Kelly Clarkson - Mr Know It All.
"Well, thanks."
Broove - Heartbeats. Very beautiful and serene <3
"Get him!"
"I'm goin' 'round to a bunch of different worlds and buildin' an army of Heartless, special for her." It's Pete's, btw.
You are 80% Benevolent and 20% Malevolent. Angeal The Most Benevolent of the G-Project SOLDIERs, though eventually he too succumbed to madness. I want Daxa's result. D:
;o And your sister's hands are made of..? This is magnificent <3 She's very talented.
Avi - 7/10. Nigel. <3 Sig - 7.5/10.
Well, I didn't actually make the background for all the sigs, I edited a whole picture into it xD /shot And the blur in the third sig is intentional. Thought it'd look good lol. Thanks for the comment <3 Glad you liked the first.
No, I've never seen it before. [video=youtube;LXO-jKksQkM][/video] But heyy.
I think so. The link mentions Zelda, at least. And this. ..I see.
Been a while since I last edited a sig. Red is addicting *-* Spoiler And this too. (UTAU Vocaloid - Black Rock Shooter - Touhou) Yes I used similar effects on all three lol CnC will be appreciated c:
I honestly don't know.
1. -dinamplified; The picture is clear and crisp with the color enhancement, and it looks really fresh. Text placement is very neat too. Everything is put together nicely and I simply love it <3 2. Day~Dream; This piece brings back memories - I love Cinderella <3 And the coloring you used looks good. The black lines looked a bit weird imo, overlaid with the bubbles, but I like the overall c: 3. Droid4Productions; I love the feel of it, and the color just matches. Scar looked so arrogant here x) But the thing that bothers me is that small green blot at the middle bottom, under the "WONDER". It strikes to me as a bit strange, it almost looked like the picture of Scar was erased at that part, but.. forgive me if it wasn't xD The overall is good.
The Borrowers. Studio Ghibli ftw? Me likes. c:
Aw, thanks c: And well.. [SPOILER] -isuckatdrawing- You draw too? :3
/wipes eyes off tears That first place. And the first time I came here I refuse to believe that there are Soriku shippers in here..
^This. As for me, someone you can call as true friend is someone who you can trust, someone you can feel comfortable with, someone who will support you and lead you to the right path, and someone who will not betray you. Even though they might do mistakes to you, they'll come back to you eventually and you'll forgive each other and you'll live happily ever after! 8D And I might have to add, true friend is hard to find.
Avi : 8/10 Cuz it's Riku ;D Siggy: 7/10
Avi : 7/10 A bit small tho. Siggy: 8/10 Love eet.