Idk = I didn't/don't know. Good job. But still, you should have just been honest from the beginning. Then you should have just said that from the beginning!
It is clearly not. Thanks for noticing.
Mine is clearly the best of the best.
You say you knew what the definition of "kinky" was. You argued the fact for 2 posts, then decided to say you didn't know. Why didn't you just say you didn't know from the start? Honestly?
I read the first post of this thread, stating the illness and what not on why people would commit suicide, from Wnaethoch. I have no further need to read what other people said, so if I repeat something that other members said, just know I wasn't reading what every posted. I honestly think that when someone commits suicide it is very stupid, more less selfish. Now, medical treatment if you are sick, is a completely different story, but I am more focused on the people who commit suicide over bullying or other things going on at home. Why kill yourself over bullying, first off. It's as easy as telling a teacher, or parent or a trusted adult about what is going on, and for the simple fact that kids are so scared to be called a "snitch" and just keep their mouth shut is their own fault. Honestly, if you want your "pain" and "embarrassment" to be over, then you should have opened your mouth when it first started instead of waiting for the high point to where you feel like committing suicide. It's selfish above all things, you are ending your pain, but what about your family. Sitting there knowing that you will never wake up, they will never see you again, and all you had to do was tell someone that you were being bullied or that you were thinking of suicidal thoughts. There are ways to do this without having you be known as a "snitch" or a "suicidal kid" As for committing suicide over health issues, I have a friend who goes through constant pain in his chest every day, and on some days it is unbearable for him to breath without it hurting. But he is finding help everyday when he can to figure out what is going on, or to find treatment for it. Unless you are just so weak in the mind to give up so easily, all you have to do is find a way to get help, people with HIV are slowly dying. They start to lose everything in their body piece by little piece, but at least they have the will to keep living and not to give up so easily.
Ok, I will check them out thanks ( :
Ok, what if I wanted to make one ... to fit a tragedy, sad theme, would that be better to figure out?
Hmm, well of course I would be using KH scenes, I mean, I don't know what site has Final Fantasy scenes, and the mood of the setting varies, I would just need a good song to determine whether or not it would be a good/bad, happy/sad song.
I want to get into making AMV's again, but I have no songs that I could make one too... So, only asking this once, is there any suggestions you would have? This may not be the right section, but I couldn't find a reasonable section to put this in, so sorry if I didn't see it...
-sigh- Now, there is no point in listening to their new songs. I think I would just stick to the old ones now. The older ones are usually the best though. Well, at least she left on good terms and not something that could ruin her reputation or anything.
When people use the term "screamo" to classify a certain genre of music, I laugh secretly at them. First off, the term "screamo" is no where near a set genre, if anything it would be a branched off selection under Metal. Such as "death metal" "soft metal" and so on. If anything, people should just say that the genre in which a song, or singer screams, also known as false chord for such as the low growls, should just say Metal and end the conversation at that, not argue the fact that the "screamo" genre exists when in speaking of music, it doesn't exist as its own set genre.
Yes, Chop Suey is amazing. (: And thank you everyone for the welcoming's (:
The last two are accepted, and to answer itachilives, you can have more than one character, but no more than you can handle, if you can't play as all your characters in the RP, than you have too much.
