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  1. 2Foxxie4U
    This originally was just gonna be a random sketch of someone to help me experiment with half-closed eyes... But then, I decided, "Hey, I'm gonna make this Axel, now!" and so, yeah... I did. Amazing how a random sketch done after my science test can turn into something like this... XD


    I think it's my best drawing of Axel yet. =3

    AND, not to mention, I had loads of other experiments which turned out great, too! (I won't bore you with the details.) I might decide to color it later...


    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~

    Lord of the Wings,
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Mar 27, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. 2Foxxie4U
    Uh... First and foremost, I'd like to give a shout-out to mah shmexy sista GHARANTH for helping this fanfic be what it is AND keep my sanity at the same time. XD

    Anyways... Hm.... "Aqua Pistols"... Sorta has a little ring to it, don't it...? XD

    This is quite the unexpected fanfic... O.o' No, seriously... I have absolutely no idea where I got the inspiration or anything. XD; I just... Started writing it Friday, and I couldn't do ANYTHING until I got it finished. @-@ And it felt pretty good to get away from -- *covers mouth*



    I'm not stepping into spoiler territory, am I? XD

    Anyways... ENJOY! This has got to be mymost unplanned fanfic I ever made, PLUS, I decided to post it without getting any feedback from my proofreader (Sorry, Mish... I couldn't wait... XD; ), so tell me if it's not making any sense, or if there's something you don't understand, or if you just don't think it's funny, m'kay? ^-^


    Kinda long... >.>; I had to split it in two, but I'm not entirely sure if this was the right place to split it, but... Yeah. Whatever. XD Enjoy! =3

    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~


    "Demyx's Aqua Pistols"

    It was a very boring Tuesday afternoon in Castle Oblivion. Dangerously boring. Demyx sighed, shuffling through the hallway of the castle. “There’s nothing to do…” he whined. “I’m so bored, I can’t stand it…” He heard slight noises coming from Xigbar’s room. Hmmm… Maybe Xiggy has something fun for me to do… he thought, wandering over to the Freeshooter’s den.

    He cracked open the door, and peeked inside. Xigbar had on headphones, and was bobbing his head slightly to the beat. He was chewing gum, and had his head tilted in concentration as he aimed one of his guns at a little outline of a person pinned up on the wall. Target practice, no doubt.

    Demyx strode in. “Xigbar…!” he called. Xigbar didn’t hear him. He shot a few times at the drawing’s head. He was a little off. Huffing angrily, he took aim again.

    “Xiiiiiiiiig-baaaaaaaar!” Demyx shouted, a little louder.

    No response.


    Xigbar’s eye twitched. “WHAT?!” he snapped, lowering his gun. He pulled down his head phones, and blew out a huge purple bubble from his mouth, glaring at Demyx. He obviously wasn’t in the best of moods since his aim was off that day.

    “I’m boooooored…” Demyx moaned.
    Xigbar shrugged, moodily. He popped the bubble, and stuffed the gum back in his mouth. “So? What do ya want ME to do about it?” He stuck his earphones back in his ears, and turned his attention back to his target. He was just about to pull the trigger, when…

    “What is it, you annoying little PRICK?!” Xigbar growled, his eyes flashing angrily. He was NOT in the mood for Demyx’s idiotic behavior right then…
    Demyx was silent a moment, then moaned, “Booooor-reeeeee-duh……”

    Xigbar sighed, rubbing his temples. It was pretty obvious to him now that Demyx wouldn’t leave him alone ‘til he gave him something to do. “Hold on…” he grumbled, fishing around in his pockets.

    He dug around for a few seconds, then pulled out a small, violet water-gun out of his pocket. “Here… Go bug someone else with this,” he grumbled, tossing the gun at Demyx. He aimed at the drawing once more, his single eye narrowed into a slit. “Now, piss off.”

    “AWSOME!” Demyx shouted, grinning at the small toy. He cleared his throat, and said in his “tough guy” voice, “I’m a loose cannon cop, who lives life on the edge, and doesn’t play by the rules…”
    Xigbar snorted, slightly. Heh… Imagine that.
    Demyx giggled, filled it with water, and chirped, “Well…! See ya later, Xiggy!”

    He was about to leave, when Xigbar lowered his gun to his side. “Hold on…”

    “Hmmm?” Demyx blinked, then turned around to look at the Freeshooter. “What is it, Xiggy?”

    Xigbar was silent a while, then said in a tough, New York accent, “It’s a tough world out there, see? I don’t wanna see ya get hurt…” He turned around, his face grim. “Just be sure ya make it back in one piece, okay, kid?”

