No what you did was go in circles with me even though I gave you the same answer 3 times now. Don't make anymore topics over this like I said if you have anything to add take it up with my in private. Have a nice day.
Okay then let's end it all here. @Cat~ since you're viewing the thread, do I have your permission to release the images?
You're reading into it too much and pretty much guessing what I mean by privately. I meant what I said about not breaking the privacy barrier. If Cat and Tale want me to release the images that were brought to my attention I will happily do so, until then any private messages I get will be discussed in a matter where their privacy isn't jeopardized. Also, this isn't any different then when Misty was in charge, any changes to staff or anything in general was and will be continued to be announced to the public.
Good Afternoon KHV, Due to unfortunate disagreements, aggression, and uncalled bully-like behavior I have decided to remove Cat and Tale from their respective Moderator positions. It's hard to adjust to the change of ownership for all of the staff, including myself, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy to have everyone on the same page on day one, but over the past month or so things sort of blew up. Gossiping about staff members behind the back of other staff members is not behavior that can be tolerated, as staff are supposed to set a good example for other members on the site. These things were brought to my attention and I felt like a necessary change was needed in order to better KHV. Out of respect for Tale and Cat's privacy, I won't be answering any questions as to what happened or what was brought to my attention. I'm hoping they stick around as valuable members of our community. I will talk to the rest of the staff about opening up applications again, we are looking for only the most dedicated members who have the passion and desire to work with us on the staff team.
Some guy in New Zealand quit his job to become a pokemon hunter, true story. Please, don't go insane over this.
Hi Noizless, You'll find that we have all 3 things that you like here roleplaying, writing section, and anime. I hope to see you around and let me know if you ever need anything.
The issue is that the node permissions keep reverting back to the usergroup setting which is not what we want. We will get this resolved I promise.
No, have a job and a girlfriend who is a job on her own. But if I did have free time, I would murder this.
That is odd, I have updated the node. Please let me know if this still persists.
Do me a favor, try a double post one more time in the role-playing section and let me know if it still merges the posts.
damn I remember that feeling expect about 2-4 days to feel like that. Eat a lot of ice cream, soup, anything soft really.
Hey Matty I remember you, welcome and hope to see you around!
why... jk congrats
I'm going to need a background check on those people before I decide. But if we're just basing it off in the heat of the moment then I would pull the level to kill 1 to save the others.
I read no facial hair and I almost cried for you. I'm at the same point tbh, I work, come home, and go to sleep. It's life man, welcome to adulthood.
I think IGN even gave it a 5 lol. Glad I ended up not buying it.
Probably the stupidest thread I've seen all my life. Make peace not war. Edit: I'll probably fight and destroy you for making such a thread.
I thought I responded to this I apologize. The fix was changing the ip address of the elastic search to reflect our new server.
Is that a tattoo on your shoulder or just a piece of your hair?
Jesus why do you even have so many usernames? lol