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  1. Toxicity
    Oh no. Man. Just right over my head. Dang. I wish I would have caught that.
    Oh well, there is always next time.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Toxicity
    I love mix-match socks. *cue getting looked down on* Oh well.

    I can't stand it when people mix up Star Wars and Star Trek >< And the Doctor Who thing. Wow. All the way.

    You obviously didn't understand when I said it was my personal preference that I choose not to be friends with people with different interests.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Toxicity
    They do sound similar.
    I just listen to Skillet a lot, and hardly listen to Skrillex anymore, so when someone mixes them up, it does kind of pull on my nerves.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Toxicity
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh thanks.

    Oh thanks.
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, May 21, 2013
  5. Toxicity
  6. Toxicity
  7. Toxicity
    Really now?
    You all are going to say things about me choosing who I can be friends with and that how I should lose faith in myself?
    Ever heard of everyone being different?
    Yea, well, that does go for everyone.
    I choose to be friends with people who I share interests with because it would mean we always have something to talk about. I hardly ever am friends with others who I share nothing with because I have once tried that and we always fought on everything.
    You think One Direction is amazing? Ok, cool. I am in love with Escape The Fate.
    There really is no "connection" there.
    I tend to be associating myself with people of similar interests to get away from all that "clashing" and disagreement because it's an overall headache.
    Another thing I don't get, is how most of you are getting all butt-hurt about this.
    Now, don't get me wrong, I am well aware of what I had just said, and I bet I will most definitely get a lot of "feedback" from this, but I mean, come on. This doesn't affect any one of you personally.
    The main point of this thread was literally supposed to mean that I had gotten irritated because someone mixed up Skrillex with Skillet.
    You guys just loved to pick out the littlest detail in which was unnecessary.
    Post by: Toxicity, May 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Toxicity
  9. Toxicity
    So I was having a simple conversation with one of my "friends" ... Reason why I use quotation is because they aren't really a friend. We have no similar interests and they are basically there for someone to talk to. I know, sounds awful, but it really is a two way street. Well anyways ... We were talking about music and she asked if I liked Skillet. My response was "Yea, sure!" I mean, I am not a super nerd of the band, but I listen to their music and I like it. Well her response made me want to blow my freaking brains out ... If there was anything left.

    "Oh really? Me too! Skillet makes great dubstep!"

    So that completely ruined my day ... What about you?
    Thread by: Toxicity, May 20, 2013, 56 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Toxicity
  11. Toxicity
  12. Toxicity
  13. Toxicity
    Profile Post Comment

    Good, I guess ... What about you?

    Good, I guess ... What about you?
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, May 19, 2013
  14. Toxicity
  15. Toxicity
  16. Toxicity
  17. Toxicity
  18. Toxicity
  19. Toxicity
    Ohh, ok, I remember that now. Sorry.
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, May 19, 2013
  20. Toxicity
    With my knee? Or with something else?
    Profile Post Comment by Toxicity, May 19, 2013