    Demyx giggled slightly, cleared his throat, and said in a horrible imitation of Xigbar’s tough voice, “Got it. Even if they kill me, I will make it back in one piece. Uh… See?” He giggled some more, the waved. “See ya, Xigbar! Thanks for the gun!” He scurried off.

    Xigbar smiled slightly, shook his head, and aimed at the target, and shot. BULL’S EYE! SHAZZAM!!! he thought, pumping his fist up into the air.

    A few minutes later…

    Demyx scampered from shadow to shadow, glancing around suspiciously. Let’s see… Who should be the first victim for me…? He thought for a second, then snapped his fingers. “Of course… Zexion!” he murmured, grinning. He scampered over to Zexion’s room, silently.

    He opened the door quietly, looking around. Zexion was lying on his bed, reading some kind of magazine – he couldn’t really tell what, though. Demyx flung the door open, and aimed the gun at Zexion’s head. “Mind if I come in…?” he asked.
    “Sure,” Zexion answered, without even looking up.

    Demyx crept up to the unsuspecting member, still aiming at his head.

    “So… What do you —”
    “It’s curtains for you,” Demyx growled.
    “Huh?” Zexion looked up just as Demyx pulled the trigger. He got hit right between the eyes. He blinked, then said, dryly, “Oh no… I’m dead.”
    “Yup!” Demyx chirped, nodding. “Where are the others?”

    Zexion wiped his face, then looked back at his magazine. “You’re asking me? I thought I was dead.”
    Demyx blinked. “Uh… Well, um… You’re HALF dead!”
    Zexion sighed, rolling his eyes. “They’re still in their rooms I presume… Why not go check it out?”

    “Thanks!” Demyx whipped out his gun, and shot Zexion in the face again.
    Zexion glared at him.
    “Now you’re ALL dead!” Demyx shouted, grinning.
    “Whatever…” Zexion grumbled, wiping his face again.

    That’s when Demyx examined the magazine Zexion was reading… Like… really looked at it. “Hey… You’re not supposed to be reading THOSE kinds of magazines, Zexion!” he protested.
    “Oh, shut up,” Zexion grumbled, opening it back to the page he was on. “You’re not my mother…”
    Demyx narrowed his eyes. “… I’m tellin’ Xemnas…”
    “Nonsense. You’d never do that.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because, dear Waterboy…” Zexion paused to lick his finger and turned the page. “… If you did that, then Saix would know exactly what happened to his precious cheesecake that cost him 3000 munny and—”
    “Well, gotta go, Zexxy! Things to do, people to see, you understand – BYE!” Demyx dashed off.

    Zexion watched him run off, then looked back at his magazine. “… Moron.”


    Luxord sighed. He was at his computer desk, happily snuggling with a plushy that looked like Xigbar. On his computer, you could see a “Party Poker” window up, and, obviously, he was the winner of the game. He didn’t seem to be paying it any mind, though. “Ah… How I wish this were the real you…” he sighed, smiling at his beloved plushy.

    Suddenly, Demyx kicked the door open. “LUXORD!!!” he shouted, dashing in.
    “Oh, crap!—” Luxord quickly shoved the plushy into a drawer below his desk. He quickly whipped around. “D-Demyx! What are you—?”
    Demyx raised his gun. “You must be tired of livin’.”

    Luxord glanced at the gun, and ended up with an instant spaz attack. “GWAAAAGH!!! H’OH MY GAWD, HE’S GOT A GUN!!! HEEEELP!!!” He stood up so fast, that his chair fell over. He tried to get away, but he actually ended up tripping backwards on the chair. He flailed his arms around, trying to regain his balance, but ended up sprawling on his back anyways. To make it worse, his legs were now tangled in the chair.

    “Ow…” he whimpered.
    “Heh heh heh…” Demyx chuckled, evilly, as he stalked over to his prey. He raised the gun to Luxord’s head, smirking.
    “No!” Luxord yelped, raising his hands to shield his face. “Demyx, DON’T! I—”
    “Save your excuses for the devil.” With that, Demyx shot Luxord point blank on the head.

    Luxord flinched, then blinked, confused. He wiped the liquid off his face. “W… Water…?” he asked, staring at it, incredulously.

    Demyx clutched his stomach, and started roaring with laughter. “Well, DUUUUUR!!!! You thought I’d really shoot you?!” He started laughing even more, leaning on Luxord’s desk for support. He even started banging his fist on it. Tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. “H’OH MY GAWD!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!!!! BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! WAAAAAAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

    Luxord blinked, looked down at his hand with water on it, and started flailing his arms about, angrily. “AAAAAGHHHH!!!! I can’t believe you TRICKED me!!!!” he screamed.
    “I can’t believe you FELL for it!” Demyx laughed back. “HAHAHA!!! What a doofus!” He started to walk off, still giggling to himself.
    Luxord felt his cheeks turn hot. “HEY! Show some respect for your elders!!!”
    “HA! You sound like Vexen!” Demyx stopped at the door frame and waved. “Ta-ta!”

