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  1. Toxicity
    Do you believe schools should be graded on the quality of education they offer and how they run the schools and for what?

    I don't think schools should be graded on the quality of education because two totally different schools could teach their students differently, but as long as the students are getting the right information and learning something, then it shouldn't matter what quality the information is. Now, some schools go deeper into the meaning behind, let's say Romeo and Juliet, while other schools read the play and get the overall general idea of it. Now, does this mean that more "advanced" schools should get graded higher because they offer more "in depth" information on things that might not be needed to know for the future? That would be taking up time in which can be in place to learn things that you will need for later on in life. Sometimes you get the most out of basic schools, at least in my eyes. Schools that go out of their way to keep adding on extra information generally make students feel "over whelmed" with knowledge on things they don't feel is necessary for their lives. Some of the information could be forgotten and out of mind the day after the test. Then what good came out of that?

    Now, "grading" schools on how they choose to run? I disagree with this. Schools with do anything in their power to run their schools in which they feel would keep students out of trouble and into books. Most schools are easy-going with rules because they feel that their students are more "advanced" and "mature" enough to handle the low rule system while other school pile on the rules because their students need a guide. Let's take two schools, for instance, that are in my area. East Detroit High School is one. Sure, they have some great programs and what not, but the behavioral actions in that school are just not tolerable. The students are way out of line half of the time and there are constant fights throughout the whole school year over stupid little things. They pile on the rules and have strict security because they feel the need that if they have this going on, then their students will learn to stay in check. As for my current school, International Academy of Macomb, most of our rules are real easy-going because we are an IB school and we know right from wrong. That doesn't mean we get away with everything, we know what we are expected to do and we do it. If schools need to be hard on their students to get them on the right track, then they sure as heck will in order to get them in the right educational and life direction for their lives.

    I hope I answered the question with my views on things. If anything seems confusing or jumbled, please, don't hesitate to ask.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 15, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Toxicity
    This is far from depression, to be honest. You are just going through one of those Graduate Senior feelings. I guess you could say. I'm sorry if I am not making sense. You see, I am taking it that you are graduated, so you don't go to high school anymore and you are used to talking to just, I guess, everybody, but now that you no longer go to school, you have this longing feeling to go back and "re-live" the times you have had there.

    I guess you are just missing something, so to speak. I would give it a couple days, weeks if you must, and you should go back to normal. But, no, this is far from depression, just a sort of "missing" and "longing" feeling.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 15, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  3. Toxicity
    In my honest opinion ... Or what I would do ... Is tell her everything. She is your best friend right? But that is just me. Where you are coming from is completely different considering that you guys have the friendship formed off of lies? Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is what I had picked up from reading that. I don't honestly think we would be the same person here in this situation, considering as to how everyone acts differently on different things, but here are my thoughts and what I would do.

    You say the people you have been friends with in the beginning of high-school know you better than that of your friend from kindergarten. I would honestly tell your friend that you were undergoing some sort of "phase" ... Now, if it would be a lie, then don't use it. I know a lot of people who have went through the "let's make up tragic events for sympathy" phase and they had got through it. If she understands, then she understands. You can always build up the relationship to your standards. However, there is a problem. And I am not going to sugar coat it. She may react differently to the truth. She could go off and think that the friendship was always based off of a lie and might not want anything to do with you anymore. On the other hand, she might understand, but the trust might be gone. You can try to get the trust back by starting off new. It may take a while to be as close as you were before, but you always have your high school friends to lean back on, since they do know you better than she does.

    I know this might not work out as planned, but if it is something you want to get off of your chest and to start new, the best thing to do would be to tell the truth. Don't make her go another day into believing that these things have actually happened, because when you do decide to come clean, it might be too late. Always take an opportunity when you have the chance. Especially if she has been friends with you this long, chances are she might understand.

    So basically, if you want to come clean to her, might as well start now.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 15, 2013 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Toxicity
  5. Toxicity
    Yea ... I have a really short attention span ><
    Post by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Toxicity
    Profile Post Comment

    Hmm, what is that one about?

