Once again, done on MS Paint... Can't wait till I get photoshop... This time, it was done on MS paint. So, I was bored and I decided to scribble a picture of Sora on MS paint and this is wat happened...Didn't take me long, about 10-15 minutes... Happy Halloween I think I need to stop drawing Chibis...I'm no good at it. And I think I need to come up with better catch phrases... I think it's a pretty well done job... up with another company alongside Disney to make a KH game, which company would u like to c? I'd like to see Nintendo play a bigger role aside from providing the system... And I no the chances of these thought are close to zero, but just use ur imagination. If that's too hard for you, then go... Alrite so here's a drawing of Kairi that I did. It's not fully complete but this is wat I have so far... Currently, I'm a bit busy fixing up on a pic of Vincent, Cloud, Riku, and that guy from FFVSXIII...I haven't even started on Roxas, Namine, or Sora but I plan to do them all.
I listen to it wherever I can (sometimes during classes too...*heh heh* I always try to sneak my ipod on whenever I take a test. It's quite easy sometimes cuz I have long hair so it'll cover the headphones. And I always leave the collars of my jacket against my ears so my teacher can't see anything...) and whenever my Ipod has batteries... So how bout u guys?
Well I've posted some of them with a little bit of darkening and edits. I've also added some new ones... If u have a deviantart account, plz leave a post or two. Otherwise, I'd appreciate some comments... PS: 1 of them isn't a KH drawing, that was a lie...
Some more drawings... Alrite, so here's a coupla crappy drawings I made... So...just take a look and some comments...
Ok, so I was doing my English homework on analysis on a specific word/phase. I found this word to be a significant figure in the story so a thought came across my head. And this is the result… Dreams Dreams: a hidden realm A far, unpredictable dimension, Unlocked through the human mind. Revealing a land… Where the impossible resides. Where imagination roams free. Where time has no meaning. Where fantasy clash with reality. Where no man has conquered. Where fate leads a heavenly sonnet, Or a hellish extinction. But what is it? A society…of the unknown. An untouchable kingdom that can be seen. A kingdom of great mysteries. Dreams: a hidden realm I’m sorry if it really sux. I haven’t written poetry for almost 2 years. I wasn’t a very good poet from the start. Anyways, plz leave some comments cuz I always get mixed opinions in any poem I write so I’m really confused on how I should take poetry…(if u get wat I mean)
Were u angry about the fact that Sora beat Roxas when they sparred in TWTNW. Personally, I didn't like that very much. I think they should've turned it into a tie. (after all, they're technically the same people) That way, it wouldn't seem bias in any way for people to spur up the fact that Sora is better than Roxas and etc. Wat do u think?
Alrite, so this takes place around 10 years after KH2. Things get a little industialized as seen through the worlds and such. And as always, I'm making it up as I go so... P.S: PLEASE DON ASK ABOUT HOW THINGS GOT TO BE LIKE THIS! Chapter 1-Dark Rain: The last of their kind... The clouds loomed over the everlasting darkness, covering the ruined buildings in complete darkness. Minimal light could be seen through the alleyway corner as a mysterious figure walked towards the rays. Water splashed with every footstep, soaking his shoes as the went along. He turned his head in several directions, examining the ruins of what used to be tall skyscrapers. Metal wires and other materials were piled upon each other in a rubble heap. The person climbed over the pile as a shortcut towards his destination. Upon turning from the next corner, he was there. *What Happened?