with Goofy and Donald behind, then he had to also plead to Saix about Kairi ;x AND MALEFICENT, I know it was affection which led her to sacrifice herself like that gah
    When Sora finally met Riku. I don't have to explain anything about this. <3
    Post by: Sacredlith, Aug 29, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Sacredlith
  20. Sacredlith
    KH. The battle in KH2 is much easier since Sora has many helpful abilities and the Sephiroth isn't as intimidating as in the first.
    Why, in KH1 I couldn't even manage to touch him D;
    Post by: Sacredlith, Aug 21, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts