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  1. KH ~ Heart
  2. KH ~ Heart
  3. KH ~ Heart
  4. KH ~ Heart
    Profile Post

    Hey Hey xD Hi What up

    Hey Hey xD Hi What up
    Profile Post by KH ~ Heart for Axel and riku lover, May 2, 2011
  5. KH ~ Heart
  6. KH ~ Heart
  7. KH ~ Heart
  8. KH ~ Heart
  9. KH ~ Heart
    Well i have to go leave so i could't type all about it but All of this is in like when you play the game the ending so sorry if I Did it Wrong :( Sorry
    Post by: KH ~ Heart, May 2, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. KH ~ Heart
    Profile Post

    Heeeeeyyyyy what up

    Heeeeeyyyyy what up
    Profile Post by KH ~ Heart for anarchy666, May 2, 2011
  11. KH ~ Heart
  12. KH ~ Heart
  13. KH ~ Heart
  14. KH ~ Heart
    Hey, so this is about KH II what happend in it

    Sora in Kingdom Hearts II he is trying to find Kairi it Was 2 Years Sora was looking to Kairi.
    Then Kairi Left The Island to find Sora and Riku.

    And Riku was trying to go find Roxas and when he did he had to Fight Him he was thinking that would wake up Sora.

    Then Riku to use the power of Darkness Riku had to turn into Ansem.

    Now Sora helped all the worlds Just one more thing he had to do to save the World and everybody.
    When Sora was going Twlight Town Axel told him everything but then Died to save Sora from the Nobody's.
    Then Sora went to the WTNW When he was going there He Meet Roxas but Roxas attacked him and Fighted With him.
    Then Sora Was Thinking that he was Riku.

    But Sora still was going to find Kairi.
    Kairi when she wasing leaveing the Island Axel Caputed her :nono: Stuiped Axel xD anyway.
    But Kairi got away from Axel then Saix got her and she in the Dugon in The World That Never Was.
    Namine` Kairi's Nobdy came to save her. Saix saw Namine` and Kairi escapeing. Then Saix was going to take Kairi to Sora she didn't come with him.
    Riku came out.
    Saix Said ''Didn't Roxas Take Care of You''.
    Riku Attacked him.
    Then Saix left.
    And Namine` said ''You can take it from here Riku''
    Kairi said ''Riku?''
    Pluto went to Riku Before he left Kairi stoped him from leaveing then said ''Riku are you really here''.
    Yes That was Riku as Ansem.
    Sora finallyed got to the WTNW and found Kairi Sora got attacked by Heartless Kairi Jumped to save Sora but then she got Attacked by Heartless.

    Riku saved Kairi and gave her Keyblade to fight.
    Riku and Kairi Defated all the Heartless.
    Then Sora defeted one of the Org#13 Member's.

    Then Sora and Kairi talked then Huged :gunwtf:
    Then Kairi told Sora that Riku was here.
    Then Sora defeatd all the Org#13 Member's
    Sora deftead Ansem.
    Went Back Home and all the Worlds was in Peace.
    Thread by: KH ~ Heart, May 2, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. KH ~ Heart
    Profile Post

    Hia what up :)

    Hia what up :)
    Profile Post by KH ~ Heart for KeybladeWars, May 2, 2011
  16. KH ~ Heart
    Profile Post

    lol. Anyway what up.

    lol. Anyway what up.
    Profile Post by KH ~ Heart for ShibuyaGato, May 2, 2011
  17. KH ~ Heart
  18. KH ~ Heart
  19. KH ~ Heart
  20. KH ~ Heart
    Lol Love the username :D
    Profile Post by KH ~ Heart for ShibuyaGato, Apr 30, 2011