* He raised his head and saw a devastating sight. The tallest skyscraper in the vicinity laid in ruins. Large steel pipes which once supported the building stuck out at the sides. Piles and piles of concrete descended towards the ground, breaking everything below it. Everything surrounding the remains of ths skyscraper also were in worst conditions. He noticed something peculiar in the middle and approached it. *The Organization* He grabbed onto the robe that flew in the air, impaled with a staff. "Your finally here." spoke a voice from behind. He looked behind and saw a figure identical to himself. "I didn't think you'd come back." "Oh, it's you. I just wanted to see how things went after all this time." "This is your answer." "So it looks like the Organization really is dead." The second person remained motionless for a second. "Unless you consider yourself as one again." "Same goes for you, Xoldcu." "Hmm..." Xoldcu walked towards a pile of rubble and sat on it. The other followed. "Did you picture things this way Kirux?" "Not exactly. I expected the end of the Organization, but not like this." "And more than just that." Xoldcu added. "What do you mean?" Kirux asked. Xoldcu pointed towards the North-East direction. Kirux turned his head as the raindrops fell onto his face. "Notice anything?" It struck Kirux. "Kingdom Hearts-" "Yea, it's gone. Now try focusing your power. Open a portal." Kirux stuck his right hand out. Nothing happened. "What's going on?" "All darkness has ran dry a couple of minutes ago. Us coming here was the last time we could open a dark portal." "Wait, so if there's no darkness, then..." "Yea, their's no heartless. And without them, there's no nobodies." "So you and me are the only surviving species of that kind." "Yea." The two remained seated, listening the the plattering of rain. For minutes, the only sounds were echos of falling rubble and splashing. "So...what are you gona do?" Kirux broke the silence. "Heh...I thought for a long time. But I've gone back to my first intention. I'm gona go search for a get a heart." " read my mind. How should we do that. There's no heartless, there's no captive hearts. Without them, we can't bring back another kingdom hearts." Xoldku grinned smugly. "Do you remember what Xemnas once said around the beginning of the Organization. When we were one of the first members?" Kirux perked up his head. A memory went through his mind. "The Blade of Fallen Souls..." "Yea, a legenary blade stained by the blood of many fallen keyblade warriors. All we know so far is that it's been a part of history for a long time, although it's current location seems to be unknown. But since it had been associated with keyblades, it should be able to give nobodies a perfect heart." "Now I remember, we didn't go for it because creating a Kingdom Hearts from heartless was a much faster method." "Yea, but now we have no choice. It's either that, or we continue without a purpose and eventually fade to complete nothingness." "So...where should be start?" Xoldcu thought for a while. "I wonder if we can still use it?" "What?" "That secret twilight town." "Twilight Town? What do you hope to accomplish there?" "Dunno, but probably more than just sitting here." "Rite. Now let see...there was a secret pathway to that place." "Yea, it was deep underground, a hidden floor beneath the castle basement." Kirux looked towards the North-Eastern alleyway."That must be where the castle used to be." "Yea, that tall building must've been where Memory Skyscraper used to be." "Rite...let's go." Kirux stood up first and made his way towards the path. Xoldcu followed from behind. Within seconds, the two had sinked into the dark abyss of the cold night as the rain turned into a thunderstorm with black lightning... (End of Chapter 1) Alrite, hopefully I'll get chapter 2 up soon. Plz tell me how it is. I no my writing isn't the best so I'd like so suggestions. (it's hard thinking of ideas from the top of ur head at 1 in the morning)
Has anybody ever written about Kingdom Hearts in any homework assignments? I wrote 4 essays and poems on Kingdom Hearts and got an A on all of them. Now you'd probably expect something a little more thematical than summarizing a buncha plotlines in a poetic way. And you'd probably expect it even more from someone taking advanced english... If u find that weird, welcome to the club... So how bout u guys?