    He slammed the door behind him.


    Roxas was sitting on the edge of his bed, reading a thick book. He looked genuinely interested in it.

    “Wha’?!” Roxas yelped, looking up.

    Demyx was crouching just out side of his bedroom, his head on the floor. “One…” he was whispering to himself. “Two… Three!” He pushed off a little, and slowly rolled inside.

    “FREEZE! NON-STOP!!!” he shouted, jumping up, and aiming at Roxas. His hair now looked like he’d been running around, sticking forks in power sockets, but he didn’t really care at that moment.
    Roxas flinched. He slipped a Keyblade bookmark into his book, and held up his hands up. “Uh… Demyx…? What are you—”
    “ROXAS!!!” Demyx yelled, stalking forward. “I know what you’ve been up to!!!!”
    Roxas blinked, now completely confused. “…Huh?!”
    Demyx’s eyes narrowed. He aimed the gun at Roxas’ head once more. “You’re better off dead.

    “Wait, WHA—Ahhhh!!!!” Roxas held up his hands to shield his face from the little squirts of water. “Demyx! STOP!” he shouted.
    Demyx grinned maliciously. “Still alive, huh…?” He shot Roxas even more.
    “YAAAAAAAAH!!!!” Roxas screamed. Finally, he collapsed on his bed. “Okay, okay, I’m DEAD! Ya happy now!?” he shrieked.
    Demyx stared at him for a few moments, then turned around, and started walking out the door. “… I don’t kill minors…” he said, coolly.

    Roxas watched him walk out of his room. “Idiot…” he grumbled, reaching for his book again, and wiping his face. “You just DID!”

    To be continued...


    P.S., Sorry that I made Demyx act so much like a little kid. XD Boredom... It gets the best of us... XD

    Lord of the Wings,


    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Mar 24, 2007, 36 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. 2Foxxie4U
    In case you didn't know, I'm loaded on Nyquil to help with my hay fever (I TOLD my mom it doesn work for that! >.< But I had to take it anyway... >.>') and this is a desperate attempt at keeping myself awake. XD I thought you guys would enjoy this.

    "1. If I like it, it's mine.
    2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.
    3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
    4. If I had it a while ago, it's still mine.
    5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
    6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
    7. If if looks like mine, it is mine.
    8. If I see it first, it's mine.
    9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it
    automatically becomes mine.
    10. If it's broken, it's yours."


    I agree. XD
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Mar 18, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. 2Foxxie4U
    One day I got bored... Like... REALLY bored and I started watching all of my past AMVs... And I happened to see that part where they were all sitting in those big-arse chairs, so I started thinking... "What exactly DO those guys talk about in those chairs...?" As fate would have it, me and my friends started playing a game at school the next day during lunch, and when I got home and started browsing through my pictures of KH 2 FM, I saw that scene with Xigbar saying something to Luxord... And that gave me a very funny idea... x3 Enjoy!
    Oh yeah, and this had just about NO connection what-so-ever with the other fanfics I've previously made... Just to let ya know. XD

    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~


    "Truth or Dare?"

    Saturday night was always “Game Nite†in Castle Oblivion. All of the Organization XIII was in that all-white place, all sitting on their huge thrones, trying to keep their eyes down. Xemnas looked over all of them, gravely, then grinned. “Ahhh… Roxas! Truth or dare?â€

    Instantly, everyone (except for Roxas) grinned, and snapped up. In seconds, they were all staring at him, grinning deviously, and giggling to themselves. Roxas slapped his forehead. “…Honestly, Xemnas, I don’t know how I let you talk me into these kinds of things…†he muttered.

    Xaldin rolled his eyes. “Just GO, already! You’re taking forever!†he protested.
    Roxas sighed. “Fiiiiiiine… Truth… I guess…â€

    Xemnas grinned deviously. “Would you rather… Get it on with Marluxia or Zexion?!â€


    Roxas threw his hands up in the air. “I KNEW you’d ask me something stupid!â€
    Xemnas smirked. “There ARE no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Now choose.â€


    Marluxia smiled and batted his eyelashes a few times. “Roooox-aaaas… I promise I won’t make fun of you if you pick mee-ee…†he chirped. Zexion just pouted and crossed his arms, moodily.

