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  1. Noroz
    So, sometime this semester, I am planning on building a desktop computer. I figured that since I have a camera, I might as well record it. What I'm wondering though, is if there is any interest to see it at all?

    Building a computer isn't really hard, but I wonder if people would be interested in watching it at all? I'll record anyway, just not upload then.
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 7, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 7, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Noroz
    Look up .
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Noroz
    This is glorious

    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Noroz
    BF3, Halo: Reach/CE Anniv. or Dead Island

    Anyone up for it?
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Noroz

    Played around after a couple of weeks without being able to produce anything.
    Anyhow, CnC appreciated. [I'm not too pleased about the text]
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Noroz

    My evening


    Picture taken at the Hilton Garden Inn, the bed is a Kingsize and I am enjoying myself.
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 6, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 4, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Noroz
    [Original Article]

    If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.

    After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud.

    Dearest creature in creation,
    Study English pronunciation.
    I will teach you in my verse
    Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
    I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
    Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
    Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
    So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
    Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
    Dies and diet, lord and word,
    Sword and sward, retain and Britain.
    (Mind the latter, how it’s written.)
    Now I surely will not plague you
    With such words as plaque and ague.
    But be careful how you speak:
    Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
    Cloven, oven, how and low,
    Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
    Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
    Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
    Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
    Exiles, similes, and reviles;
    Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
    Solar, mica, war and far;
    One, anemone, Balmoral,
    Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
    Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
    Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
    Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
    Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
    Blood and flood are not like food,
    Nor is mould like should and would.
    Viscous, viscount, load and broad,
    Toward, to forward, to reward.
    And your pronunciation’s OK
    When you correctly say croquet,
    Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
    Friend and fiend, alive and live.
    Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
    And enamour rhyme with hammer.
    River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb,
    Doll and roll and some and home.
    Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
    Neither does devour with clangour.
    Souls but foul, haunt but aunt,
    Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant,
    Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger,
    And then singer, ginger, linger,
    Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
    Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
    Query does not rhyme with very,
    Nor does fury sound like bury.
    Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
    Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
    Though the differences seem little,
    We say actual but victual.
    Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
    Fe0ffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
    Mint, pint, senate and sedate;
    Dull, bull, and George ate late.
    Scenic, Arabic, Pacific,
    Science, conscience, scientific.
    Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
    Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven.
    We say hallowed, but allowed,
    People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
    Mark the differences, moreover,
    Between mover, cover, clover;
    Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
    Chalice, but police and lice;
    Camel, constable, unstable,
    Principle, disciple, label.
    Petal, panel, and canal,
    Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
    Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
    Senator, spectator, mayor.
    Tour, but our and succour, four.
    Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
    Sea, idea, Korea, area,
    Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
    Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
    Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
    Compare alien with Italian,
    Dandelion and battalion.
    Sally with ally, yea, ye,
    Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
    Say aver, but ever, fever,
    Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
    Heron, granary, canary.
    Crevice and device and aerie.
    Face, but preface, not efface.
    Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
    Large, but target, gin, give, verging,
    Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging.
    Ear, but earn and wear and tear
    Do not rhyme with here but ere.
    Seven is right, but so is even,
    Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen,
    Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk,
    Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
    Pronunciation (think of Psyche!)
    Is a paling stout and spikey?
    Won’t it make you lose your wits,
    Writing groats and saying grits?
    It’s a dark abyss or tunnel:
    Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,
    Islington and Isle of Wight,
    Housewife, verdict and indict.
    Finally, which rhymes with enough,
    Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
    Hiccough has the sound of cup.
    My advice is to give up!!!

    English Pronunciation by G. Nolst Trenité
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 4, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 4, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Noroz
    First of all, this is my "official" Let's Play channel.

    Any questions, just ask. More to come!

    Dungeon Defenders

    Let's play with Peace-and-War (Kam Sage) and yonker

    Part 1


    Let's Play with Peace-and-War

    Part 1 - "Cross the Beams!"

    Part 2 - "You Beautiful Man, Vlad."

    Portal 2 - Peer Review

    Let's Play Peer Review with Sabby!

    Part 1 - "Exit! Oh, Damnit!"


    Let's play with Peace-and-War
    Currently not doing this, only one part. May relaunch it.

    Part 1

    KHV Server Spotlight

    Part 1

    Part 2


    Redstone Sticky Piston Trap 1

    Terraria! With Kam Sage (Peace-and-War)

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 3, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 2, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Noroz
    I hope you all know how Twitter works, when it's @sabbyli, it's me talking, when it's @PABraten, it's her.

    @sabbyli sup babe?

    @PABraten LOL nothing much. talking to some norway kid, you?

    @sabbyli Oh, the guy you have a crush on?

    @PABraten AHAHAHA no, sadly I think he has a crush on me. Kinda scary

    @sabbyli I'm fairly this is the guy we talked about a while back? You said "I'm kind of scared, because he lives so far away," no?

    @PABraten lolll no. what the hell are you talking about? XD So tell me about this girl. hahaha actually don't lol

    @sabbyli What girl? Are you implying that I should tell you how amazing I think you are? Please.

    @PABraten LOL me? you must be crazy D:

    @sabbyli ... Are you hitting in me again? Sabrina, I've told you before, it can't work out between us...

    @PABraten Oh please. It is you that hits on me. D:

    @sabbyli You're wrong. All the late night Skype calls you gave me, telling me that you just want to pretend I'm next to you
    makes it obvious

    @PABraten loll what the ****. You are the one that asks for Skype time. Obviously you are the one that thinks about me. I'm the innocent one

    @sabbyli Haha, nice comeback, darling. "You did it!" is an argument along the lines of "No, you are!" I enjoy Skyping w/ you, though

    @PABraten lol me too

    @sabbyli Of course you do, hence you asking to Skype daily.

    @PABraten omg no I don't! You ask for it.

    @sabbyli Once again, great comeback. You told me you loved me, and I appreciate it. I care for you a lot too.

    @PABraten what can i say. I'm a heartbreaker

    @sabbyli I don't quite see how. All you've done so far is hit on me... No hearts broken here!

    @PABraten I don't hit on you. YOU HIT ON ME

    @sabbyli Please don't lie to make yourself better. You told me, if I were in Toronto, we could go out. Sadly, I am not.

    @PABraten lol please. in your dreams

    @sabbyli Not really. It's a fun thought, but I can't say that we'll ever be together. I know you say you'll go to Norway with me, but still

    @PABraten i'm not going to norway. i'm staying in Canada

    @sabbyli That's not what you told me, but ok.

    @PABraten keep telling yourself that

    Stay tuned for another episode of The Twitteradventures of Sabby and Noroz!
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 2, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Noroz

    Co-Op games

    Hey guys, I need some suggestions here.

    What are some good co-op games for the PC (that doesn't take too much graphics-wise)
    I'm aware of Terraria and Minecraft, but I need some other good games. I'm going to play with a couple of friends and record.

    Now go.
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 1, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Noroz
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 1, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Noroz
    [I love you, but you know I'm better at video games than you <3]
    Thread by: Noroz, Jan 1, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Noroz
    We've passed 00:00

    Merry New years from me in Norway.
    Thread by: Noroz, Dec 31, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Noroz


    I figured I was going to download this again, haven't played it in forever, haha. Anyone else ever played it?

    I decided to re-download it because it's free now.
    Thread by: Noroz, Dec 28, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Noroz
    I've thought it before, but now I'm convinced. Best anime ever made.
    Thread by: Noroz, Dec 27, 2011, 42 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone