Counter me in.
Yeah, usually how it happens.
You must be a wizard, that's exactly how it happened. Except I didn't approach him first.
Should be good going forward :)
That's kind of you to say, I appreciate that, I'm hoping Square Enix releases 1.5 remix on the PS4 so that I can buy it and catch up. But thats a good suggestion, thank you ^_^
1. We shall try 2. Don't know who or what that is 3. Done and done.
So many beaut people, here are a few of mine... Spoiler imageupload Spoiler print screen
Game of thrones finale time!!
Tru gotta love them sloots.
To be fair, meeting girls at a bar doesn't always end well. Most of them are sloots and looking for a one nighter or a guy who will spend all his money on their booze.
Need pics of "the found girl" for further investigation plz.
Knowing our justice system he'll probably get 30 hours of community service or something stupid. Kid better pepper his angus in prison, sick little prick. Also good job on the dad turning his son in.
We should all get Gremlins inc and play together, this game is insanely fun!
Well if most of the people on the forum are invisible you wouldn't know if you get a swift and fast response because you wouldn't be able to see their active status. Removing the members online would be the same as being invisible. Also, the members online now can be set up within a 15 minute window.
/Also, need pics of hat for further investigation.
I had to adjust my brightness to see that it grayed the bottom check, so I guess the resolution would be to just hide the show online status while giving the user permission to leave the current activity on or off based off their choice. I still think I just might remove members online now to kill two birds with one stone.
I just tried it and it only unchecked the "show your online status" not sure what you're getting at with that. Not sure I understand I just created a test user and tried it and it only unchecked the "show online status" but left the other one checked. I also just tried it under my admin account as well.