I like where you went with it, you are accepted, but if you would, I would love to see a bit more detail in your History. My template is here. Human Template Name - Aaron Grey Age - 16 Gender - Female Background - Aaron has lived in a middle class family for her whole life. She wasn't the richest of the rich, but when she wanted something, she sure got it, and her mum and dad still had money for groceries and other necessities. She wasn't the best at keeping her mouth shut when her parents told her to do something, she usually talked back, but she has been getting better. But she still needs work. Aaron is highly intelligent and has always been at the top of her class, but her life choices are never the best. Her parents sometimes find it hard to trust her, but she has been attending consoling for the longest time to try and get her actions straightened out. Personality - Secluded like, cautious, and at times Aaron can be rude and blunt about the littlest things, but when you find her true side, she is sweet and caring. Appearance -*kScz1vPnaxO7/MusicLoveingPunkAnimeGirl.jpg Demon Template Name - Alexander "Alex" Moore Appearance Age - 17 Actual Age - 112 Appearance - Demonic/Battle Appearance - History - Alexander was an odd ball when he was alive. He hardly had any friends. Once he got bullied to the point that when he was walking home late one night, a few kids from school went a beat him with objects such as metal poles and sticks. It got so bad that he couldn't move or breathe, and he died laying in the back of an ally. He was so full of rage and hatred that the Devil took him as his own and raised him to fight for whats right, and not to take anything from any one. Personality - Dark, rude and very sarcastic, although he is still looking for that one special person to protect, he wasn't the type to care for rules. Weapons -
They Were Here. In the mix of all things "extra terrestrial" stood the conspiracy theory of the fact that God sent Angels down to watch over his children. This tale has been around for more than a year now, having some believers, but then again, having non-believers. Normally when God sends Angels down to watch over his children, they must protect them, and keep them our of harms way. This did not happen. There seemed to be more disappearances and killings all over the United States area. People started to freak and threw fits over the lied about rumors. This was not their intentions. For over a millenium these Angelic like creatures walked the Earth. Undetected and hidden as normal people. Some were forced to show themselves when evil walked on the soil. They were known as the Demons. Although some seem to be seductive and sweet, they were full of anger and it boiled in their blood to kill something, or someone, That is when the Angels must step in and save the human race. But which side are they on? The good or the bad? It seemed to be the tricky question here, since some turned into the bad, but yet, they still stood for good. Like they were mocking them. It is hard to say. Angels are legendary creatures who walk the Earth in disguise. Not being noticed, but on the inside they are known by everyone. They have 3 simple rules. 1.) Never fall in love with a human. 2.) Kill any Demons if possible. 3.) Never be discovered. Breaking any of these rules follow immediate death. But some of these Angels don't care, for the people they protect they grow attached, and end up falling for them, making them more vulnerable to attack, or making them stronger, in order to protect the ones they love. Demons also have 3 rules. 1.) Never fall in love with a human. This one is especially important due to the fact that Demons are lust filled creatures. 2.) Destroy any Angels, if possible. To them, the Angels are always the bad guys and they will do anything to get rid of them. 3.) Never under any circumstance get detected by humans. Any of the rules broken follow immediate death. But, of course Demons are not the most the most obedient creatures. Humans are the most fragile like creatures to the Demon and Angel race. Falling in love with one could come with great consequences towards themselves and the others. Most fail to keep this rule, yet others are so willingly strong about it. Whilst the ones committing crime, seem to never get caught. There seems to be a big battle brewing between the two fields, and it involves the humans, which most Demons and Angels fight to protect so who are the actual good guys here? This is a question that could never be answered. Human TemplateName - Age - Gender - Background - Personality - Appearance - Angel TemplateName -Appearance Age -Actual Age -Appearance -Angel/Battle Appearance -History - (how you died and became a protector Angel etc.)Personality -Descendant of - (The Original Angel to trained you)Weapons - Demon TemplateName -Appearance Age -Actual Age -Appearance -Demonic/Battle Appearance -History - (how you died and became a protector Demon etc.)Personality -Weapons - Now, for the Demon and Angel background story on how they died, I would prefer, if you were to create a demon, to make their death a bit more brutal then the Angel. Since they are deceived into Hell. Also, it would be nice to see such an aggressive story turn into the loving of the Demons' protected, It would sure to be a high point at somewhere in the story. Main Rules are the Original Forum Rules.Since this could be classified as the "romance" type, I don't want descriptive romance scenes. I mean, sure, go in for the blow, but I don't want posts stating how he plowed her or how hard she slammed herself into him. Honestly don't go that far. I am very relaxant with this rule due to that fact of multiple R rated RP's I have been into.No power playing or god modding. You will not be warned or given any chances, once you screw this rule up, you are out and someone else can come in and take your characters place. Message me with any questions you have, or concerning, I hope this RP takes off, I have been working with this idea for a while now. Also for any images, put into URL form, it makes it easier for me to do when laying out your character temps. I will have my Template up A.S.A.P (-: Humans:Toxicity - Aaron Grey Demons:Toxicity - Alexander "Alex" Mooreitachilives741 - Skyler Angels:master of keyblades - Alex Rhodesflowergothic - Ashina "Ash" Takahashi
First, I am not the type to be freaking out over this type of thing, the easiest thing to do is having that block button near by whenever you can. But for some reason this is different. There is this one guy, more less actually boy, I had added on my personal Facebook account. He seemed cool at first, talked to him a few times and then he randomly started tagging me in statuses a week into us talking. I had no intention of liking him, I mean, hes too young for me anyways. Anyways, he started tagging me in these random statuses, saying I am his "love" his "life" and that he would do anything to call me his. First of all, that is just plain gross, I don't who or how old you are, a week into us talking and you make statuses of me like, is just repulsing. Secondly, he told me that he did like me, and had feelings for me. The worst I could do was just say that I didn't feel the same and everything would be forgotten right? Oh no, this kid, I kid you not, messaged me every day saying that he wanted me to be his, that he would be the best I ever had. First off, I already am close to being with someone I have liked for a long time, and I don't need you ruining it for me, by making statuses as if we were dating. I try to not date people from the web, but y'know, sometimes things happen. This was different. I never seemed to block him because deep down I felt bad for him, I mean, he practically is a little kid still, but he just gets so annoying I swear I want to rip my hair out, or just die. Anything I can do? Advice? I have tried telling him that I did not feel the same, but this boy just doesn't know when to stop!
I don't know about any of you, but to me Jesse Eisenburg is the best role for this movie, and all in all, I think he is the best actor there is. But then again, it is my opinion, so deal with it. I actually really want to see this movie. Words can not even express how badly I want to see this. Just the fact of scientific theories and put it into magic and creations, it looks like a really good movie, lets just hope the full movie is and not the preview.
I am not a particular fan of zombie movies. Most I have seen are very bland and I almost completely gave up on zombies movies in general, but I was at the Twilight premiere for Breaking Dawn Part 2, yes, I am a fact, a fan of Twilight, I saw this preview and I am like, "Hmm, might be a good movie to go see." Well, I already have a few friends who said they would tag along with me if I do decide to go. It does look like a really good movie, and for once, I think I might actually like a zombie movie, no matter how "dumb" it looks, it actually looks like it has a good plot.
I will catch myself reading a number of books, but recently I have read, actually started: Easy - Tammara Webber.
Hi there. (: Before you think I spelled "hello" wrong, I did not, for "hallo" is German for Hello. Just thought I would point that out. Let me just say a few things about myself. My username "Toxicity" was a merge of "Toxic" and "City." Now that the obvious is out of the way, Toxicity comes from the System of a Down album. I am a fan of System of a Down, but would I consider myself a fan? No, I do not listen to a lot of their songs, only a few selected. I am a fan of Linkin Park and Eminem I must say. I like music, obviously, but love? I don't see how people can say they "love" music. Sure, music is cool, but to me it is not my life that I have to listen to every day and hour. I like role-playing. I am trying to advance in it, by writing and other techniques such as a practice site I used until I felt I could move on. Any role playing groups or topics that I should join? I have visited this site before, but only for cut-scene archives for Animate Music Videos. I need to try and get more music for the videos. Do any of you have any selections or preferences on what music I should get for it. Would be highly appreciated. I know my grammar is not the best, and neither is my spelling at times. I will try my best to catch them and edit them right away. So, sorry in advance if it happens a lot, which I hope it won't. Well, this is all I can think of for the time being. Please, if you have any other questions about me, or for me, ask away, I don't get offended easily. (: I also apologize for whatever I say from this point forward. I have a tendency to be blunt about things, and I don't mean, more less, want to offend any one, so please, if you find anything I say offensive, then message me privately of your concerning.