Boring = Fun.
Hmm, sounds fun.
"badass" lol, and I am doing fine, working on an AMV at the moment, how about you?
Oh yes, you are the one who would rather be called HoT for short. I remember that from the introduction thread, but yea, thanks, nice to meet you....
Let's start off by saying I know this was from the beginning of December, but it had no replies, and you asked for help, so since it wasn't that long ago, here is my input. H - You say you are growing distant from him, well, that is the whole thing and feeling when it comes to dating someone in another state. It is rough at first, not knowing what is going on down there and such, but if it really bothers you knowing that you two are becoming distant, then talk to him about it, tell him how you feel and that it bothers you. And if it takes him a week or so to reply to a message, it must means that he is busy, knowing that it is around the holiday time. R - If you just started to like this guy after H left, then to me it sounds as if you only like R because you find qualities in him that you can match up with H. That is the only explanation I have for this. But if you are not sure whether you like him or not, just give it time and see if you feel the same way you did now in a couple weeks. C - It is still a bit soon for the feelings to grow with C. You are getting over the fact that the distance is breaking you inside with H and that this R guy could be the second version of H so you think you like him. C is just another one of those people that will walk into your life and soon will not be as important as you thought he was. You are still unsure as to if you like C or not, so chances are this "fling" will end.
There are more opportunities in life to go to Spain, whereas there are more opportunities to see your family, but if this so called "Jay" ignores you around "Kay" then my suggestion is to just go to Arizona and see your dad and your half brother. So what if the other two would be mad at you for not going, it's not like they would have known you were there to begin with. And also, if you feel that this "Jay" person is ignoring you, then talk to her about it, it is not good to keep things bottled up, especially if they don't make you feel to well inside. Sure, they can be mad at you for not going, but in my eyes, seeing family is far more important than any out of country, freedom, trip out there. Also, sorry if that one particular part sounded a bit harsh, I hadn't meant for it to come out like that.
Grammar was that he used the wrong form of "paid", "payed" He also spelled the word "paid" wrong because he spelled it as "payed". Going as so far as that deep into it, I replaced Grammar with Spelling.
Spelling Naz-*shot* Nope, common sense.
That's not ... Nevermind.
Oh my god, you don't get it.
And now I think everyone is abandoning it. Well, time to go further more explore the forums.
Logic doesn't work when you're dealing with stupid.
Hmm, must have miscounted. Silly brain. 13 = 244 logic!
244 pages? It only shows 13 for me. Are you meaning 244 replies?
You must have done it privately because I don't see where you did in that thread.
Hmm, never heard of her.
How would you get banned, if anything I would for that Rant thread, but I didn't really bash on, or call out another member, so how would that work?
I am confused with this? o.O
Oh that? I didn't mean to post that one. It had absolutely nothing to do with the point I was trying to get across, but it is nice to know that...
No. What's with the random questions? And the "thanks" was rhetorical.