I no its a bit early for Halloween, but still, it'll take me a while to write out the whole story so... BTW, if u think trick-or-treating and all of those other Halloween stuff are to babyish for you, then u shouldn't read. Chapter 1-No Homework... Thursday ,October 30th, 1 1/2 Years since the final battle... *Hmm...nah. Too much money and too little time.* The sun bathed through the window as the lucious rays surfaced upon Sora. The young keyblader sat still in his seat, "attending" his last period: chemistry. All the while, his imagination flew off, revealing his memories with the battle with Organization 13 and the excitement throughout his journey. Occasionally, he stared at the binder paper with writing on his desk. "Maybe Sora would like to demonstrate problem 12 on the board." He turned around and saw his teacher looming over his left. She glanced at his paper and she grinned. "I guess were all ready for the big weekend." She spoke to the class as the bell rang. "Alright, since it's the Halloween weekend, there will be no homework. Enjoy the next 3 days." The students rushed out of the classroom, Sora slowly followed from the back. "Looks like it's going to be a good one." Spoke a voice from Sora's right as he exited the classroom. It was Kairi. Sora nodded in agreement as the two departed the school. Riku waited for them outside and the three left for home. "So how's school?" Riku started a conversation "Sweet! Kairi and I don't have any homework this weekend." "Good, so I'm not alone." Riku continued. "Yeah, we got real lucky not having any homework on a holiday weekend." "You bet. So what should we do for tomorrow?" Riku asked. Sora turned towards him and shrugged. *Sigh* "Once again, I'll do the thinking. Seriously, can't you guys ever come up with an idea?" Kairi scolded her two friends. "U don have to put it that way." Sora replied, facing the ground. Riku scratched his head. "Well, at least I've got my costume set up." Riku added. "Me too. How 'bout you Sora." Sora pirched his head up at the end of the sentance. *O shoot, I still haven't decided!* "Hmm?" "Umm...I'll...finish it 10 minutes after I get home." His face grew flushed and troublesome. The two stared with thought. "Well, I'll tell you guys about the plan later tonight. Check your emails or I might give you a call." "Alright, later." Riku replied as Kairi took the divergent path home. Sora remained silent. "You don't have it do you." Riku stated smirkly. "I-I told you, it'll be ready before tomorrow." "Hmm, sure. Whatever." Riku replied with a smug look. Within 2 minutes, he took another path to go home, leaving Sora alone. *Crap, what should I do? I gotta come up with something. And fast* He dashed home in order to save time. Immediately after he arrived, he went into his room and laid his backpack beside the bed and noticed it's hunched position. He saw something half covered under the backpack and the bed and pulled it out. "What's this?" He opened the packaged envelope and saw a machine inside. 3 seconds later, it automatically turned on. The black screen revealed words texted in white as a voice appeared from the speakers. 'Dear Sora, I know that we won't see each other for a long time. But I've sneaked this letter as a parting gift for you, the professor helped me make it. Anyways, I just wanted to remind you about keeping your head up for Halloween. And in case if you can't decide on a costume, I've included something that might help you. It'll pop out at the end of this letter. I hope we can see each other again. The Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington' The voiced diminished as a compartment popped out at the end of the machine. Sora placed the machine on his bed and lifted the present. *This is...the mask I wore at Halloween Town.* This gave him an idea... ----------------------------------------------------- I'll be adding more to the story as soon as I can. (homework and all will slow things down but expect it soon...I hope) For a preview: the next few chapters will revolve around individual stories of several characters.
1 thing I find really weird is that Sora wears his keyblade on his back instead of summoning it like wat he does in the original game. But in some scene in the CoM manga, Riku is shown without holding his keyblade so I'm presuming that he CAN summon his. Does anybody have any thoughts about this?
This is my first (or second) time I've ever drawn any female characters. Unfortunately, I'll have to say that it sucks real bad. Also, my scanner jacked up a lot of things cuz on the original picture, there is a LOT more shading. As usual, I was really bored in school so I decided to try drawing Namine as my first female character considering how she's relatively simple which seems like a good start. Also, I wanted to portray an older version of herself (17 years old to be exact) such as the drawing (which is no longer a scribble with color pencils) in her sketchbook. But I'll have to say that it turned out to be pretty disappointing as there are many mistakes. (though it mite not be easily visible) I mite work on it some more in the near future so expect changes in shades, background, appearance, etc. BTW, that's Roxas in the picture. And if u can't tell already, I suck at drawing him too.
Would you consider Namine as a keyblader? Considering how Roxas can use it because Sora was a keyblader, the logic kinda flows to Kairi being able to use the keyblade and thus so should her nobody. Wat do u guys think?
I just realized that TWTNW as no trees. How do u think they'd breathe? (again, really ******ed thought)