mmh looks kind of like diz.
the name of the song played on FFX when your fighting braskas final aeon? (AKA jecht)
.....great! i didnt need to hear that....
eh how can he be your "girlfriend" is tidus is a guy?
your bored eh? THEN WATCH THIS!
hi Kglory7 is leaving AGAIN?
dont we all roxas?
maybe if they made it a unlockable you could pick diffrenint skins for sora, like play as riku and kairi.
meh ill see it but it wouldnt be my first pick, i would rather see the transformers movie.
i am not insane.......
cause its annoying to have to reload a gun in battle >.>
tifa isnt the ninja just so you know, yuffie is the ninja.
yo evil i thought of something, what if the key to the roxas code isnt in the player modle but the place your in, i was playing the end of the game a thought of this, when you go to the data twlilitown (or what ever it is) you cant go out of the lab AS SORA but as roxas you can, maybe if we can get out of the lab you would start playing as roxas, cause you said before that with the "open all worlds" code you went to TWTNW and started playing as roxas for a while, so maybe its something about that area that lets you play as roxas.
i only got half way into god of war 1 cause my disk is scrashed up but i beat GOW 2 it has to be the best game i have played, maybe better then kingdom hearts.
LOL man the sparta and d'oh songs were awesome.
o rly.....?
i thought he was saying "darn a reload"
meh i think it would suck if you dont play as sora i mean its HIS game.
zim walks in to room "GIR! what are you doing?" gir: 'i made mashed po-ta-tos!" zim: "yes....and muffins" LOL that was a awesome episode.
i know that you are a girl DP cause i heard you say it before.