    Hmm, what is that one about?
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013
  7. Toxicity
  8. Toxicity
    I love oranges a lot better than lemons. I mean seriously, who doesn't?
    Post by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Toxicity
  10. Toxicity
    Never was the most poetic type, but hey, why not give it a try.


    Do you ever stare out the window sometimes?
    Wondering if you will ever be the one to get left behind.
    Do you ever sit out and watch the shining stars?
    Hoping life will get better but things are too hard.
    Take a breath and take a step forward.
    It's just the beginning of life's great horror.
    Each face has eyes.
    Each with a unique story to hide.
    Don't worry if life decides to bend.
    Just remember to Hold On because Pain Ends.
    Thread by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Toxicity
    So it is a he? Dang, and all this time I thought it was a she....

    Just make some lemonade..
    Post by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Toxicity

    Horror Films

    Do you like ranting? I, obviously, love to rant. It's ok though, I made sure to keep this one clean.

    What is the deal with horror films. I can honestly just name a few that are completely stupid. I mean, no, not really stupid, but like, they were either too predictable, or the acting was just really bad... I mean, bad.

    For starters, not all horror films are bad, The Exorcist was a favorite for me. The movie was a taunting story - although it didn't wholly scare me. That is a decent horror film I would recommend to everyone and anyone. Friday the 13th... is not a "horror" movie I would recommend to anyone. Basically the only thing going on through the whole movie are kids under 18 drinking, doing drugs and having sex while a crazy killer is running around which happens to be one of the "friends" in the circle, or some other by stander. That is all it takes to make a horror movie. Sex, drugs and killings in the middle of the woods.

    Scream is a perfect example. A masked killer is running around town killing people. No one knows the hell it is, I mean, who would? Then there is this perfectly virgin girl whose boyfriend wants to have sex with her. And while all the killings go on, she somehow manages to have sex with him without a damn care in the world. I don't know about you, but if I knew there were some psychotic killer running around, the last thing I would be doing is having sex with my boyfriend. The movie over all was too predictable. I knew from the speciousness that Sidney's boyfriend was the killer, I mean he was just too damn sketchy. I know that is what they want you to think, or the one who is the least sketchy is the killer, but that movie is just... no. It is a good movie, per-say, I still watch it, but like, really?

    Friday the 13th, we are getting back to this but it won't be as long. Through the duration of the movie, there is a pattern. Sex. Drugs. Sex. Killings. Drugs. Sex. Killings. Killings. Nudity. Sex. Drugs. Killings. Pretty much that goes on through the whole movie. I am watching some chick getting her freak on with her best friends brother more than I am watching the "gore" of the killings. Border line rated X. If the film maker just took out all the killings you have a Porno mixed with drugs. Congratulations! You finally have something to jack off to, buy the movie, have a nice day.

    Halloween wasn't that bad, there still is some kind of sex that goes on in the movies, no matter what, there always is. I can't really say much about this movie, I mean, it was alright, but sometimes it just gets confusing as hell, so I don't waste my time.

    Nightmare on Elm Street... Decent. I actually enjoyed watching the movies. I love how they changed perspectives, instead of being all "Hey, welcome to the rel world, I am going to rip your guts out and brutally kill you and stuff" they simply changed the tables and made it into your dream. That was pretty neat.

    I don't know what gets me mad more, the fact that there is more sex than gore, or the fact that the - sometimes - blond big chested clumsy chic is even in the movie. Congrats, you got big breasts, now lets go flash everyone watching the movie. Crap, the killer found me, lets run away from him, but scream so he finds me. Or, or, lets do the most fake fall over air and continue to crawl on the floor as if both legs were broken, when clearly they aren't! Why do you even bother! Just stop, seriously.

    ... Not even Paranormal Activity was good. I watch that for straight up comedy. Nothing more. Good day and good bye.
    Thread by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Toxicity
    Profile Post Comment

    Hm. I guess so, why?