    Roxas sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. “Okay, fine… Marluxia, I choose you.â€

    Marluxia pumped his fist into the air. “BOOYAH!!!†He pointed at Zexion triumphantly. “IN YO’ FACE, MR. EMO!!!â€
    Zexion pouted even more. “No one ever chooses me…†he grumbled.
    “What cha gonna do? Cry about it?†Xigbar jeered. He turned back to Roxas. “C’mon, little dude. It’s your turn now. Speed it up!â€

    Roxas shrugged. “Okay… Um… Zexion! Truth or Dare?â€
    Zexion glared back at Roxas. “I’m not playing anymore… I hate this stupid game…â€
    “You’re such a loser, Zexxy…†Larxene sighed, calmly filing her nails.

    “JESUS CHRIST!!!†Roxas shouted, throwing his hands into the air again. “Okay… AXEL! Truth or Dare?!â€
    Axel, without even blinking replied, “Dare.â€
    “He ALWAYS chooses Dare…†Xigbar grumbled, resting his face in his palm.
    “Axel… I dare you to… Call Xemnas “Mansex†to his face!â€


    Xemnas growled. “He already has… He does it all the time!â€

    Everyone turned and stared at Axel, their faces asking, “Are you insane?!â€

    Axel shrugged. “Well… It’s true!â€

    Saix suddenly slammed his hand on the arm of his chair. “F[honk] THIS NONSENSE!!!†he roared. “IT’S MY TURN!â€
    Vexen snickered. “Oh, this oughta be good…â€

    Saix looked over them all, then grinned. “Larxene… Truth or Dare?â€
    Larxene crossed her legs, then stared him in the eye. “Truth. I ain’t got nothing to hide…â€
    “That’s not what I heard…†muttered Marluxia. Larxene shot him a chilling glare, and he shut up.
    Saix leaned back, stroking his chin for a while, then asked, “Who in the Organization do you have a crush on?


    “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS, SAILOR MOON!!!!!†Larxene screeched, slamming her fist on the arm of her chair. Her face was twisted into a terrifying snarl.

    Everyone stared at her. Now, their interest was sparked even more.

    Xemnas cleared his throat. “Larxene…†he started, in a low voice. “Tell us who you have a crush on – NOW – or else I will allow Demyx and Axel to go parade around the castle while wearing your undergarments on top of their heads for the rest of the month.â€
    “And, no, you will not be allowed to gut them alive.â€

    The Dynamic Duo’s faces brightened, and they held their fingers to their lips, while coughing and clearing their throats so that is sounded like, “Hmmm-mmm...! Hmmm-mmmm!†Barely, you could see them shaking their heads, and casting knowing glances at Larxene.

    Larxene glared at them both for a while, then turned back to Saix. “FINE. But NO laughing…†Her eyes flared.
    “We promise! We won’t laugh!†Roxas said quickly. Axel and Demyx sighed sadly, then looked back at Larxene.

    Larxene sighed, and sat back, deep in thought. A tensed silence filled the room as everyone stared at her intently. Out of the 10 members left when you took out Saix and Xemnas, 7 desperately wanted their names said.

    After a few moments of silence, she muttered, “It’s Xigbar. The one I have a crush on is Xigbar.â€

    A shocked silence filled the room. No one had quite thought THAT was going to be the answer.

    “WHAT?!?!†a voice shrieked. It was not Xigbar’s either. Everyone turned, and stared at Luxord. His face was red, and he was trembling with anger. “But… But-But-But-But—â€

    Axel snorted, then started cracking up. “Hehhehhehheh… Xigbar…! I guess she has a thing for old pirates, eh, Demyx?â€

    The rest of the Organization started giggling, too, including the heartbroken ones. The only ones not giggling right then (besides Larxene, of course) were Xigbar (blushing like crazy), Zexion (staring at everyone, completely indifferent), and Luxord (still seething mad for some reason).

    Larxene glared at them all, her eyes blazing. “SHUT UP!!! You SAID you promised!†The air began to grow heavy – like the atmosphere right before a storm.

    Demyx snickered. “Oh yeah! She likes ‘em young!†They cracked up.
    “I SAID, ‘KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!’†Larxene screamed, pounding her fist on her chair once more. A streak of lightning, followed by an ear-splitting crack of thunder filled the room.

    Vexen jumped. “Okay, guys, settle down…! Leave her alone…†he said quickly, not wanting to be roasted alive. They all swallowed their laughter as quickly as they could manage. Luxord glared at Larxene and gave her the “Death Ray†while she was looking in the other direction.

