I got real bored at school so I went on my school computers and did all these on MS paint. I am far from finished so expect more...
Well I got bored yesterday (seeing how I didn't have internet and I had to study for finals next week) so I decided to draw something. Apparently, something in my head told me to draw Aqua. So that's wat I did. Unfortunately, it was real late at nite when I did this (around midnite to b exact) and I had to go to church REALLY early in the morning so I tucked in early... http://kingdom-triforce.deviantart.com/art/Aqua-75181150 better quality version...i guess
...do you usually get? I get about 6-7 hrs on the weekdays and about 9 on the weekends.
KH visits KHV Prolouge To relieve himself of boredom at school, Sora decided to surf the net to see videos of his adventure. When he came across KHV, he became interested in the forums and decided to make an account. Riku, who sat next to him, became curious about the forums and also made an account. By the next day, the two friends has alerted all their friends to join their forum-posting journey... Meanwhile, Organization 13 resided back at The World that Never Was. To plan for their next move, they decided to study videos from Sora's adventures. Concidentally, they too joined KHV... Playable Characters Sora- (CarbuncleGem) Riku- Kairi- The_Cute_K (lanihead7) Namine- Roxas- Tidus- Waaka- Selphie- Yuna- Rikku- Paine- Cloud- Emo_N_Blonde (FinalForm) Leon- Yuffie- Aerith- Cid- Tifa- Hayner- Pence- Olette- Xemnas- Xigbar- Xaldin- Vexen- Lexeaus- Zexion- Saix- Axel- *Flame Thrower* (destinystar) Demyx- Luxord- Marluxia- Larxene- Rules 1) Follow Forum Rules 2) Swearing is not allowed. However, it may be censored. Ex: A** 3) Playable Characters are first come first serve. Once all playable characters are filled, you must be yourself. (please PM me if you want to become one, DO NOT POST IT HERE!) 4) Playable Characters must come up with an alternative username. It's recommended that you make one fitting the person's character the most. Username must be between 4-35 characters. (including spaces and symbols) You can only choose 1 character. 5) If a playable character is absent for more than 2 weeks without a specific reason, he will be removed from the list. (pm me for the reason) At that point, it is open for anyone who wants to play as that specific character 6) You can choose to be yourself or be a playable character 7) No Yaoi or Yuri or anything like that 8) Keep at pg-13 9) If you want to tell a specific story or event, make it 1st person past tense. ex: (person is playing Riku) I ATE lunch right before it happened. 10) HAVE FUN!!! (that's the whole point rite?) Umm, I think that covers everything, pm me if you have any questions or concerns.
The last 2 panels are a bit rushed cuz I g2g to school rite now...but this is wat I have so far. PS: I think Cookies would win...
After a long winter vacation from home, I'm finally back in one piece. So wats up?
Cya guys, I'm going to Japan and Hong Kong for winter break. I won b back till 2008 so cya next year... If I'm lucky, I mite b able to visit during my vacation...don bite ur tongue though... http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=1311950#post1311950 A little present I left for every1 before I leave. Again, cya every1. It's been a great year!
I wanted to do something before I leave for vacation. So this is wat I spent 1 hour (more or less) doing... It's a bit early from when I post this, but I probably won't have time later so best do it now. Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to all my fellow KHV mems. It's been a great year!
I like the new 1 better... o, and I'm bored.
I was reading my history textbook the other day and a thought came into my head. Wat if Germany DID take over Britain and the Soviet along with every other neutral country in Europe. Wat do u think would've happened to the war at that point? Do u think the US would've been a big problem for the Axis at that point?
Do u think summoning will b a function in this game. And if so, who do u think mite b an option?
Got bored so I busted out my new Graphic Tablet and Photoshop and doodled for about half an hour at 2 am in the morning. Felt so tired once I finished. Anyways, here it is. Could b better but I'm too lazy to fix it rite now. Edit 1: I just realized...the colors are all messed up. It's supposed to b a lot darker. Dunno y it's not like that anymore...
I'm sure we all heard of the classic "my dog ate my homework" or something like that. Wat r some phrases u'd use if u forgot ur homework. (provided that u didn't want to say "I don have it" or telling the truth) I'd say something like..."Ninja Monkeys stole my backpack"or maybe "My house burned down so I couldn't find any pencils" Wat bout u guys?
Has any1 ever read Eragon? I've read it and I think it's pretty kool. I'm about to read the sequel Eldest. Thoughts?
How bout a return forum. U no, like a forum for ppl to say hi again after a long hiatus or something...
I'd pick Shuriken mainly cuz it's just effective and it looks kooler.
...Choose somewhere... I'd choose to live somewhere in Japan! Maybe Tokyo or something...
For all we know, there's no background info. on Hayner, Pence, and Olette's parents. Wat do u think happened 2 them?
Why do you suppose that the Struggle swords have no effect on nobodies. Come to think of it, does any other weapons have any effect on them? If they don, then y do u think the keyblade is the only thing that works?
...really necessary. I mean, in the other games, there's a chance to earn some great items for synthesis or battle. But those that world really do anything in this game? (aside from giving u those hp balls...)