    Hm. I guess so, why?
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013
  14. Toxicity
    Why would you hate life if the superglue was everywhere? I am pretty sure life wasn't like "Oh, hey. Yea, I am going to just squirt superglue everywhere now. Have fun."
    Post by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Toxicity
  16. Toxicity
  17. Toxicity
    This is going to be fun to type out, basically I am just going to list all the bands off of my Spotify playlists and my favorite song by them. Yes, in case you are wondering, any band I listen to I make a separate playlist for them, and then put the bands in alphabetical order. Don't judge me, it just seems fairly easier for me to find what I want.

    So here goes. If any of these bands interest you, please don't hesitate to comment and stuff. If you agree with any of these bands, tell me what your favorite song by them is.

    3 Days Grace - Riot
    3 Doors Down - Here Without You
    3OH!3 - My First Kiss (feat. Ke$ha)
    Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
    A Day to Remember - All I Want
    Alesana - A Gilded Masquerade
    All American Rejects - Damn Girl
    All Time Low - Dear Maria, Count Me In
    Asking Alexandria - Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel)
    A Skylit Drive - Too Little Too Late
    Attack! Attack! - Stick Stickly
    Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
    Avion Roe - Who I Am
    Avril Lavigne - Complicated
    Black Veil Brides - Knives and Pens
    blessthefall - To Hell and Back
    Bring Me the Horizon - Suicide Season
    Bullet for my Valentine - Tears Don't Fall
    Creed - With Arms Wide Open
    Dead Mau5 - Superliminal
    Drowning Pool - Bodies
    Elena Siegman - The One
    Escape the Fate - Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche
    Evanescence - My Immortal
    Evans Blue - This Time It's Different
    Eyes Set to Kill - Darling
    Falling In Reverse - I'm Not A Vampire
    Fit For Rivals - Damage
    Flyleaf - Fully Alive
    Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    Hollywood Undead - We Are
    I Set My Friends on Fire - Ravenous, Ravenous Rhinos
    Lifehouse - You and Me
    Limp Bizkit - My Way
    Linkin' Park - Leave Out All the Rest
    Metallica - The Unforgiven
    My Chemical Romance - Dead!
    My Darkest Days - Sick Twisted Affair
    Never Shout Never - Can't Stand It
    Of Mice & Men - SECOND & SEBRING
    One Republic - All the Right Moves
    Panic! at the Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies
    Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder
    Payable on Death (P.O.D) - Youth of the Nation
    Pierce the Veil - King for a Day (feat. Kellin Quinn)
    Red - Let It Burn
    Royal Hoax - Ticks Like a Timebomb
    The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
    Thousand Foot Krutch - Let the Sparks Fly
    Scary kids Scaring Kids - A Pistol To My Temple
    Sleeping with Sirens - Your Nickle Aint Worth My Dime
    Snow White's Poison Bite - Symphonies For the Damned
    Suicide Silence - The Price of Beauty
    The Fray - How to Save a Life
    The Ready Set - Give Me Your Hand [Best Song Ever]
    The Used - I Come Alive
    We Came as Romans - Intentions

    That took a while, but whatever. So here are the few selected bands I listen to and my favorite by each and everyone one of them.

    Now, what would you think about these bands? What are your favorite bands and songs? Do you agree with any of mine?
    Thread by: Toxicity, Mar 3, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  18. Toxicity
  19. Toxicity
    Ah, that would be nice to know then. I just thought it'd be here because it seemed that everyone was here, and I really wanted honest feedback. But thanks for that little information, it will help me from now on.
    Post by: Toxicity, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Toxicity
    Ok, geez? Well, thanks for helping me out here. It was just a video I worked on, if it is not good, then whatever, never cared what people thought anyway. And really, why comment "You're not getting any of my views." Like, really? Aha, should have just never commented wasting your "precious little time." It was just a video I wanted feedback on, didn't have to be turned to an argument.
    Post by: Toxicity, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone