Where do u think Riku got his organization 13 robe. For all we know, it can't b from any of the org. mems in the castle cuz they faded away WITH it... any thoughts?
Got bored so I did this really quick 1. Apparently, it turned out better than I thought so I'm probably gona work on it some more. Anyways, this is wat I have so far... Edit: O SNAP! Wrong thread. Srry, I posted too quickly and didn't c the thread. Mod, plz move. Thx.
...is what happens to Sora's keyblades between Kh1 and CoM. At the end of the first game, we see Sora running towards Castle Oblivion and then once he's in there, it's Kingdom Key for the game...What happened to the other keyblades he found during KH1. I understand it's this type of gaming thing where putting a super-powerful weapon on a nooby level makes it TOO easy, but what do you suppose happened to it... I think he acted really stupid and lost all the keychains...
Better Quality Version: http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Kid-Sora-69964531 Got real bored and decided to draw a pic on GIMP. This is how I spent my 10-20 minutes... Comment if u want, make fun of it, etc. I dun care. PS: srry bout the huge size, never new it turned out so big...
Which world would you most want to settle in? Why? I'd probably settle in TWTNW. It's dark, there's a big castle with a good view, there's a big skyscraper with a good view, heartlesses attack the place every 5 seconds...my dream home.
Better Version http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Roxas-Paint-Version-69763979 Well, after getting through my tight schedule, I managed to get on the computer and edit my previous Chibi Roxas drawing on MS paint. I gota say, graphic tablets really do help. Now for the photoshop touch...
Better Quality http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/During-Kingdom-Hearts-1-69615784 Again, my schedule is as tight as ever. Luckily, I managed to squeeze some time during school and made this. I need some feedback on whether I should color and finalize this or not.
I've had these pics since the beginning of last month...Haven't worked on it since. Anyways... Riku Better Quality http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Riku-69490904 Kirux, The Twilight Warrior Better Quality http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Kirux-The-Twilight-Warrior-69491379 Sora in Halloween Town during Halloween Better Quality http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Halloween-Town-Sora-69491772 Got bored so I decided to upload em... P.S: Sorry bout the size for some of them.
Wat do u think about them? I think they're kinda weird sometimes. At times, Sora could jump 200 ft in the air while other times he can barely reach 7 ft. And there's a lot more...
REALLY QUICK SKETCH, 5-10 mins. Recently I'm running a tight schedule and I won't have a lotta spare time. So I need some opinions on whether I should focus on making this into a final draft or not.
Xaldin. Demyx was pretty easy...
Xiggy. Larxene can create clones and go at super-high speed, but Xigbar would just have to go somewhere far and snipe her from there...somehow...
I'd say Axel. They did have that fight but they didn't finish it... Fire>Flower power, so...
I'd say Lexeaus. Saix's got power and speed alrite, but Lexeaus's attacks are far reaching so speed isn't very effective. And Lexeaus beats Saix in terms of Power...
Getting better... I was planning to color it but I have a lotta things to deal with in life rite now so I gota finish them up first. I'll get back to it once everything's settle... http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Roxas-68716870 Better quality version. Just click on the picture for full-view.
At the point where you're about to fight Xemnas, a buncha heartless comes marching in. Then Pete and Maleficent takes over the fight for you. But what happened to them afterwards?
http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Axel-68635150 that's the last time I used MS paint for something like this...
If Roxas were to go up against two Organization tag-teaming, which two do you think would be able to defeat him... I think Saix and Xemnas would work. Maybe Xigbar and Lexeaus or Xaldin and Axel...
Out of the 6 Organization Mem, which looks/was the hardest? (non-data) I think Zexion was the Hardest. Roxas is second, Vexen comes in third, Lexeaus fourth, Marluxia fifth, and Larxene last.
Do u think the Sun from all the worlds r the same? I think it is, cuz if they have the same sky, the sun should b the same.