Don't know if you have noticed this yet, but I am not the one to follow in the footsteps of others.
Not sure if one had heard of opinions before.
DESCRIPTIONThe song is "Kiss the Rain". At the moment, I have forgotten who it was by, I will update the info as soon as I can get the information. I;m sure it was Yimaru, but then again, I cannot be certain. Firstly, the scenes skip over clips where I have forgotten to cut out, please, please, try and ignore that. Also, I did not come up with the story line of this, the story is in fact based of true events, and the link to where I had gotten this story is at the end of the description. I don't take credit for anything but the time and effort and careful thinking in bringing the story and the videos together as one AMV. Please ignore the age and appearances of the characters. I know it started off when they were younger, when it really should have started when they were older, but just try and not to think realistically for a moment and just watch the video. Link to the original story video >>> http://**/watch?v=gjgkxjfYHsE -take out the **- Category Film & Animation License Standard YouTube License
I guess so, the process was very time consuming, but oh well. It was worth it for the most part.
Nothing much, finished up two AMV's and I am quite proud of the second one, not so much of the first one.
Actually, making statuses that Spam my newsfeed are annoying, big deal it is snowing, so I pointed it out knowing it would be good to use these ._. Ahh ... So, this is how long I have been away from the internet for.
Well, my bad, I had just glanced in on Thursday...
I don't think I was actually fully active on Thursday, so I thought it was made Friday, and I don't bother looking at dates really.
Well, where else would 17 pages come from over night?
To me ... It doesn't seem like it.
This calls for my two favorite snow memes. That is all I have to say...
The hottest thread, and it looks as if there is nothing going on here ... Wonderful. Carry on now.
Why would I tell you off? People who earn my respect now, have my respect in the future.
Troll? Hmm, I don't think I have ever been considered a "troll" under any other forum.
Hmm, this seems to be a tough choice for me... I think I will go with a period. And quotations. "Correction. 'Go home, Amaury, you're drunk'." Is this any better? I think. Maybe.
Correction, Go home Amaury, you're drunk.
Oh thank you ( :
This site seems intriguing.
No one really cares about logic, people so so many illogical things that they just gave logic a bad name. So, no one uses proper logic. Hardly.