    Larxene crossed her arms, an evil glint in her eyes. “Okay… now it’s my turn…†She looked over them all. “Who hasn’t been picked on yet…?â€
    “Lexaeus!†Xaldin piped up. “Lexaeus hasn’t had a turn yet!â€
    Everyone turned to stare at Number V. He blinked, and glanced around silently, looking a little bit perplexed. His eyes seemed to be asking, “Who… Me?â€
    Luxord sighed, rolling his eyes. “Ya see – THAT’S why no one likes you.â€

    Larxene snickered a little then asked, “Well, Lex…? Truth or Dare?â€
    “Uh… I’m going to go with… Dare.â€

    Roxas stood up on his chair, cupped his hands around his mouth, and shouted at the top of his lungs, “THIRTEEN MINUTES IN ‘HEAVEN’ WITH MANSEX!!!!!†Oh yeah… He was gonna get Xemnas back for bombing him with the most embarrassing questions EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME.

    Xemnas’s head snapped over to Roxas. He stuttered for a few seconds then screamed, “SHUT THE HELL UP, NUMBER XIII! It is not your turn!â€

    Xigbar snorted. “Heh… Listen to the little dude! That’s a good one!â€
    “Yeah! I think it’s a good suggestion!†Vexen cut in.
    “Yeah! Do it!†Xaldin whooped.

    Xemnas looked back and forth from one Nobody to the other, sweating bullets. “But-But-But! That’s not FAIR, you guys!!!!†he protested.

    “You heard him, Lex! You have to make out with the Superior now!†Demyx shouted.
    “Yeah! Do it!â€
    “GOOOO LEXXY!!!!â€
    “LEX-XY! LEX-XY! LEX-XY! …â€

    Pretty soon, it became a loud chant, all of the members clapping, or pounding their fists to the beat. Even Zexion looked interested. Xemnas gulped, then looked over to Lexaeus, who happened to be sitting right beside him. Lex looked like he was deep in thought.

    “Uh… Lexaeus, you do realize that you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to… I-I mean… Larxene never said…â€
    Lex slowly turned his head and stared at Xemnas. There was a dark shadow over his face.
    Xemnas blinked nervously. “Uh… Th-That that was… Your…â€
    A slow, sly grin crept across Number V’s face.
    A gulp. “… D-Dare…†Xemnas finished weakly.

    Lexaeus reached out with his hand, and used his earth powers to create a bridge between him and his leader. Xemnas scooted as far as he could to the other side of his chair.

    Lex grinned evilly, then leaned forward. “Pucker up, Superior! Here I come!â€


    Everyone started laughing uproariously and started banging their fists and kicking their feet on their chairs. Zexion leaned forward, grinning, and looking intently at the spectacle.

    Lex puckered up his lips comically, and leaned forward. The noise level rose until it was the volume of a jet engine, Xemnas thrusted his hands upward and screamed, trying his best to avoid it, and…

    Let’s just say what happened next, they never spoke of again.

    To Be Continued...


    P.S., Sorry, but I don't know when part 2 will be done. D=

    I'm going through some severe writer's block right now, and I can't seem to write anything without trashing it and starting over. >.< So yeah... Sorry. XD I'll get it done ASAP...


    HUZZAH!!! XD Part 2 is (almost) done...! XDDDD

    Lord of the Wings,
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Mar 13, 2007, 67 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. 2Foxxie4U
    Did you know that...?
    • The guy who voice acts for Saix is also Don Patch in Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo?
    • AND Gabumon and MetalGarurumon on Digimon?
    • And that the guy that plays Xemnas is Captain Battleship on Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, too? XD
    • The person who plays Xehanort and Ansem IS Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo?
    • Not to mention he is Kotaro Doronma on Zatch Bell?
    • The person who plays Luxord has played in The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?
    • AND Ben 10?
    • AND the movie "Barbie as Rapunzel"? XDDDD
    • That Demyx's voice actor could be easily mistaken for a girl if it wasn't for his name? O.o No, seriously, Look. O.o

    There's more, but I don't feel like going through them all. XD You can find some pretty funny things yourself here. =3
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Mar 10, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. 2Foxxie4U





    What race do you guys think I am? Just guess.


    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Feb 23, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 2Foxxie4U

    My friend showed this to me yesterday, and, well, I couldn't resist showin' this to you guys. XDDDDD Hope ya enjoyed!

    "Now west side walk it out!
    Now east side walk it out!
    Now south side walk it out!
    Now north side walk it out! ..."

    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Feb 20, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. 2Foxxie4U
    This is my first one... Ever... But you can expect many... MANY more. XD Most of them will be starring Xigbar, cuz he's the main Organization member I RP as... And he's hilarious. This is also one I made when I was bored out of mind, so if it's a little... "Blah," sorry! XDDD

    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~

    "What's Xigbar's Age, again...?"

