It's really a long story behind my knee problems, but I guess it just got worse. It's not as bad, but it's still bad ... And cool! Free time is...
Uhm ... Sorry, to be honest, I'm not sure if I remember you ... :/
I am doing fine ... Except for the fact I am in pain, but hope it will get better soon. And yourself?
I might have seen it ... I mean, for me the image is broken ... :/ But nonetheless, thanks for the thought. c:
Ok, I can do it that way then. Thanks.
I will try, and thanks.
Hah, that Peter gif ... I swear sometimes I was doing that myself. I plan on it. But tomorrow if it feels better, I want to try and walk it off because I am always on my feet most of the time.
Well ... I was outside, running around, exercising. Figured I would be because the weather has been really nice. Well, while I was running my knee twisted in some kind of way or something, and it popped. I mean, I literally heard it pop. Not cracking your fingers pop, but something of an air pocket pop? If that makes sense? Well, it hurt like crazy and I wasn't listening to everyone telling me to put ice on it because I am a very independent person, so I was just going to walk it off. It was getting better but then I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and it popped again. I obviously put ice on it now, but I mean ... It hurts like Hell! And the only reason I find it funny is because everyone was laughing at my reactions because I am "over dramatic," but they don't understand the pain! >.<
That's really cool. I wouldn't mind hearing it some time, maybe?
Oh, haha, thanks. c:
Well good for you.
I actually really want to get into music. Theatre. I know the chances of me going anywhere in life are extremely rare, but hey, I wouldn't mind...
Haha, no problem. Although, 20 isn't that old. I hang out with several people who are 18-20. It's not the best, I admit, but hey, they are great...
Oh ... I am only in High School ... Freshman to be exact ... Young, I know. Oh well.
Whoa! When did this happen?
Oh, yea. There is a LOT of information about Space and how it came to be and what not that sometimes people do get the facts twisted. That is one...
Basically I have just always admired the exploration of space and everything about. How it came to be, all of that stuff ... And it came up in a...
I see where you are coming at from this. I guess ... Our planet just doesn't seem so "exotic" and "as interesting" as scientists could have thought if they decided to drop everything in researching things such as oceans and what not, but then again, some things just can't be explained. Now, not going off of exact facts and just off the top of the brain ideas, I would say scientists and people generally in that field do study our Earth and the strange "phenomena" in certain places (looking for new types of animals, sea creatures, fossils, etc.) or just trying to figure out how the Earth works. While some questions can be answered, some questions just can't even be explained. So they could have researched areas in which you had in mind, but through everything they went through, they could have no found the answer to the question they were looking for. I guess space seems to be more "out there" considering the endless vastness of it all and so many, many, things and new places that could be researched, and as Aiden Pearce had stated, there could always be something out there that can be extremely useful to the human species. So to speak.
~Chapter One~ The boy had skittishly walked up the hard cement steps of his new high school. The boy's name was Ryder and he was currently 17 years young. Ryder had moved in with him mum after his father had went to jail for yet the fifth time in one year for drug possession. It sickened Ryder to the core of his bones to think that someone can just sit around all day and smoke meth or snort cocaine. As you could probably tell, he was never the type to do drugs, and he planned to keep it that way. Ryder flipped his dark brown hair out from him pastel blue eyes and tightened his grip on his backpack strap. Starting a new school in the middle of the semester was never easy, especially when it seemed like every pain of eyes you passed was locked onto you like moths to light.It made him feel like more of an awkward person than he already was. So what if he was a new student, why couldn't they just let him be. He was human after all. At least at the end of the day. As of now, he was the 'New Kid.' "Ryder Mathews." The boy mumbled to the secretary in order for him to get his schedule and locker number. "Here you go." The petite women, who always had her long blonde hair straightened and pushed back with a simple black headband looked around the office. "Miss Jones should be in that room. She is going to be like your guide until you feel comfortable enough to find all your classes on your own. She seems to be a mirror image of you, quite odd actually, so we paired you two up." The blonde smiled and went back to her constant typing into the computer and taking every so often phone calls from faculty members or parents. Ryder walked back behind the desk into the room the women had instructed him on that would hold the girl in which would show him around. He was kind of nervous at first. Mainly because he was worried she might be the staring type. Most girls in his past had come onto him rather quickly for his looks, and it made him feel awkward all over again. Uncomfortable even. Another feeling he had deep inside was that this girl was going to be different. Let's hope his senses on this are right and he won't have to deal with a "freaky" girl. The boy slowly approached the cracked door and knocked lightly on it. There was a girl with thin, brittle, light brown hair that sat at the table, drawing in some sort of notebook. She seemed to be deep into the project, so Ryder had knocked again. The girl looked up this time and smiled softly. "You must be Ryder?" The girl asked in a hoarse tone. Ryder tried not to stare at the bony girl. Her skin was so ... transparent like. Her skin looked like it was tied back over her face and neck. Her collar bones were visibly in sight and she looked like a ghost. She must have been a ghost, and Ryder would have believe just that if she didn't get up and waver her bony hand over his eyes. Ryder turned a shade of red and shook his head. "I'm ... uhm ... I'm sorry ... Kind of tired ... Dazed." Ryder rambled, trying to come up with a logical excuse for his staring. "It's ok." The Ghost Girl smiled as if she was reading his mind. "A lot of people stare. It's ok though." Ryder cleared his throat uncomfortably and showed the Ghost his schedule. She looked over everything with close examination as if she were trying to even remember her own to see if they had any classes. "Well ... We have all but first seminar together. I might as well show you there." The Ghost smiled and somewhat "danced" out of the room. Her step was so light and it looked as if she were gliding. Ryder had tried not to stare at her lack of figure. Bones. That's all he could think of when he looked at the girl. And he felt sympathy for the girl, wondering how she had gotten in that stage to begin with. "Uhm ... Wait!" Ryder called after the girl. She turned in mid-step and looked back at him, raising her thin eyebrows. "Yes?" She asked curiously. "What's your name?" Ryder asked, weirdly hesitant. The Ghost giggled and looked behind her into the hall full of crowded students. "You will hear of me and when you do you might not think of me again. Don't worry. It happens all the time. Believe all the stories you want. But remember the key concept of story telling. There is their side. My side and the right side." Ryder was left speechless for a moment as the weirdly happy girl who looked in such bad shape danced into the hallway. He found the will to move after her as she guided him to his first class. One thing would be something he wouldn't be able to get off of his mind; Who is this Ghost Girl? And why was she in this sort of "abnormal" state?
Let's get right into this. I don't think we should stop exploring space. Sure our planet might be going to Hell in some situations, but what if something in space could possibly be there that could help our planet out? This would be my first thought. If we continue to explore space, we might just find an element that could be brought back to Earth, get tested on, and it could possibly be a great impact for our planet. I don't really have much detail into this at the back of my hand right now, but I am sure with later research or other knowledge I could think of something. Another thought or idea ... The planet isn't going to just get better because one or two people say for people to stop doing things. Our planet is going down because of pollution and green house effects. Damaging the Ozone layer. It isn't something that be stopped at the snap of a finger. A process like that takes time and it's difficult to get every single person living on the planet to follow through with it. Earth is going to go through whatever phase it has to go through, there really is no stopping it just like that. Maybe through a slow process, but to just stop exploring space? There really would be no point. My opinions are kind of vague. Note how I said "opinions" and not "answers" like some silly people here on the Internet. Anyways, what do you guys think?