    It was no secret that Xigbar was the oldest of all of the Organization members. His gray hair automatically gave him off. But no one in the Organization talked to him about it, or even MENTIONED it to each other. One day, Demyx began to wonder why.
    He ran off looking for the Freeshooter to ask him about it. Pretty soon, he found him, wandering around in the halls like he had absolutely nothing to do.
    "Hey, Xiggy..." Demyx started, breathlessly. "How old are you?"
    Xigbar blinked and asked nervously, "Uh.... And you want to know, why...?"
    "Oh.... Just...Ya know.... Wanna compare...."
    Xigbar's eyes narrowed slightly. "Sorry man... I ain't buyin' it."
    "Oh, come on, Xiggy!" Demyx begged. "You can't hide what's inside...!" He laughed halfheartedly.
    Xigbar rolled his eyes at Demyx and turned to walk away. "Look, man... You're not making any sense right now. I'll see ya later, I guess."

    Demyx shrugged. "Whatever. See ya later, old timer."
    Xigbar screeched to a stop. His head seemed to rotate 180 degrees as he asked, "What did you just call me...?" His voice was dangerously low. One of his eyes began twitching uncontrolablely.
    Demyx shrugged. "I just called you oooooold tiiiimeeeeer...." he said, drawing out the words. He bent over and started to laugh while screaming, "OLD TIMER, OLD TIMER!!!!!"

    Click... Click...

    "Huh...?" Demyx looked up, surprised. There was a dark shadow on Xigbar’s face. He had both of his guns out, too. "Uh... Oh.." Demyx trailed off. His smile melted off his face and he gulped slightly.
    Xigbar snarled as he growled out, "Alright, water boy... You can laugh alright..." He pointed the guns to Demmy's chest. "Let's see how well ya can dance!!!!"
    Demyx's pupils shank to the size of rice grains. "W-Wait! Xigbar, I was just-- AGHH!!!!!"

    A few minutes later, Demyx was leaning on the wall, gasping for air. His clothes looked like they'd been through a huge paper shredder... Twice.

    Xigbar rushed to him, a furious expression on his face. He grabbed Demyx by what was left of his collar, and heaved him up, slamming him against the wall. "Don't EVER call me old timer again!!! YA HEAR ME?! NOT! EVER! A! G'IN!" He slammed Demyx against the wall to emphasis each word.
    Demyx by this time was sobbing with fright. "Okay...! Okay, you win!"
    Xigbar shoved his face into Demyx's. "SAY IT! Say you won't ever call me old timer again!!!"
    “Iwon'tevercallyouoldtimeragain!!!! Iwon'tevercallyouoldtimeragain!!!!!!!!!!

    Xigbar dropped him onto the ground. "You got off easy THIS time..." he growled. "Call me that again, and you'll NEVER be able to have kids..." he grumbled.

    Demyx gulped, shaking slightly as Xigbar walked off, clinching his fist together, again and again. Suddenly, Xigbar whipped around. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT?!"
    "Just get out of my sight..." he growled.

    Demyx scrambled off, wiping his eyes.


    Yep... There it is. XD Comments are greatly appriciated.... ^-^' Hope ya enjoyed, blah blah blah, yada yada, fine print and stuff. XD

    Lord of the Wings,

    Here's Part One of the Sequel...
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Feb 19, 2007, 55 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. 2Foxxie4U
    Guess what, guys!

    I'm grounded. -_-

    Dunno for how long, but this afternoon is definately out of the question... I'm not even supposed to be on now... Sorry to all those people I RP with...

    That's not the point, though. Anyone can get grounded... Guess what mine was for!

    No, really! Guess. >.>

    I got a friggin' 87 on a test.



    *stabs computer*


    Okay, I'm better now... >.> Still pissed.... But better.

    Sorry again for the inconvenience and crap.... -_-
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Feb 16, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. 2Foxxie4U
    Here's my 3rd AMV ever... I had it on YouTube, too, but the quallity is MUCH better on KHVP, so... Yeah. XDDDDD I'm so happy it worked out right - it took me a looooong time to make.



    Thanks, Darkandroid!!!!!!! XDDDDDD

    Anyways.... I forgot what I was about to say....


    Here's what happens "When Organization XIII Get Crunk!" XD

    See yas when I see yas!!!! XDDDDD

    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Jan 12, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. 2Foxxie4U
    Sorry, guys, but as of.... tomarrow, I won't be able to come on hardly any. Because I almost got a "C" on my report card last semester, my Mom decided that THIS semester, I can't come on the computer or play video games.... At all. Except on week-ends. And if I slip up on ANYTHING, maybe not even then...

    Fair? Well, personally I don't think it is, but, she's made it clear that that's way it's gonna be and she ain't changing her mind. And, hey, who knows? If I do well, maybe she'll let me back on again? =)

    So, yeah... I just wanted you guys to know that... Um.... I guess Celeste (Demyxu) can control my characters in all the RPs I'm currently in... And.... Well....

    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Jan 3, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. 2Foxxie4U
    This is basically something for people, about, 13 years and up. I kinda doubt that anyone younger than that will get everything...

    Do you remember that time...

    Before Sidekicks & iPods.
    Before MIKE JONES
    Before PlayStation2 or X-BOX.
    Before the 5 hours(5min) of homework you put off every night.
    When you rented VHS tapes, not DVDs.
    When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing.
    When we recorded stuff on VCRs & paid $3.50 for a movie.
    When we called the radio station to request songs to hear off our walkmans.
    When 2Pac and Biggie where alive.
    When the Chicago Bulls were the best team ever.

    Way back..........
    Hide-n-Go Seek at dusk.
    Red Light, Green Light.
    Heads Up 7 Up.
    Playing kickball & dodgeball until your porch light came on.
    Tree Houses.
    Hula Hoops.
    Reading R.L. Stine's Goose Bumps.
    The annoying Nano Pets & Furbies.
    Running through the sprinklers.

    Crying when Mufasa died in the Lion King.

    Happy Meals where you chose a Barbie or a Hot Wheels car.
    Getting the privelage to sit in the front seat of the car.
    Drinking Sqeeze It "Squeeze The Fun Out Of It."

    But wait....
    Watching Saturday Morning Cartoons in your PJ's still wrapped up in your Garfield comforter.
    Hey Arnold, Doug, Rugrats.
    The original Power Rangers

    Or what about....
    The Secret Life of Alex Mac.
    Ren & Stimpy.
    Double Dare.
    Rocko's Modern Life.
    Wild & Crazy Kids.
    Clarissa Explains it All.
    Salute Your Shorts.
    Are You Afraid of the Dark?
    The original cast members of All That.
    Kenan & Kel.
    The Magic School Bus.
    Flash Forward.
    Pete and Pete.
    Legends of the Hidden Temple.
    Hey Dude.
    Pinky and the Brain.
    Hangin' With Mr. Copper.
    The Power Puff Girls
    Bill-Nye the Science Guy.

    Who could forget Snick? & Nick @ Nite with Bewitched, I Dream of Jeanie, The Facts of Life, & I Love Lucy.

    Where everyone wanted to be in love after watching The Wonder Years.
    Or Nick Jr. with Face.
    Gulah-Gulah Island.
    Little Bear.
    Under the Umbrella Tree.
    The Busy World of Richard Scary.
    The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
    Kool-Aid was the drink of choice.
    Wearing your new shoes on the first day of school.
    Class field trips.
    When Christmas was the most exciting time of year.
    When $5 seemed like a million, & another dollar a miracle.
    When you begged to go to McDonalds for dinner everyday.
    When Toys 'R' Us overuled the mall.

    Go back to the time when.....
    Argument's were only started when it came to who was gonna be the redranger.
    Decisions were made by going 'eeny-meeny-miney-moe'.
    Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming 'do over!'
    'Race issue' ment arguing about who ran the fastest.
    Money issues were handled by whoever was banker in 'Monopoly'.
    It wasn't odd to have two or three 'best' friends.
    Being old referred to anyone over 20.
    A chance to skate as a couple at the local roller rink was like winning the lottery.
    Scrapes & bruises were kissed & made better.
    It was a big deal to finally be tall enough to ride the 'big people' rides at the fair.
    When playing Nintendo was the hardest thing ever.
    When Ninja Turtles ruled the world.
    When Lisa Frank was the raddest thing ever.
    When a candy bar at the grocery store was the highlight of your day.
    When coupons collected all year could get you a prize in your class auction.
    When the only thing you cried over was your mom being late to pick you up.
    When stress was addition and subtraction.
    When friendships were as complicated as who's house to sleep over.
    When shaving cream was just meant for play.
    When a first kiss only lead to cooties.
    When Valentines Day meant cards for all.
    When birthdays were a class event.
    When a friend moving away was the saddest day of your life.
    When the summer lasted forever.
    When time didn't matter.

    These were the days we hadn't realized escaped us until it's all brought back.

    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Dec 29, 2006, 51 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. 2Foxxie4U
    Here in Earth, there are more creatures than there appears to be. Most of these creatures are of the night, found in special night clubs, doing this and that. Humans? They know, and respect their nature. It doesn't bother them, for they have already found ways to make living among each other easier. Thus, by living together, there have been many half breeds. Over the years, they found that the world now held more humans and half breeds than the pure bloods. To find a pure blood, they say, would be a wonderful gift. Sadly, few even exist now...

    Welcome to what they call, the Shadow Period, where most things are done in the shadows...

    This roleplay is basically normal life ((drama and all)), besides the fact that there are these "shadow" creatures: aka vampires, lycans, demons, etc. I would like a 2 paragraph post for you first post explaining your name, age ((Try not to be any younger than 15)), appearance, and race. No template, though. XP Also, in each post you have to have a minimum of 3 sentances unless you're in a conversation with someone else. There won't be any godding, either, unless you've got permission from the person you're controlling. You can have up to 2 characters, and you can join anytime. C=

    This is an old rp that went pretty well before when I was rping with other people at another place. XP So yea, hope it does good here too. ^=^ Note, each shadow creature should either be a half breed or full. There are limited full breed shadow creatures, so not everyone should go and be a full breed.

    I will post the first post after this one, so please be patient.
    If you have any questions, just pm me ~

    P.S., this was originally made by mah friend and mentor Mavrick... Who you know nothing about. ((She goes to another forum.)) I just thought I'd give her some credit. ^_^
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Dec 9, 2006, 2,745 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. 2Foxxie4U


    I thought this was extremely funny. XDDDD

    European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

    As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in
    plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

    In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

    The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

    There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like
    fotograf 20% shorter.

    In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

    Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

    Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

    By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

    During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl rite n styl

    Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

    Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Dec 5, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. 2Foxxie4U
    Tonight my grandma's coming to live with us. And I don't think I'm ready. I mean, she's TWICE as neat as my stepdad (and, trust me, that's really saying something... >.>) and she's... well... old, and I don't know her that well, and...


    I feel like my brain just popped a fuse. Seriously, guys. I dunno if this is good, bad; ugly, purdy; east, cold; or WHAT!!! I'm a total nervous wreck - and I'm kinda thinking of going to bed right now so I can avoid the confrontation... Should I really be this nervous? Any advise...? -_-
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Dec 3, 2006, 20 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. 2Foxxie4U
    Oh my GOD!!!!!

    You guys would never GUESS what just happened to me!!!! I can't stop crying with happiness right now... it just...

    Anyways... I know you guys don't know much about my history so I'll fill ya in right now! ^_^

    when I was... 2, I think... My Mom and my Dad divorced. But I kept on seeing my dad until I was like, 4. After that, he just started packing up everything and moved far away. I don't know much of the details becuase I was so young... Everything's kinda foggy.

    Anyways... Ever since he left, we (me, my mom... ect) haven't heard anything about him. We didn't have any contact, no idea where he went, he just left. 9 years it's been without hearing my dad's voice once...

    Until today, that is... ^_^

    Yep! My Aunt Dehrald and my Uncle Clay hooked me and him up! I don't know HOW they did it, really! I just knew... When I started talking to him on the phone...

    I'm really sorry, guys! I've lost all track of mind in the last 5 minutes! XDDDD

    Anyways, I just wanted to say...

    HAPPY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^________^
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Dec 1, 2006, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. 2Foxxie4U
    'Ello, the name is Leah, as you guys probally know. Well today, I'm gonna try to do the IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!! >=D

    I'm gonna try to make it through school (as if that's not hard enough! XDDD) AND pass my big-*** Social Studies test running only on
    3 HOURS OF SLEEP!!!!!!!

    *le gasp =O*

    CAN I DO IT?!?!?!

    I HAVE TO!!!!!!!!


    Wish me luck. =p
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Nov 30, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. 2Foxxie4U

    Holy... O.o

    Guys.... >.>

    I seriously think that this little radio car that my little cousin has is possesed. O.o

    No, seriously. About, 6 times already, this little car decides that it wants to take off and lands smack-dab on my hand. 6 times. And the remote that is supposed to be controling it is all the way across the hall-way in another room. We already checked, it has no batteries, and even if it did, both of the doors were closed and... well... IT'S IN ANOTHER GOD DURN ROOM!!! O.o

    What do you guys think...?
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Nov 22, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. 2Foxxie4U
    This was inspired by the "Organization 13, It's a Beautiful Day" rp. XDDD

    Um... This is my sencond video ever... On youtube (Jeez, that is sad. -_-), but I sacrificed my WHOLE sugar rush on it, so please find it in your heart to rate it good. ;_;

    HERE IT IS!!! =D

    2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Nov 18, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  20. 2Foxxie4U
    Okay... Let's say, just by chance, there's this girl. Just your typical, average American girl.. And she lives with her mom, who's a single parent, and her sister.... and... stuff.

    Um.... Is it sad if her mom is making... Oh, let's just say... $13,000?

    Just a question. -_-

    OH! Forgot. For all you English peeps, I heard 200 pounds is about 1,000 American dollars somewhere... I'm not sure if it's true, though... >.>
    Thread by: 2Foxxie4U, Nov 15, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone